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Everything posted by -Se7eN-

  1. Come to the server im on Fr 384, meet me in the hospital and ill patch you up. ill be around the northen hospital in cherno. Do note im only going to stay here for 10 mins from now.
  2. If the no cd key server is on the official hive then yes your gear will carry across, ill raise the ping limit on the server so it wont kick you.
  3. You do have a legitimate cd key though right? as we will get you to come to our server which has a high ping kick limit.
  4. Hello there, jump on our teamspeak and we will help you out asap. ts.tmwdayz.com
  5. Glad the rambling that was going on didnt bother you! pop by next time you need fixing up <3
  6. -Se7eN-

    Infection system overhaul

    At least thats proper banditry, And not just "imma kill you coz i can :D"
  7. -Se7eN-

    Looking for Clan/Group

    I have to ask, any idea what you got banned for?
  8. -Se7eN-

    Infection system overhaul

    Isnt that the point of a zombie game like DayZ? Contrary to popular belief, DayZ wasn't designed to be a PvP only game, zombies simply were not deadly enough, now this buff to zeds has added more balance between PvP and PvE.
  9. -Se7eN-

    How do I update my battle eye?

    Thats your beta patch, not battleye. Go to steam and install "Arma 2 Beta Patch" then go to commander and make sure your beta patch there is up to date, then in the settings of dayz commander there is two options that you need to tick that allow commander to work with steam, tick both of those and your game should be up to date. PM if you have any issues.
  10. Eh, self bloodbag breaks my heart. regardless good luck with your server ! =)
  11. Sigh. Fine i guess i have too. i hope your happy internet. Im sorry but this post is very generalized, hence the gif.
  12. Om nom nom look at dem standalones.
  13. http://mustygaming.com/Forum/ Really nice group of people, friendly staff and very well managed servers with a fair few people playing a variety of games. go check em out =)
  14. -Se7eN-

    Random events

    i remember ages ago when talking to matt lightfoot he said a roaming horde thing is something they were looking at, like a large group of zombies going town too town.
  15. -Se7eN-

    DayZ zombies running inside

    If im not wrong if they aggro while outside, it might cause the zeds to run for a short amount of time inside, because there still doing on outdoor aggro command.
  16. -Se7eN-

    Applying Hero Skin in 1.7.7,1

    Not quite. Humanity works differently now. i believe it adds something like 25 humanity for 1k blood? i might be wrong but thats whats ive been seeing in my server logs. I might be wrong on how much it gives, but i know its dependent on the amount of blood given. (Measure to stop Humanity Farming)
  17. Id recommend these guys. http://mustygaming.com/wp/ im friends with some of the admins there, really good community, good servers with active admins.
  18. -Se7eN-

    i cant install dayz commander

    Probably an anti virus blocking you. Make sure malwarebytes is not blocking the install, also make sure you have net framework 4.5 if the first solution dosent work. http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=30653
  19. Erm what? I think what you thought that was going to come out like wasnt what you posted.
  20. You will have been banned for a reason. either that be you hacked or your key was stolen.
  21. -Se7eN-

    Servers with JSRS soundpack

    Yes you can. Just gotta edit some of the things in your server files. Pm me about it and ill sort it out for you later, bit busy atm.
  22. My end game past time is healing people. i also like gathering me some cars and having a huge collection of tents though.
  23. -Se7eN-

    Understanding The Ping

    Some times you will get some pretty nasty ping spikes which causes the kicks, make sure you close dayz commander once your in game, as it does run in the background while you play, and other things like spotify and google chrome and what not, also you can always ask what the ping kick is for that server, the admins set it so they should know.