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Everything posted by Scraggle426

  1. Scraggle426

    Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

    Looking for a guy named "Ash", He was a freshie and Had no gear, But he came up behind me at Elektro and when i saw him, he scared the **** out of me. I sprayed about 4 Semi auto sniper shots (Thank god all missed) Then realised he had no weapon etc. So i put weapon down, Did the salute and the Peace gestures, And said in chat i'd give him some food and water in his backpack, I did so. Then i asked him if wanted any Medical supplies and he said "Nah, I'm good", Then he went off away from Elektro and i never saw him again. My ingame name is Scraggle426. You should have stayed Ash, We had a spare gun for you.
  2. Scraggle426

    GB #500 Nabs United

    Alrighty, So cruising along coast near Chernogorks, Going to balota to find friend, Had m24, Ghille suit etc. So i see a UH1- HUEY next to the water, And i see a guy running around, Normal survivor, Going around woods, I thought this guy was either the Heli pilot or a random guy, He had no gear. Name of "Brandon" so i waited for a while for him to come back out. Then i see a guy with a kind of Red camoflage suit, Running around. He suddenly spawns another Helicopter, Right infront of me by about 600m. He gets in it and begins taking off so i said to my friend in Teamspeak, "I'll take a shot then i'll abort, So he can't hack my Legs in with a Laser beam or something" so i take the shot, See "Diitzzy was kiled" in killfeed, And Abort. then i wait, Hacker Diitzy comes back on, Takes another copter there and flies off again. So this leaves 2 choppers sitting there and then the guy i saw intially, Brandon, Come out of the woods to loot the Hackers body, He sits still, I shoot him in the shoulder (I'm a bandit) Then he runs around, Gets in chopper, Starts up, Then he starts flying, He Backflips it and smashes into the OTHER Copter, BOOM BOOM LE BOOM LE BOOM LE BOOM LE BOOM. Lots of explosion, for about 5 mins. Then they stop flaming and i go over to check bodies, Brandon had noob gear, and the Hacker, Well... SVD Camo NVG's Rangefinders M9 etc. Food Water. So i take the food @ Water cans, Sorely tempted to take the SVD Camo, But i hate Hackers. So i "Hide body" and all the gear dissapears with him into the ground. Name was something like "Diitzzy" Oh and, Sorry Brandon, Didn't want you taking that SVD Camo and popping one in my head with it.
  3. Scraggle426

    A short story and realization

    Hehe, I had some guy outside the South Barracks in NWAF Saying over Mic to my friend and I "Friendly Friendly" in a high pitched voice, we shat ourselves because we thought we were alone in AF Before and as we looked around in the barracks we saw someone go past a window quickly, Then 5 seconds later an Almighty AKM Burst ripped through the side windows and hit my Friend, We both got up, (Him bleeding) And Sprayed n' prayed out the windows, We got a Murder count so went outside to check his body, discovering that it was some Kid with a L33T Name something like "Sn1p3r Pr0". If he'd been serious about friendly we'd have given him spare weapons and food etc seeing as his gear wasn't good at all, Instead he decided to try and trick us and shoot. Dem CoD Kiddies. Anyways, Moral is don't trust them, best thing to do is not help them, not fight them, Get out the back entrance and run like hell, That way noone gets hurt.
  4. Hey, Looking for a small group of people, 2-3ish from UK/EU to Play with in DayZ, I'm currently at NWAF, 15 Years old, Has a Mic etc etc, Some Gear, (Ghille, Some Sniper or Another, Pistol, Bit of Food@Water) add tomw426 on skype if interested or Post here, DO NOT PM ME, My Firefox refuses to let it work. Btw i can also join a clan, So long as it isn't one of those bloody stupid ones with about 15 people packed into 1 TS Channel where noone knows who's who etc. Ingame name is Scraggle
  5. Scraggle426

    Looking for EU/UK People :D
