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Everything posted by Num43

  1. The L85 sight goes nuts when you pick up a range finder or use the range finder's NV. You can see that when your L85 turns into a "normal" scope, your Range finder gets thermal.
  2. Num43

    I quit.

    Today me and 10 friends were on OUR server and a hacker teleported behind each of us and shot us point blank with an AS50. Those of us who did shoot him found out he had God mode on. We said "Fuck him" , respawned and went on with our day :P Get over it and wait for the standalone
  3. Num43

    Finally a little hope....

    Bandits are his own bandit problem. fresh spawns running around like headless chickens should be left alone.
  4. Count me in. I was just chased through a forest by a guy in a car...could use some handicap
  5. Num43

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I also need help in elektro...first game I'm doing well in cept for all this blood I seem to have lost. I'm Num43 and I'm near the docks. got all sorts of stuff to pay with
  6. I've been shot stabbed blown up and once even ran over with a car. Still won't kill anyone on sight :P