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Everything posted by Xike

  1. Hi. I'm willing to trade my 3 AS50 NATO mags for some of your stuff. Offer below. I'm in Kamenka atm.
  2. another one bumps the dust
  3. can trade u 3 nato mags for the as50, for your L85 or a ghillie
  4. Hello. There is a guy on FR179 called "baker" who I think is cheating. He is standing on the shoreline of Kamenka, and is turning 360 degrees every few seconds. He has an AS50 with 5 NATO mags.(possibly spawned, he only has a starter pack) I unfortunenately did not have a weapon, so I couldn't kill him. While searching for an axe, I suddenly broke my legs, started bleeding and was in shock. I thought it was a sniper, so I patched up, and hid inside a house. 50 seconds later, I'm on the ground again, dead. I know it could've been an bugged zombie, but I'm pretty sure that this baker guy was using cheats.
  5. As the title says, I'm willing to trade my SVD Camo with 3 mags for some of your stuff. Offer what you have.
  6. NVG's and a weapon could be nice
  7. I have a SVD Camo with 3 mags, PM me with your offer if you want to trade.
  8. Will trade my SVD Camo with 3 mags. How much are you wiling to trade for it?