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Everything posted by ryan-welly@hotmail.com

  1. ryan-welly@hotmail.com

    Adding Operation Arrowhead weapons to the mod?

    Nah they just need to make the military wepaons alot more rare as its not hard to find a decent gun.
  2. Its called warning people you foolish child.... The same is happening in GB #00 testing update =(
  3. Just spawned in and came up saying i was killed and ended up being in an open field with other guys so i quit as it was obviously a hacker but this server has been untouched by hackers since it went up and now its happening more and more regularly.
  4. ryan-welly@hotmail.com

    New player needs help

    You can always die and respawn else where or try and run away such as zig zagging up hills or running through a building. Other than that theres not much else you can do un till you get a weapon.