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Everything posted by Dubstar

  1. Dubstar

    Blood Stained Axe Murderer???

    I wanted a serious answer. And an easter egg can be what ever the developer wants them to be, they aren't all like a CoD where you must find them.
  2. Dubstar

    Saving help?

    Ok well at the moment my electric company is limiting my usage to just over a kW blah blah.. So when i exceed my limit everything cuts off for a minute or 2 then its back, So when everything turns off does Day Z save where I was standing or does it revert to where i was when i joined? I just want to know if I get teleported back and lose my progress etc
  3. Dubstar

    Saving help?

    We have a new electric meter put on our house and until the wiring and fittings are inspected and confirmed by an electrician we cant exceed 1kW. Safety first i suppose, but we have been here for over 4 years and no problems so i just don't understand why they are making more problems for us to sort out.