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Davy Jones

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About Davy Jones

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Davy Jones

    What gear do you rock?

    Three man sniper team (sometimes four), 2 snipers and 1(2) spotter, all guillied. Sniper 1 (me): DMR with AS50 as backup; M9SD; NVG; Binoculars | Range Finder Sniper 2: DMR with M4A1 CCO SD as backup; M9SD; NVG; Binoculars | Range Finder Spotter 1: M4A1 CCO SD with L85A2 AWS for thermal scouting; M9SD; NVG; Range Finder | Binoculars (Spotter 2: Mainly M4A1 CCO SD with backpack slots to spare; M1911; NVG; Binoculars) And of course all the ursual supplies and gadgets, such as food, drinks, bandages, painkillers, GPS, etc. Why DMR's? Simple, they are night friendly which happens to be the time we mainly roam the land. For daytime escapades, the AS50 comes in handy, as we usually go for those 800+ meter killshots. Sniper 2 and Spotter 1 also acts as small strike team for supply runs and CQB if necessary. We've been quite successful so far due to our squad mentality, dicipline and strict rules. Happy Hunting! [EDIT: Corrected spelling mishap]