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Lord Daem

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Everything posted by Lord Daem

  1. Lord Daem

    I dont get the reason

    I tend to be a survivor, however sometimes when I get bored (if my friends aren't on the server I play on) I become a "Bandit". I do however, create a backstory. I'll only hunt people in a group of two of more and I'll make sure I write a note first (hopefully people have picked these up - I sign them from myself so drop me a pm if you do!) Last time, I saw these two guys kill a female character in Cherno, so I wrote a note saying that I'd come home to see two bandits kill my wife and child and have been hunting them across the country. I explained my actions in the letter and why I felt I had to kill them. I managed to kill both players however, after about two hours of hunting them, which meant they couldn't see my story, but I did put a note on one of their corpses hoping they'd find it.
  2. Lord Daem

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I'm away from home at the moment, but have started playing with a small group of fellow Survivors on a famous DayZ Youtubers Private Server. Anyway, apart from playing with these chaps last time I was online, I bumped into two other players. First one was a New Spawn running along the coast. I was heading from Electro to Cherno, when I saw a new spawn running towards me from Cherno. I had the double barrelled shotgun and wasn't sure whether he had any weapons. He'd seen me and started to run towards me, so I raised my gun and said "stop." He kept running so I aimed at him and this time shouted "STOP RUNNING TOWARDS ME!" He said "no" and as I sidestepped he turned and came towards me again, so I emptied both barrels into him. I don't KOS, like I say, I'm a survivor but I don't take chances. When I walked to his body, he had a screwdriver in his hand... Second time, I was in Berenizo alone and walked into a building to find someone in a motorbike helmet with a repeater drawn. I ran across the road, up a flight of stairs and drew my shotgun. I heard footsteps and I shouted out "I don't want any trouble, walk away." The person said "friendly" and walked into the building, gun drawn. As I was peeking round the corner, he raised his gun at me, so I shot him twice with the shotgun. He ran out the building and I ran down the stairs, reloading. He lay on the road outside and said "I'm friendly" but I finished him off with a shot to the head. I gave him a chance to walk away and he aimed at me, so how did I know he wasn't going to shoot me in the back as I walked away?
  3. Lord Daem

    Starting Over

    Go on your history and when you've figured out which server it was, click "Add to Favourites." I currently have three characters running, one on the public 1st/3rd person Public Hive and two on Private Servers.
  4. Lord Daem

    New Player here

    Most important tip, trust no-one
  5. Hello! I've just started playing Day Z again, and I am looking for a good UK based server. I use DayZ Commander and for some reason, some of the servers I've searched for haven't shown up (I tried to PC Gamers UK one but it just wasn't listed!). I'm looking to play on Veteran and I'm not bothered about playing during the night!
  6. Lord Daem

    where to put a bandit camp?

    Your camp will get raided if you set it up there. You have to put your tents and vehicles somewhere that people don't tend to go, then drive out to the route you want to scope out, then when you're nearly done, head back to you camp!
  7. Lord Daem

    Complete Noob

    One bit of advice for you though Trust NO ONE!!!!!!
  8. Lord Daem

    does hacking happen often?

    Depends what server you play on. To be fair, I have never actually encountered a hacker
  9. Lord Daem

    I'm shooting on sight now!

    Use a mic. I personally never have time yo check the chat box. Still say friendly, but if they don't reply THEN presume they are hostile!
  10. Lord Daem

    How to start?

    The best thing to do is as others have suggested, crouch or go prone. When you stand you make a lot more noise and with the torch on you are very visable to other players. The point is zombies chase you ay spawn because you are near a city. All you have to do is crouch walk/prone in to get some supplies then get out. Towns like Cherno and Electro are pvp hotspots, so if you spawn there get in and out and head to some of the other towns. I find that playing with a team brings a whole new experience to DayZ. Try teaming up with some of people, maybe people you know IRL (if you know anyone that does).
  11. Lord Daem

    This game is ruined

    How do you know they're invisible? They could be sniping in a ghillie, or from a massive distance away! I use a CZ-550 (apparently the most common sniper) and this can zero up to 800 meters (and if you're a good shot, you can shoot even further than that)! If you're in electro, there's a little thing called "Sniper Hill" where a lot of bandits like to set up and just shoot people from. Just stick away from the major towns and that. Anyway, if it is hackers, don't moan about it. As long as they get their attention, they're going to keep on doing it, but when no one bitches about them anymore, they'll get bored and goto another game!
  12. Lord Daem

    Map Borders

    When flying, I've actually seen the world just end. It was quite scary as I had stopped paying attention and the next thing I saw was the ground ending! Luckily I managed to turn the chopper round just before I crossed that line though! I wouldn't want to risk crashing it!
  13. Lord Daem

    Do people go out of THEIR way to kill new players?

    That's why I'm part of a group of 6 survivors. At the very least, I've played with 2 other people. The guys that kill randomly tend to hang around on their own and run away when they see 3 heavily armed guys on ATV's speeding in their direction.
  14. Lord Daem

    Got myself a vehicle, now what?

    Q: If I remember to save the vehicle before a server restart, will the vehicle appear where I left it after a server restart? Yes Q: Will it be ok to put some stuff into the "gear" of the vehicle without having to wonder if items will disappear? Yes, if you leave the vehicle in a secure place. Q: Will the tires and the engine wear out by simply driving the vehicle around? Not as far as I am aware, however, the fuel will deplete
  15. Lord Daem

    Alpha to Stand A Lone game..

    If you're the big COD fan, as I'm guessing from your sig, as someone has already said, you should be used to paying ridiculous amounts of money for essentially the exact same game over and over again....The only difference being it has different maps. DayZ was a mod, so you've managed to play it for free. Why would you only play ARMA2 for DayZ? Have you not tried any of the 60+ player online missions? They are brilliant!!!
  16. Lord Daem

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    I was running through a small village (not sure which one) and I saw a female character running from a big group of zombies through the town. I guessed she was new, as although she had an ak74 she wasn't diving behind buildings/trees to try and lose them, just running in a straight line. I ran over to her and said "This was, we'll lose them in the building". She started to follow me towards the building, I turned round with MY AK and said "run past me, I'll take a couple out". She ran past and I managed to get just one zombie before they were close. We ran into a firestation and started shooting the zombies as they came in. Well, we took them all out, and just as I was about to congratulate her BANG! She was dead. BANG! Me too. Last thing I saw was a guy in a ghillie sitting on the stairs opposite us! Oh well....I guess I saved her from the zombies, that's better than nothing!!
  17. Lord Daem

    This game is ruined by cheaters

    How do you know they spawn vehicles? They may have got them from spawn points! In my Ghillie suit, I am invisible in grass to other players... However, yes, there are cheaters, but there are also some brilliant players who have managed to save their vehicles at their camps and go out on them for funsies!
  18. Lord Daem


    Don't worry about the haters.....well, hater on here! At the risk of destroying my "bad-man" reputation with my team, I like the photo, that's a cute kid! Anyway, I have no idea about computer parts (my mate deals with all that) but what I found was that if you join a server local to you, mine is based 10 minutes down the road from my, your ping will be a lot less, which caused my game to stop lagging as much. It could also be your internet speed. Mine is currently 10MB/S upgrading to 20MB/S soon and I still get a little lag every now and again, but once I've upgraded, I'm hoping to get rid of it.
  19. Lord Daem

    Am I a bad person?

    Not if you are a survivor and not a bandit! I think I've only ever killed 3 people and that is either after I've asked if they're friendly, they've shot at me or they managed to kill me and I've respawned really near them!
  20. Hello. On the Double Barrel Shotgun, I think you should be able to toggle firing off BOTH barrels at the same time by changing the fire mode! It would be a hell of a lot more powerful, and can you really imagine another player still standing after taking a full blast to the chest?
  21. Lord Daem

    An Apology

    Shit! He got me back :(
  22. Lord Daem

    An Apology

    Oh no, I waited lol! I just wanted to point out that if someone kills me that I was trying to help, I'll be mightily pissed off! Once someone messes you about once, you can't trust them! Yeah, I'm no hardman, I just wanted to wind him up as he had me :P Thanks, I saw someones sig saying about how scary green mountain was, so I nicked it and changed it :P
  23. Lord Daem

    The announced base building + Suggestions!!

    I'm hoping underground train stations. That would be awesome. In so many apocalypse games and films, people use train stations as shelter! Heck, in World War 2 when the bombs were dropping during the Blitz, Londoners took cover in Underground stations!