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About JaackZee

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    ask me for it

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  • Bio
    I am a youtube and gamer www.youtube.com/user/jaackzee
  1. Hello I have recently started a youtube channel and hoping for a few guys from the dayz group could pull together and sub me so it can start me off http://www.youtube.com/user/JaackZee
  2. I have been in cherno and electro and stary and killed 5 people with custom skins, and researched how to do it, i would just like to know if this is ban able and if dayz would approve of me doing this?
  3. JaackZee

    Can't play dayz

    what else do you need to know, i have told you what happens when i try and join a server
  4. JaackZee

    Can't play dayz

    When i try and join a server on lingor island i get taken back to the main menu on arma 2, i have tried reinstalling everything but still the same thing happens. i can join a the old servers though does anyone have a fix for this? Sorry if this is wrong thread post
  5. JaackZee

    Any Advice?

    Head towards stary and look around for crash heli once u have a gun like an AKM
  6. JaackZee

    Can't get above 60 fps on dayz

    I do know what it is but i thought i had already disabled it.
  7. JaackZee

    Can't get above 60 fps on dayz

    that work, thank you now getting above 200, cheers man
  8. I was just wondering if there is an fps cap on dayz/arma My pc specs Cpu -I7 3930k 4.5 Ghz Gpu - 2 x 680 and SSD if there is anyone who can help please do, sorry if this is on the wrong topic I'm new