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About Tyler_Sharp

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Can dogs (when the patch is out) get into cars? If NOT then this would prove to be a big problem. But i think the devs would not have missed this.
  2. Then this is a good idea for a way to feed your dog XD
  3. Means of getting the rabbit: Cage (simple) Bate: Carrot (found somewhere) NOW GIVE ME MY RABBIT SO I CAN SCROLL WHEEL THE "PET BUNNY" OPTION 24/7
  4. Remove Ladder Drop Down Option!?!? Tell me 1 use of ladder drop down besides killing yourself :D I died with my first player because i was thinking drop down was slide down *facepalm* Challenge: Please tell me 1 use for jumping off a ladder besides trying to do the leap of faith off AC3 ^_^
  5. Tyler_Sharp

    Bulletproof Glass?

    I was on Day Z today and as i crossed a road a guy in a car comes down the road and almost hits me :D i watch him to see him drive off but that does not happen...in stead he turns around and comes at me again. So (like the boss i am :D) no-scope in panic, get a headshot thought the window and i now have a car and some other ok stuff. NOW..."Bulletproof Glass?" Good or bad? 1# Rare industrial spawn. 2# Stop bullets from going thought the windows BUT does NOT stop wheels from being blow or car blowing up. Please comment and add to my idea.
  6. Tyler_Sharp

    Looking for people to chill and game 15+

    IGN: Tyler S Age: 15 Loc: UK/GB Player loc: Novy Sobor Skype: tyler.sharp27 I have a mate i play with already but im sure he will wanna join too. :D
  7. Tyler_Sharp

    Trading a Motorcycle.

    AS50 + 5 clips and Guille?
  8. Tyler_Sharp

    Looking for people to play with!

    I would love to join and im sure my mate would too. Me and my mate cant go on till tomorrow so ill tell my mate at somepoint. Im 15 and im guessing you are too buecause of you asking for players that are 14 to 16 years of age. We are in Novy Sobor
  9. The old chat used to work thought the whole map but now it sucks. Just felt like posting. Feel free to hate :P
  10. Tyler_Sharp

    Looking for a group/partner(s)

    Im 15 with FN Fal and would be more then happy to join. UK/GB whats your skype?
  11. Tyler_Sharp

    looking to form a group.

    Hey im 15 i like the idea of sniper but im am not sure if i would be the best because i do not have a range finder. My player has a FN Fal at this moment in time so sniper is not an option till i get one. I have a small amout of medical items that would only be able to help 1-2 player max so medic is not for me. Steam: amazing_tyler_s Location:UK/GB Player Location: Between Cherno and Electro Playing times: Because of my age 4pm - 11pm is normal (because of the 6 weeks holiday i can go on all day untill the 1st of September)
  12. Tyler_Sharp

    Join Our DayZ Group

    IGN: Tyler S Age: 15 Location: UK/GB