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Everything posted by cantlaunchco

  1. cantlaunchco

    Anyone get this working for a Mac?

    You're not going to get this running through WINE. Your best bet is to dual boot with Windows. There are many online guides on how to do this. I believe the Mac utility for this is called Boot Camp.
  2. cantlaunchco

    TKC is taking over Dayz

    Just a scriptkiddy being butthurt about the mod being bigger than Arma itself. You shouldn't have anything to worry about.
  3. cantlaunchco

    Mass zombie spawn

    Zombies don't spawn unless there are players within a certain distance. If you log in to an empty town, it won't be empty for very long. AKs are loud, and you'll attract every zombie for a good distance. Chances are, the other player heard the ruckus and came to investigate. That, or he logged in next to you. Usually when someone hacks they'll spawn a jet or kill everyone in the server, not spawn a couple of zombies.
  4. cantlaunchco

    Help to configure server

    You can't configure any of that. There might be some special steps you have to take to get vehicles to spawn, but I'm not completely sure about that anymore.
  5. Vehicles and tents can disappear if a server is restarted incorrectly. In fact, they can disappear if you DO restart the server correctly. People are so quick to cry and point fingers in this community.
  6. You can make up all of the rules you want. Access to the database is a privilege, and your "thousands of dollars" are going to go down the drain because of your contradictory rules.
  7. cantlaunchco

    Um, did we just get hacked? :/

  8. If I remember right, you can only be banned for racism or hacking. This sort of thread belongs in Server General, where it would get more attention from both developers and server administrators.
  9. cantlaunchco

    Most likely places to find matches?

    There's also a barrel at the military tents in Starry Sobor, if you're feeling particularly suicidal. Matches are hard as hell to find. I had to go to 10+ residential spawns before I finally found them in a church.
  10. cantlaunchco

    What's the point in trying?

    Sounds like you're not cut out for DayZ.
  11. This has gone from a select few incidents to being widespread and rampant across all servers. Basically, people with the capability to do this are joining a server, killing everybody, and then hopping to another server to repeat the process. At this point, hundreds of players have lost their stuff. Accept that your items are gone forever; it takes significant effort from a developer to give you your gear back, and a global rollback would cause more equipment loss than it would restore. Solving security exploits is not a trivial problem in software development. The way ARMA II's networking component handles things may need to be entirely thought out depending on the severity of the security holes. Because of the amount of time that has passed since this became a problem, I think it is fair to assume that this is a major problem that will require considerable time and effort to hunt down and patch. EDIT: Oh good, just saw that rocket commented. Things probably aren't quite as bleak as I've made them out to be, glad to see that you guys aren't in the "taking shots in the dark" stage.
  12. YES, but only if you make the humanity system more sensible. It doesn't detect self defense very well. Making it more context-sensitive may not even be possible.
  13. YES. Make shitty guns somewhat more common to balance. I'm talking Makarovs & Enfields, not the god-mode winchester.
  14. It was either a gross malfunction of one of the anti-hacking scripts or a hacker. Most likely the latter, as hacking has become a much more common occurrence now. At least the ones on your server are being more creative than just making you drop dead. In the future, just hit the reset button on your computer as soon as you get launched. Sure, it's an inconvenience, but it's a lot less inconvenient than losing the character you've put 30 hours into. You might get lucky and not have your location saved properly into the database.
  15. cantlaunchco

    Server Named "Non-PVP DayZ...If player is murdered, you are kicked!"

    Servers can't connect to the hive without being whitelisted by a developer. It's safe to assume this one wasn't whitelisted.
  16. cantlaunchco

    Framerate issues

    Same problem. Bumping this thread since it has a better title than the last one.
  17. cantlaunchco

    Problem after the patch.

    Same issue here. Things ran pretty smoothly before with a little bit of tweaking. Now the game is barely playable. AMD Phenom II x4 810 4gb RAM AMD 5770, latest drivers.
  18. I purchased the Combined Operations pack specifically to play DayZ. I have spent the last hour and a half trying to get the damn thing to launch. Here's the steps I followed: 1. Buy steam version of Combined Ops 2. Install Arma 2 3. Install Operation Arrowhead 4. Run Arma 2 5. Run Operation Arrowhead 6. Installed DayZ files 7. Launched Combined Operations The command prompt flashes for an instant and disappears, then nothing happens. I tried playing with just Operation Arrowhead as well, I get an error for missing content, even though I am ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN Day Z is installed correctly.
  19. cantlaunchco

    Can't launch Combined Operations. Can't play DayZ.

    Screw that, it took a whole 24 hours to download the content for this game. Here's how I fixed it. Because this appears to have been an ongoing problem since 2010, I would suggest stickying it somewhere that it's easy for users to find, maybe even in the Combined Operations forum. I pointed windows to the location of REG.exe and it now launches properly. Here's a more detailed description of my reasoning and the solution (it isn't important that you understand every detail, just follow the steps): The terminal stated that it couldn't find REG. This suggests that something is wrong with the environment variable settings, which tell Windows where to find certain executables. REG is one such executable. Because of this problem, we have to tell the game launcher where to find REG. When you tell Steam to start the game, Steam runs a file called _runA2CO.cmd. This can be found in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead". Obviously, you should not include quotes. 1. Right click _runA2CO.cmd and click "edit". 2. Everywhere that you see the word "REG", replace it with "C:\Windows\System32\reg.exe". Your file should look like this when you're finished: 3. Save the .cmd file and run Combined Ops through the steam launcher, it should work now.
  20. cantlaunchco

    Can't launch Combined Operations. Can't play DayZ.

    I run steam as administrator by default. I verified the cache on both games and launched them both again (several times), the same thing still happens. I'll try and get a screenshot of the terminal before it disappears. Here's the error. The terminal window is only visible for a millisecond before closing itself and "fading out", so this readability will have to do. http://i.imgur.com/GLI55.png
  21. cantlaunchco

    Can't launch Combined Operations. Can't play DayZ.

    Thanks, I appreciate it. It's quite frustrating, it appears to be some sort of registry problem.
  22. cantlaunchco

    Can't launch Combined Operations. Can't play DayZ.

    My launch options are set to -mod=@dayz, as is instructed for the installation of the mod.