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Everything posted by DanTheBadMan

  1. DanTheBadMan

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Bleeding to death on the hill east of the fire station / powerplant at elektro. Not logged in at the moment. Please help?
  2. DanTheBadMan

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In a bad way in elektro, I need morphine and blood. I also have that virus thing but I'm not too fussed about that. I'm in the pub next to the supermarket, thanks.
  3. DanTheBadMan

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Posted10 minutes ago but ill post again cause i'm running out of food & water. I'm in one of the deer stands in the army camp thing south of the balota airstrip. I really need morphine and a blood transfusion - thanks.
  4. DanTheBadMan

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I got assistance yesterday, and I feel like I may be asking a little much here, but anyway I'm in one of the deer stands south of balota airstrip, where the medical tents are lined up. I have a broken leg and I am badly in need of a blood transfusion, would anyone be willing to help? I dont have much in terms of compensation, but I have a shotgun and a few rounds I found up here. Thanks, so much.
  5. I'm going to be online for the next couple of hours and I'm looking for 1 or 2 guys to meet up with. I'm interested in going up north, maybe to the NW airfield cause I've never been up that way. I have but two conditions: You must be armed You must follow these principles with PVP: If we see a bandit, we shoot him, if we see a survivor, we only shoot if he shoots first I will play on any regular or veteran server, let me know if you are interested :D
  6. DanTheBadMan

    Looking for a couple of survivors to meet with

    They have different clothes...
  7. DanTheBadMan

    Looking for a couple of survivors to meet with

    Whats your steam name?
  8. DanTheBadMan

    Looking for a couple of survivors to meet with

    Yeh but no cam/mic. Add me on steam, renewable69
  9. DanTheBadMan

    Looking for a couple of survivors to meet with

    I'm from the UK too, Manchester infact. I dont mind which server, how about US 828?
  10. DanTheBadMan

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Phayzon helped me out yet again, after a guy he was helping started shooting at me, he sniped him and gave me a blood transfusion
  11. DanTheBadMan

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thank you to @Phayzon He was on his was to me to give a blood transfusion on a server with only 3 or 4 people, when I was killed by a bandit, He made it there and avenged me (kind of) and I managed to get all my stuff back.
  12. DanTheBadMan

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello I am in elektro supermarket and am on 3K blood I just need a transfusion, I do have a blood pack and will also pay you for it, I do have some pretty useful loot. Thanks.