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Everything posted by DanTheBadMan

  1. DanTheBadMan

    [SD] Recruitment Thread

    Dayz Name: renewable How long have you played dayz: 4 months (more or less) Time Zone: GMT+0 Will you stay loyal to the group?: Of course What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping): Short range sniping (DMR or even CZ, not the 50cals so much) Age: 16
  2. Last night, unarmed and on low blood from a firefight, I took to one of the highest buildings in cherno looking for the bodies of dead snipers. As I climbed up the ladder I saw a man in a ghillie suit lying on the roof. The best I could hope for was that he had a spare weapon in his backpack... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfwKDWuomuA
  3. The server is a private hive server it doesn't have a country and a number to identify, you will find it by typing EvilFuckers into the server. At 23:37 GMT+0 My friend was killed ontop of elektro outer firestation while i was inside, so i was running round looking for the killer, then i saw a bleeding guy running around and his nametag, which was MrMBarbedWire, he shot me then i saw in side chat that he had been teleporting round shooting everyone else. He then went round teleporting everyone who respawned to a little space in the woods full of vehicles which he continued to spawn in, and soon after left the server. I just hopped on a motorbike and drove as far away as i could then logged out.
  4. I logged in and lost control of my player, displayed an egg timer for about 10 seconds but then disappeared and now im just lying here unable to move been here for about 15 minutes, I'm on RU 2 but could move to any server please can somebody just do me a favor and come and kill me? thanks
  5. DanTheBadMan

    Please can somebody come kill me near solnichny

    sorry, i posted that a zombie got me a few hours ago but er... i think my internet went down or something case it didnt post but i thoght it did, i had crap all anyway, crossbow and m911
  6. So I was on a server about 15 mintes ago, UK 5 maybe? Just chilling round elektro loking for an AK or something, at the time I had a lee enfield and a revolver. On the middle floor of the office/school thing I came across a guy just standing still. He had bandit skin, so I shot him with my enfield (think he might have been logging in), looted his body and found the best gear I had ever laid eyes on. M4A1 CCO & AS50 in his coyote backpack, NVGs, Rangefinder, GPS. Quickly picked up all his stuff and ran the fuck out of elektro at full pelt. mayve not the wisest thing to do actually. It just leads me to think, what wold a legit player with that kind of gear be doing logging in on a very high pop server in the middle of elektro. He must have been a hacker, right?
  7. Need assistance, please help EDIT: doesnt matter
  8. DanTheBadMan

    Did I just kill a hacker or a legit player?

    Alright, thanks. It's just that I've never even seen gear like this and I dont wanna leave of trail of servers behind me that I'm banned from...
  9. Hey I'm from manchester, add me on steam copious amounts of butter, I have some pretty good gear ATM
  10. DanTheBadMan

    anyone wanna team up

    copious amounts of butter on steam
  11. DanTheBadMan

    anyone wanna team up

    Yeh okay
  12. Hey, so this is probably more of a problem with combined ops but hey. I installed dayz a while ago and I've been playing happily ever since, But recently I re-installed windows... And thats where the trouble started, because I installed Combined operations onto my external hard drive I thought it should be okay after the reset without re-installing, but I'm wrong. after i launch dayz through six updater now i get 'Addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA_Missions_BAF_2', so i press okay and carry on then later i get 'Bad serial number given in setup'. I've had a look round but cant find anyone with such a specific problem Extra info: x64 windows 7, I did make a backup of program files, program filesx86, program data and my user directory which are all on my external hard drive now if that helps, Thanks
  13. DanTheBadMan

    New errors with dayz after re-installing windows

    Re-installing ARMA even thogh it took about 3 days last time :/
  14. DanTheBadMan

    Need A blood Transfusion in Elektro BAD!

    I can't find it, I looked back till 10:13 yesterday, an I know that I posted on it after that time, perhaps it has expired or for some reason deleted?
  15. DanTheBadMan

    Need A blood Transfusion in Elektro BAD!

    Me either, thats why I need a transfusion :/
  16. DanTheBadMan

    Need A blood Transfusion in Elektro BAD!

    Well If I was a bandit I would just camp on a high populated server. If you are not willing I will post on the medic thread, want me to mention that you are in elektro too?
  17. DanTheBadMan

    Need A blood Transfusion in Elektro BAD!

    noo please I need help and I can help you.. I sent you a PM
  18. DanTheBadMan

    Need A blood Transfusion in Elektro BAD!

    Ok, are you near the hospital?
  19. DanTheBadMan

    Need A blood Transfusion in Elektro BAD!

    I'm not a medic but I also need a transfusion in elektro, ill give you one if you give me one? I swear not to kill you I aint a bandit...
  20. DanTheBadMan


    Ok, lets make it more realistic, lets take out 3rd person mode, lets make it so broken legs dont heal after morphine, lets make the only loot coke cans and trash (because people dont leave guns lying around in supermarkets) etc etc
  21. So when I'm playing on my own i like to join servers with around 10 people on, I like to stay out of trouble. I have tried about 20 servers in the last hour and all get stuck on loading apart from 2, which had like 40+ players on. I do have the latest dayz I updated last night and I just updated ARMA to 1.62 still didnt fix it :(
  22. DanTheBadMan

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Kill yourself. These people are some of the only nice people in DayZ. They just give up their time to run around and save your ass. If they said no it was probably because they were busy with another patient. And don't pretend you can >greentext around here, cause you can't.
  23. DanTheBadMan

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    thanks just got a blood transfusion from sya and Ben in Stary, thank you so much!
  24. DanTheBadMan

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In need of a blood transfusion at Stary sobor - not bleeding and I do have a blood bag. Thanks. If I get no response I'll repost tonight
  25. DanTheBadMan

    Looking for team/group

    UNSIGNED_INTEGER and I'm about to go on now. EDIT: Changed my name today and forgot, the above is my curent one