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Everything posted by CrazyAngelDude

  1. CrazyAngelDude

    [Video] Are Zombies Meant To Be This Tough?

    I play both DayZ and The War Z. As for now, I am playing The War Z much more because of all the hackers in DayZ but I might start playing on private hive servers shortly. Personally I think DayZ is a way more polished and realistic game because it was built on a military simulator which was meant to be realistic, while The War Z has a more arcadeish feel to it, it feels more casual friendly. Just saying this so OP or anyone else won't start crying. The reason it took this not-so-smart chap ages to kill those zombies are not because they're super strong, glitched, invincible or anything like that. He's just using a terribly weak melee weapon and hitting the zombies in the body with almost every single hit. If you guys/op weren't pathetic DayZ fanboys you would actually read more about the open world zombie competitor and know that the only way to kill zombies in The War Z is to mash their head. Yes, you actually have to destroy the brain to kill a zombie unlike in DayZ where they die if you shoot an already dead zombie's leg off. The War Z is still most likely going to my recycle bin once DayZ Standalone is released. It has many flaws, more than DayZ, and on top of that it is not playable even on my high-end computer because of their optimization for mid-range hardware. 20-30 fps regardless of settings on a overclocked ASUS DirectCU II 7970 is not acceptable under any means while friends with 6850 cards get constant 60 fps on the highest settings.
  2. 99% sure a hacker using some vehicle detection cheat stole your helicopter 12 hours later. Oh well.
  3. CrazyAngelDude

    Is it my CPU or my Video card?

    Don't even give him hope. Integrated graphics won't run ARMA 2/DayZ.
  4. CrazyAngelDude

    Hacker in server US 1313

    As mentioned in the title, a hacker just nuked US 1313. 9/8/2012 9:24PM GMT +2 We had just found an ATV a bit earlier and were roaming for helicopter crashes, found one and looted it. We were then driving over the field for about 10 seconds when all of a sudden the ATV explodes and my friend falls unconcious and bleeding. I try to bandage him but nothing happens. A few seconds later it starts spurting blood out of my body and I hear a loud "peep" noise for about 5 seconds and people start dying, then I disconnected, luckily surviving with 7000 blood.
  5. CrazyAngelDude

    A creepypasta that could be dayZ back story.

    I also enjoyed the story. Spices up the gameplay a bit. :)
  6. CrazyAngelDude

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes. Everyone who says no clearly haven't played the game long enough to understand what it does to the game at this stage, or are trolls themselves placing them wherever they find them just because they can/in the walls.
  7. CrazyAngelDude

    Pending Update: Build

    Bad idea to tell people how to dupe, removed my post. I am currently at NWAF alone with AS-50, M4A3 CCO, DMR, GPS and Night Vision Goggles on me and have not used this bug even though it exists since it takes the fun out of the game. I'd be very frustrated if I got killed and lost my items, but that's a part of the game and is to be expected. People duping should go play Call of Duty instead.
  8. CrazyAngelDude

    Cherno roof sniper takedown [VIDEO]

    This video really makes me want to group up with buddies again and play DayZ. It's so sad that I can't play it at all without gamebreaking artifacts in Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk, Berezino, Stary Sobor, North Western Airfield, Balota Airstrip and all the other fun places. This mod is the best one I've ever played in my life and I can't wait for patch 1.7.3 to come out.
  9. CrazyAngelDude

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I never, ever had any trouble with any kinds of graphical artifacts until patch was released. The game is unplayable as of now. To see if it had to do with the installation I downloaded and installed ARMA 2: Combined Operations on my laptop and patched everything to the latest right away, and was still having these artifacts. No matter what I do, they won't go away. I can't enter any town that has corpses in them. Go to the NWAF, Stary Sobor or Berezino to get geared up? Forget it, I can't even see anything at all. I'm completely blinded. People having graphical artifacts on the older version must've seriously messed up their installation, because now a patch is released that is unplayable instead. Because of this, my character fell down in the water by the harbor in Berezino and lost 2x Night Vision Goggles, M4A1 CCO SD, M15A2 M203 and two pair of GPS's while I was on my way to collect parts to repair my car that got trashed by nothing when I was driving 3m to the right of a wall. SHIFT + Numpad - and type flush? Doesn't work, nothing happens at all and I don't even get a screen up to type flush in. ALT + Enter to enter, leave Windowed mode over and over - doesn't work. Change various video settings to very high, restart the game and put them back to whatever - doesn't work. Uninstall DayZ and reinstall the patches - doesn't work. Change settings in CCC - doesn't work.