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Posts posted by henninghh990@hotmail.com

  1. If anyone else struggle into this problem you should check that:

    • The template Variable inside /etc/server.cfg is NO string but "plain text" e.g
      template = dayz_1234.Chernarus;
      and NOT:
      template = "dayz_1234.Chernarus";
    • The Mission in the /etc/server.cfg has the class named "DayZ"

    Thanks to facoptere for the help to get my server up and running and even more for providing a nice and working linux script collection!

    I have exactly the same problem, but I've already done what you're saying here and I still have the problem.

    I have done everything on the to-do list two times, and I still can't get this working.

    class DayZ {

    template = dayz_XXXX.Chernaus;

    difficulty = "veteran"; // change this for other difficulty settings, regular, expert is valid

