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About Gnome_sayin

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  1. Gnome_sayin

    I'm a sniper. I got a dilema

    I'd also keep the acog and L85 and ditch the CZ. My dilemma is with the M1A4 CCO SD, L85 and DMR.. lol I'm currently running with all 3 :P
  2. Gnome_sayin

    im about to commit zed suicide.

    I do NOT drop my pack when I switch from camo to ghillie.. I just switch it. I have yet to have an issue with losing anything.
  3. Gnome_sayin

    You have one.. I want one! SVD Camo...

    A big thanks to Holygoalie10!! Thanks for the successful trade.. stand up guy! Friendly and helpful as well. Would def trade with him again.
  4. I'd like to trade for a SVD Camo.. (also looking for a DMR) I have the following: NVG GPS Rangefinder M4A1 CCO SD L85 AS50 Satchel Charges PM me if interested (I'm on the positive traders list)
  5. Gnome_sayin

    WTT NVG's,Ghillie,? for GPS/.50cal

    I vouch for TravisT3.. He is a buddy of mine and this is NOT a trap. I had a successful trade yesterday.. we're legit. See post on trader's thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/61113-traders-and-traitors-the-unofficial-traders-list/page__st__200 See http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79485-looking-for-higher-tier-weapontrade/#entry751442
  6. Gnome_sayin

    Looking for an M9 SD, name your price

    Just found an M9SD in a tent tonight with 5 clips.. I have one already so don't need it. I would like a M4A1CCO SD. Also looking for an AS50.
  7. Gnome_sayin

    Looking for higher tier weapon.Trade

    Thanks for the great trade.. L85 for your NVGs. stand up guy! :)
  8. Gnome_sayin

    Traders and Traitors

    Just completed a great trade with "Man vs Wild" trade thread here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79485-looking-for-higher-tier-weapontrade/#entry751442 Very polite and as this was my first trade, he let me define the terms. I had an overwatch and he was alone. It went perfectly. Thanks Bro! :)
  9. Gnome_sayin

    Trade: AS50 w/5 Nato rounds

    If this falls through for any reason.. I'd be happy to trade my L85 for an AS50.
  10. Gnome_sayin

    Ghillie for trade.. SVD Camo or NVG

    Any other takers?
  11. Gnome_sayin

    Ghillie for trade.. SVD Camo or NVG

    If that was directed at me.. I was agreeing that NVG may be more "common" than the SVD.
  12. Gnome_sayin

    Ghillie for trade.. SVD Camo or NVG

    C'mon.. no teasing! :P I would trade a L85 for it also.. I want it!
  13. Gnome_sayin

    Ghillie for trade.. SVD Camo or NVG

    Yes.. yes I do. I want a SVD As its the item I haven't had yet.. But since NVG is more common, it may be easier to trade for.
  14. Subject says it all.. looking for SVD cammo or NVG. Please PM me. And no.. this not a setup.. I'm willing to provide a screenshot of the ghillie in my inventory. I'm open for options on how to handle the trade.. I want it to succeed!
  15. Gnome_sayin

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    OK.. I like sniping and have had fun with the .50 cals.. however I think the OP has a point. I sat here thinking about how much different the game would be if they were gone.. and the other sniper rifles as well. I believe the game would change dramatically! The suspense would increase as more people would enter the cities because of less fear of getting sniped. You'd see far more up close encounters, which I think would be fun as hell.. .50s needed for taking out vehicles? That's laughable! You mean the vehicles that are hoarded and parked off map? The vehicles I NEVER see?? Lol I think it would be a good experiment.. to take them out for a while and see what happens.