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Jackie boy

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2 Neutral

About Jackie boy

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Skype

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  • Interests
    Gaming and oh yeah gaming
  1. Hey people, Just want people to know that Me and a friend have a server up and running, we would like for more people to play on it. The server is set to vet with 3rd person, private hive (so we monitor it very closely for hackers), plus extra vehicles. If a hacker does come on to the server and ruin everyone's fun we will back up to the last server save and people will get there gear back. We will try our hardest on making the server a nice place for people to play. Server name on DayZ Commander is Sandbox Commuity and direct IP is Thanks
  2. Jackie boy

    Looking for a new survivor group

    Add me on skype: Slawtah1
  3. Why have people ruined this game? No body and I mean no body talks in this game anymore! Shoot on site before you even have chance! I just came across a guy who shot at me, I gave him a chance because I know how much this game can make you jump when you see someone. So I allowed him to come close to me and I said "lower your gun as I have lower mine", nothing was said back. Then he opens fire on me from 3 feet away, leaving me no choice but to shoot back and kill. Yay plus 1 bandit kill. Not 10 minutes later as I'm running out of the city does a guy with a Mac start shooting at me, I shout "stop, I'm friendly" but no, this guy carries on and gets a headshot on me. I lost everything ( A little butt hurt true) but I did nothing wrong! This happens all the time! WHY!!!!!!
  4. Jackie boy

    Team looking for people to play with

    I'm a part of this gang. It's a nice group!
  5. AS50 5 mags? for ghillie
  6. Jackie boy

    Need help please.

    So there was an update for Day Z yesterday, that's all good because they're improving the gaming. Now here's where I need peoples help, I've updated my Day Z and when I join a server and get into the game it becomes really laggy (fps drop). I've tried to turn down my graphics but it stays the same. What I want to know is if anyone is having the same problem? and if anyone knows how to fix it?
  7. Jackie boy

    Looking for DayZ Partner to join group of 3-5

    I'm in for this. 22 y/o brit/sheffield..... skype name: slawtah1