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Everything posted by -Se7eN-

  1. theres your problem right there.
  2. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10011-do-not-post-your-global-ban-appeals/
  3. there are many ways, check your creatvehicle log, best way to defend is to stop them getting into the server tho. i like this method. http://www.dayzcc.tk/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=3253
  4. i prefer using the gunner personally, but this works too.
  5. -Se7eN-

    PKM mag found at heli crash site

    neat ay? this new patch just seems to be full of weird and wonderful surprises, hero's falling from the sky as they spawn in being my favorite ....
  6. im glad they made the bandit skin look poor tho, the only incentive to be a hero right now is that you run faster and look cool.
  7. -Se7eN-

    PKM mag found at heli crash site

    this baffled me too, then it hit me, it refills the ammo on the Russian MI-17 Helicopter, as its gunners are PKM/PKR's. it isn't actually used for a weapon you can carry around with you, just the mounted guns on that heli. EDIT: also if you didnt know, to refill the mags on the heli's gun, just put the mag in your inventory, sit in the heli and you should get a scroll wheel option like "add 100rnd pkm/add 100rnd M240".
  8. -Se7eN-

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 JonathanL quick and easy trade.
  9. trade complete, he was friendly and patient, will vouch for you on the traders list.
  10. -Se7eN-

    Battle eye Global Ban #cda6cc

    you can rebuy the game using a different steam, how ever dont bother if your guna make the same mistake again.
  11. sounds good to me, ill take the m14 if you dont mind, got teamspeak? if so head to this address: ts.dayzmedics.com
  12. More than welcome. also if you wana see more of what the trusted medics are about, click the link in my sig.
  13. any way... if you want some people to play with feel free to hop on the Trusted Medics teamspeak, i myself will be there as will the boys and girls from TMW, were strictly non bandit but we do have alot of fun and get up to alot of shenanigans. teamspeak address: ts.dayzmedics.com
  14. ^That. if the issue persists, pm me and ill see if i can help.
  15. afraid not, all they will do is kill the servers popularity and player base.
  16. -Se7eN-

    Looking for a Code writer!

    Would the solider skin and rocket skin do?
  17. Your ban has been lifted, please follow the rules of the Teamspeak or your ban will be re permitted.
  18. -Se7eN-

    LF Partner

    if you dont get much look i would recommend either the Trusted medics of the wasteland, a "medicing" group that goes around chernarus helping people and generally having a good laugh, or balotabuddies,a strong and well organized dayz community. medics ts: ts.dayzmedics.com
  19. -Se7eN-

    Heli crash sites in the glorious Chernarus

    i tend to see a fair few up by the SUV/Motorbike Spawn in Novy Lug, (West of the NE Airfield.) Its basically just a big flat field, so if there are crashes there you will spot them easy.
  20. -Se7eN-

    Need assistance in Novy Sobor

    Do you still need help man?
  21. -Se7eN-

    Public Chernarus servers. wtf.

    unfortunately the main hive is pretty dead right now, which makes life as a medic pretty boring.
  22. -Se7eN-

    zombies need to be more realistic

    its an alpha, may people cry about zombies, remember all the zombies are is reskinned civi's from arma 2
  23. -Se7eN-

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    rocket isnt developing the mod... its the community dev team.
  24. -Se7eN-

    Hunted By Four Hueys

    cool, what server is this? i love myself some NPC's, also not trying to be a dick just an fyi, there Venoms not Hueys ;)