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Posts posted by -Se7eN-

  1. again, nobody in this community helps.


    Is that really a fair comment? people where just asking questions as to why you would take the course of action stated above, also as far as im aware making a kick on BIS_Airdistruction wont stop skiddies nuking a server.


    If anything it will just annoy your player base, Origins had this problem for awhile and it annoyed there player base like hell.

  2. You can actually get the Huey from Skalisty Island where it spawns over to Kamyshovo docks on one Jerrycan. It's proven, it's part of our pilottrainings and it works really well. Now - the distance from where it spawns is 1.2 km and from Black Mountain to NEAF refuel it's about 2km. So you will make it on 2 jerry's easy.


    10L actually, when i setup that mission i think i had it at something silly like 8-12L xD

    • Like 1

  3. it could be done but its just not dayz...


    if you always respawned with your backpack, guns and such, there is no challenge, you spawn on the coast with an arsenal, the point of dayz is living through the harsh conditions of chernarus, finding weapons to keep you and your crew safe, and items to live.


    if people spawn with there gear, people would get very bored very fast.

    • Like 3

  4. add magazine cargo i assume is what the admin is referring too.


    Dayzmod.com do not own any dayz servers, so either put the name of the server you was playing on in your title so the admin may see it if he visits the forum, or find out if the server you was playing on has a teamspeak / website and try to contact the admin like that.


    that is  your best bet =)

  5. ive heard of this issue before but ive forgotten the direct fix *Note to self, note fixes down*


    just go through ye old regular trouble shooting list.


    • Make sure your beta patch is up to date with the latest version in DZ Commander.
    • Try re-installing the mod you are playing.
    • Sit in the main lobby intil it says "Battleye initialized" 


    if you have tried these and still getting the same issue let me know.


    Also is it just on that server? have you tried others?

  6. zombies coming at you in huge numbers and being able to fortify yourself is something that will come to the game i suspect in SA.


    as much as your going to get hate for saying "cod" i actually do know what you mean, i think what hes saying is wouldn't dayz be good if it had more fluent zombie mechanics, shooting zombies in cod is rewarding, in dayz its just more of a nuisance. 


    i do hope that as dayz develops in SA that zombies become one of the main focuses of development, and i hope they manage to sort out the client issue of zombies clipping through player built objects, because being able to lock yourself down in a town would be fun.


    so in essence i get what your trying to say (atleast i hope i do).

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