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About Charliechaos

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  1. Charliechaos

    My first murder

    I sat in the church having a bite to eat when I heard gun shots. I pulled out my pistol and took cover when a man ran into the church followed by a line of zombies. He took cover and killed the zombies but was injured in the fight bleeding all over the church floor. Could this have been the man who killed the survivors at the market? Not taking anymore time to think I put him out of his misery. What have I done! I quickly took his ak and g17 and the little food he had and decided it was time to leave the city. As I left the church another survivor came running in guns blazing. I took cover nearby only to see him run by me me a few zombies on his tail. I took aim and mowed him down along with the zombie who was chasing him. I took off to the woods and standing on the hill and looking back I could see a swarm of zombies feasting on what was left. For the first time in a long time I feel something other then fear I feel alive! Seriously though I can kind of understand the thrill of murdering people there is that feeling after you kill them like a little kid on Xmas day anxious to see what goodies await :P
  2. Official Black Hand Gaming Dayz server. Join us at www.BlackHandGaming.com we are recruiting for other games as well join the community! Side note also looking for minecraft builders and admins for new server and guild members for Guildwars 2
  3. I am stuck in water cant move need my char killed how do I go about that
  4. Charliechaos

    New admin issues

    I just setup a server and it says it is in "briefing" instead of playing. I also updated battle eye but it says my protection is bad. Also when I try to log in I am stuck at the loading screen which I thought might be due to the server being in briefing and not playing. I read through the new admin post but found no info. The server is US 2245
  5. Charliechaos

    Any point in not being murderer?

    I killed one person who didn't shoot at me first but I watched him shoot someone an chase a second guy into a building. I snuck out and shot him in the head told the guy inside the house he was safe and I was friendly but kept my distance. He tried to kill me with an axe so I shot him. I find fun in the game by being stealthy trying to avoid people and move undetected. Anyone I do run into I keep my distance and have the mindset that they could turn in me. It has kept me alive and out of trouble sure there were a few close calls interacting with someone but that's part of the fun. I have run into friendly people who have run into a town with me to get supplies and when we get back to the tree line we say good luck and part ways and I have had the same situation where they shoot me in the face.
  6. Charliechaos

    Any point in not being murderer?

    Edited: double post
  7. Charliechaos

    Being bandit = easy difficulty gaming

    I just spawn run into town figuring i have nothing to lose andI see 2 people run by the building I am in. As they are running I hear gun fire and see one of them die as the second one takes cover in the building next-door. As he takes cover I see someone running to the building and think this is my chance to get away and the idea pops into mt head to help! I sneak out and use the handgun I had found to take him down. I signal and let the guy inside the building know that I had killed then guy chasing him and he was safe. I keep my distance and he comes running out and starts running to me with axe drawn and blocks a few of the shots I fired at him with his face. This doesn't mean I will never help anyone again but if I feel the least bit of danger I will shoot them. Yes it is a difficult choice to decide to trust someone depending on what kind of gear you have. As your gear gets better the paranoia levels get higher. I don't think being a KOS bandit or a survivor changes difficulty levels in the game allvit chances is the difficulty of choices you have. You can be the survivor who keeps respawning because they got (insert reason here) or a survivor who will run to help someone who needs a medic. You can decide to be a lone wolf who decided everyone is KoS or the team that goes into an area to loot and clears NPC and player threats alike to accomplish whatever mission it is you sent out. In the end we are all trying to survive.
  8. What makes someone a true bandit or a true survivor? So far my experience has been mixed and looking back I don't know if I can be mad at the people who killed me. Yes the people that go looking for targets to kill could be considered evil or bad but when I think about it the game is about surviving. How many times do you hear a story about how someone was backstabbed or told "friendly" only to find out that is not the case. Can you really blame those that fire first and ask questions later? How do they know you really are friendly? The reason I think of this is a situation that happen to me the other day. I just respawned outside of elektro and decided I had nothing to lose and ran into the town. In searching a few buildings I found a crossbow and some bolts and a hatchet. I decided to find an upgraded backpack, food, and water and in my search came across a mak and some ammo now as I was looting I watched 2 other people run past and as they were running past I heard gunfire and watched one of them die while the other took cover in a nearby building. Shortly after a 3rd person who I could only assume was the shooter started sneaking up to the building. I decided to help survivor who just had his friend killed in the streets! Taking aim I was able to get a headshot as the killer was waiting outside one of the doors. With the murder dead I told my hopefully new friend "I got him come get your friends stuff" the next thing I know is my would be new friend comes out swinging a hatchet at me! My first instinct was to unload my clip into this Jason wannabe which I did. Deciding that I could make better use of their items then they could I collected what I needed and took off into the woods. Looking back I can't say I blame anyone for the shot first ask questions later mentality. As your gear gets better your paranoia level goes up not wanting to die. At the end of the day we are all survivors....
  9. I was thinking of getting a server but when the game goes stand alone what will happen to the servers now will they convert over or be useless?
  10. I find half the fun is being a ninja and trying to stay hidden. So far the 2 best moments I have had is a bandit shooting and missing me. I ran into a building and out the back taking cover in a outhouse. I heard and through one of the cracks watched him run by me. I opened the door and unloaded a clip into the bandit who then blocked most of the shots with his face :P Second was someone swinging an axe at me and running into a building only to have them run by me and for me to land a killing headshot.
  11. Charliechaos

    So can this not be played alone?

    Here is my experience and what has seemed to work pretty well for me. First login: I ran into the one of the big towns (first login had no idea where I was) I ran around town like a child who was just given the keys to Toys R Us and was told anything you can carry out is free. I stumbled across a large backpack and started filling it with pasta and soda when out of no where I see someone else run into the building with me. Another survivor human contact in the excitement I say Hey I'm friendly how's it going? I guess I startled the person because they took out an axe and ran to me! Fearing for my life I took aim and unloaded the clip and from what I could tell he stopped the bullets with his face. I check his body and find a map and some supplies and take off to continue my shopping spree. I find a military building and a camp outfit and an Akm I think I am the luckiest person in the world and decide to climb on the rooftop and shout it out!( not really but I thought there might be more goodies) as I get on the roof I see a dead body as I go to check the body and hear gunshots and next thing I know my first hour came to an end. What I usually do is when I first start off is take a run through the town get some basics and take off up north for smaller towns.
  12. I have been playing dayz for a few weeks alone to get use to the game and I am comfortable enough where i am going to find a server to call home and I want to get a team gear up and head north. I just recently died went low on blood and couldn't find anyone to do a transfusion and feel now is the time to find a team. I will consider joining a team as long as they understand I am going to need to hit up town to get equipped. Starting a team the reason I am saying poorly equipped is so we can start working as a team from the start. If someone with equipment wants to group up that's fine as well. My Skype is chaos.charlie I have a ventrilo server we can use for communication feel free to MSG me here or Skype. Thanks, Charle Chaos