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Everything posted by kisoniukas

  1. I'm looking for 1-2 people to play dayz standalone with. I'm 15, very friendly and tolerant guy. I have a lot of expierience with dayz, i've played the mod since it came out. I'm currently at Vybor, but we could meet up anywhere else. My skype is: kisoniukas20
  2. I'm 21 years old, looking for a mature partner / mature group to play with, i have a mic, i can speak on ts or skype ( i can download ur program if needed ) i have every single map, I don't mind playing on any map, but I prefer chernarus and lingor. I'm in europe and I'm looking for people from europe ( because of the time difference between us and europe ) , so if you want to team up just add me on steam or skype. Steam: kisoniukas Skype: kisoniukas20
  3. Topic says it all, what i got to offer: - NVG's - M249 with 4 mags - SVD Camo mags (10) NOT A GUN - Rangefinders - M4A1 SD with 4 mags - 2 GPS Skype: kisoniukas20
  4. Title says it all, post your skype and offer down below.
  5. I did get your shit :) . The only question now is, umadbro?
  6. I think you posted on the wrong thread lol.
  7. kisoniukas

    Trading for an M4A1 CCO SD

    Ill take your as50, although my m4a1 sd has only 2 mags, is that fine for you? skype: kisoniukas20 steam: kisoniukaz
  8. kisoniukas

    Trading for SVD/M24 , M9 SD + Possible others

    I have a spare ghillie, m24 with 6 mags and m9 silenced with 5 mags. Skype: kisoniukas20
  9. kisoniukas

    Looking for a Team.

    Skype: kisoniukas20
  10. kisoniukas

    Looking for a l85, as50, ghillie suit.

    Its not a gun lol. Leave ur skype. Its not a gun. Leave skype if u need anything else. Ok, how many mags u got? Leave skype.
  11. kisoniukas

    Looking for a l85, as50, ghillie suit.

    Offer. Also leave your skype or add me on skype :)
  12. I'm selling svd camo mags, got 10. Post your skype and offer below.
  13. kisoniukas

    Trading M4A1 SD for Bizon PP-19 SD

    Lol, i can give you one for ur offer O.o Skype: kisoniukas20
  14. kisoniukas

    looking for someone to play with

    I can team up with you, but i will only team up if you can speak on skype. skype: kisoniukas20
  15. Title says it all. I got everything (nvgs,ghillie suits, satchel charges, some guns) Add me on skype: kisoniukas20 or steam: kisoniukaz
  16. kisoniukas

    Need AS50/m107, L85, Satchel Charge

    I got l85 and the satchel charge. skype: kisoniukas20
  17. I have a simple car, its all green, and has 2 jerry cans left, its without fuel atm. skype: kisoniukas20 steam: kisoniukaz
  18. Title says it all, i have ghillie suit, nvgs and a m4a1 with 5 mags, you can choose what you want. skype:kisoniukas20
  19. I'm looking for some players to make a team, we will choose a server, gear up, get some transport, build a base etc. If you want to join in, here's the rules: #1. I don't invite noobs, like if you're not expierenced in the game, don't even post. You must know where you are at any time, you're able to navigate without a map, you must know where to find guns, etc. #2. I want to talk on either skype or teamspeak, so leave your skype down below, or PM me it, your choice. #3. Please please please, if you're willing to play like for today, or if you will be online like 2 hours a day, don't post too, if you're willing to play for 5+ hours a day then im interested in you. I think that's about it, if you want, add me on skype: kisoniukas20 Or steam: kisoniukaz Timezone: GMT+2
  20. kisoniukas

    Looking to start up a base.

    Add me on skype: kisoniukas20 I have some useful stuff, im expierenced in this game, and looking for teammates just like you.
  21. Both added, still need some more.
  22. skype: kisoniukas20 I speak english, my timezone is gmt+2