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Xilver (DayZ)

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About Xilver (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Xilver (DayZ)

    Looking for DMR!

    I have a DMR I might be willing to trade for an NVG.
  2. Stop with the bullshit 'alpha' replies when it doesn't apply to problems like this.
  3. I've been a lone wolf for the couple of weeks. Got me most of the high-end gear already by soloing on low-pop servers, but now I'd like to venture out to see more of the map, since I've always been around Elektro and Cherno out of fear of losing my gear. I've got a friend who's coming back from holiday sometime this week, and he's going to start playing as well. I'm based in Belgium, so European servers are a must. I mostly play in the evenings from 9 or 10 pm until midnight or sometimes 1 am. I'm 32 years old, I'd prefer to team up with someone who is mature, who is a teamplayer, and has a good tactical sense.
  4. Xilver (DayZ)

    Can there be multiple helicopters on the server?

    Meh, the standalone version can't come fast enough. I want to play this game the way it was meant to be played, without script kiddies and people spawning their stuff instead of legitimately raiding cities.
  5. Crossposting from the server's forum: I was minding my own business, sneaking Into Cherno to look for food. I heard a helicopter pass overhead a couple of times, so I stayed hidden, which isn't that hard with the Ghillie suit I found a couple of days ago. When I was in a house, I heard a loud bang outside and saw a bright flash. Going outside I saw a helicopter ablaze, attracting a shitload of zeds. The helicopter exploded a couple of times more, so I waited until the explosions were over, and the zombies passed, before sneaking closer to the heli. I think I saw one body, but I could be mistaken because I was scared shitless, and just took whatever I could from the dead body, before running off into the woods. I got some NV goggles, an M4A1, a Czech backpack with a DMR inside, and a GPS. Now, while running, I heard another helicopter in the vicinity. It passed overhead a couple of times, thinking they were looking for me since I looted that corpse. The helicopter's light missed me by a couple of meters each time it passed, so I guess I got lucky. Now I'm relatively new to DayZ, but I seem to recall that there could only be one helicopter on a server at any given time, unless one was spawned? In any case, even if it's not legit, I had one of the most exciting DayZ nights in a while, so that's awesome :)
  6. Xilver (DayZ)

    Sudden Influx of Hackers?

    This news is both new and exciting!
  7. Xilver (DayZ)

    Im done, hackers win...

    But I haven't played a game before where the problem was as rampant as it is with DayZ, or where "hacking" (bullshit term, because scripting requires nowhere near the skills hacking needs, which is exactly why it is so rampant) has such a direct effect on your game experience.
  8. I guess I'll be looking for a private server to call home then, because I am really so sick and tired of script kiddies ruining my experience. This is seriously getting out of hand, so until the stand-alone release I think going private is the only option for me.