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Everything posted by -Se7eN-

  1. -Se7eN-

    The Reddit Rescue Force

    Agreed with Herrjon. Don't give them the window to do hurt, they wont do hurt.
  2. -Se7eN-

    Hoarding vehicles

    hackers. they move it. generally if something really odd has happened, like a bus with no wheels moving, its either a hacker has om nom nomed it, or a bug with dayz/server has occurred.
  3. that. id link you to a key changer but that is most likely against this sites rules.
  4. hes in my clan ;) not to worry
  5. u found my tent :o
  6. sure thing! and i dont have much to trade for em but sure!
  7. sure! were are u located in game?
  8. AS50, G36A, Ghillie/Camo, Toolbelt Items + Headgear, Coyote Backpack =). m14 and dmr too i belive.
  9. -Se7eN-

    [LF] Satchel Charge [WT] ANYTHING

    I have a large stock of supplies, as50's, coyotes, nvgs, rangfinders, gps, g36a's, m107's name your price, i will tade either: 2 weapons with ammo for a satchel Charge, Or weapon, backpack, 3 toolbelt items. Name your price!
  10. -Se7eN-

    [SA] PVE mode

    PvE only kills the ethos of DayZ
  11. -Se7eN-

    I need a Tent

    ill trade u a tent for a ghillie :)
  12. -Se7eN-

    More suits? Why not? [Dayz Mod]

    some of them have some issues, like the medics have the ability to heal broken legs without morphine, and cannot pickup backpacks.
  13. -Se7eN-

    Tent packing

    i hate the, "Yes i packed my tent!" "oh fuck its under a tree, and that branch is in the way."
  14. -Se7eN-

    Traders and Traitors List

    ty <3
  15. -Se7eN-

    Traders and Traitors List

    +1 Lt.Ehsan, was quick, friendly, and even gave me some free stuff!
  16. -Se7eN-

    [LF] Satchel Charge [WT] ANYTHING

    unfortunately the l85 died =(
  17. -Se7eN-

    [LF] Satchel Charge [WT] ANYTHING

    i can get you a cco sd :)
  18. -Se7eN-

    Can't update ArmA 2, Arma 2: OA

    you are running arma 2 oa yeah? not regular arma 2?
  19. -Se7eN-

    Cant join server/bad version

    linkage: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/27604-dayz-commander-downloadupdate-dayz-join-servers-save-favorites-find-friends-unofficial-six-alternative/
  20. -Se7eN-

    Cant join server/bad version

    use dayzcommander, you can install the lastest dayz version and beta patch from there
  21. nuuuuuu! i must has it!
  22. -Se7eN-

    Small clan expanding

    put more info bud, i have no idea if your hero, bandit, PvE, gimme teh infos!