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Posts posted by kisoniukas

  1. I'm looking for some players to make a team, we will choose a server, gear up, get some transport, build a base etc. If you want to join in, here's the rules:

    #1. I don't invite noobs, like if you're not expierenced in the game, don't even post. You must know where you are at any time, you're able to navigate without a map, you must know where to find guns, etc.

    #2. I want to talk on either skype or teamspeak, so leave your skype down below, or PM me it, your choice.

    #3. Please please please, if you're willing to play like for today, or if you will be online like 2 hours a day, don't post too, if you're willing to play for 5+ hours a day then im interested in you.

    I think that's about it, if you want, add me on skype: kisoniukas20

    Or steam: kisoniukaz

    Timezone: GMT+2
