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Everything posted by mono_man

  1. mono_man

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    No, I'm more the sort of person who would blame a pedestrian for walking out into the middle of the road and expecting drivers to avoid him/her rather than taking appropriate steps to avoid impending death. You say everyone who runs knows what they are doing? Then in that case they know the risks and accept them, right? If you accept the risk then you have no right to complain when that risk comes to fruition. Sure you can be a bit pissed off but since its not real life you should really get over it and spawn again. Gearing up on Chernarus and then heading back to the coast to kill fresh spawns IS a dick move (though people still over react to it) however in response to this I have 2 points: I've never seen Sacriel or his crew do this, they only kill unarmed players when they happen across them. As far as I can tell everyone is complaining about Sacriel's killing of unarmed players recently which has almost exclusively been on Namalsk. There is no going to some isolated location to gear up and then going back to kill fresh spawns, fresh spawn areas overlap heavily with high grade loot areas all over the map (its why the pace on Namalsk is so much quicker). You are right, some sneaky fresh spawns will get unlucky but that's part of playing a game, sometimes shit happens. However as I stated: "Most unarmed people that I see killed in any videos were legging it down the middle of a road" and these are the group of people I was clearly referring to. That all said, I still maintain that if you are smart and have a good knowledge of the game you can get some basic gear on Chernarus with a VERY low chance of being seen by anyone, this includes not entering Cherno or Elektro as these places are obviously never remotely safe. Hit up isolated farms or deer stands, sticking to cover and observing the area and you would be extremely unfortunate to be found and killed. If that style of game play is too time consuming for you then run into Cherno or Elektro and hope you don't get shot in the head. Point is, its your choice.
  2. mono_man

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    I find it interesting that no one (I don't think) has laid the blame for the killing of unarmed players where it belongs; at the unarmed players feet. If you have no weapon is running in the open through the middle of a town really a good idea? No of course not. You should survey your surrounds from a hidden location, plan a route with cover and sneak in and obtain a weapon. Most unarmed people that I see killed in any videos were legging it down the middle of a road...its they're fault they are getting shot. So people who are running around with no weapons are in one of three situations: They are new to the game and have no idea what they are doing They are stupid... They are trying to save time and trade safety for speed If someone is new to the game then they need to learn, they can either seek advice on the internet on how to survive or they can learn themselves through playing and getting killed. If they are experienced and know how the game works and still think that running around in the open unarmed is a good idea then they are just stupid and deserve to die. Either that or they think they are entitled to living until they find a gun which is also stupid. I figure most people fall into point 3, you know how the game works and you have realised that it is just a game and as a new spawn you have nothing to lose. So what do you do? You think: "screw it! I'm just legging it into the middle of elektro and hopefully I'll find a gun before someone shoots me". By doing this you are accepting that you will likely die but its ok because its quicker than spending much more time being sneaky. You CANNOT then turn around and complain when you get shot, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Personally I fall into point 3, if I get shot unarmed I think (or say) "You dick head, I'm unarmed. Piss off and leave me alone". When I promptly die I get over it, respawn and do the same thing again because its generally the most effective way to start a new spawn.
  3. mono_man

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    A few people have mentioned that Sacriel and co hunt unarmed players/new spawns. I have been been watching a lot of his videos/streams recently and I can't say I've ever seen him targeting unarmed players. Sure, the squad has come across unarmed players and killed them but equally they have come across unarmed players and just warned them off or ignored them, I have even seen them hold fire on "friendly" armed players and let them leave safely (occasionally even allowed them to join them in a temporary squad). I have definitely never seen any of the squad camping the coast. And to people who complain about them killing unarmed players, perhaps you have not played much of Namalsk. I'm yet to spend more than 5-10 minutes without a gun of some sort, and usually have some STANAG or AK variant within 15 minutes of respawning. The ease at which you are able to gear up on Namalks makes leaving unarmed people running around, especially if you are already engaging, or expect to engage, armed enemies a very dangerous prospect. Now be honest, if you saw a few heavily armed people that didn't shoot you because you were unarmed, and you went around the corner and found an AK, would you just leave? Or would you perhaps sneak back towards the squad and try take that shiny DMR and rangefinders? Additionally, its a game, sometimes its fun to shoot people :o. Most of the time I'm friendly towards unarmed players and occasionally even friendly to armed players. Sometimes I just feel like shooting people in the face. Don't like it? Tough luck, spawn again, find a gun and kill me. On a personal note I don't find anyone in the squad cold or lacking in humour. Watching the stream live there are many jokes had between Sacriel, Oshi7, Shannon, the rest of the squad and the various stream's chats. If you only watch stream highlights much of what you see is combat where the mood is more serious as they are a tactical squad, jokes don't work to well in combat.
  4. mono_man

    Wtf... Can someone help me please...

    You sir are an idiot. This game has bugs, sometimes shit happens and we just deal with it. But if you can avoid dying to a bug without disadvantaging anyone else then by all means do so.
  5. mono_man

    Stuck in coma

    I had the same thing recently, ended up starving to death as my friends couldn't find my body to give me the epi-pen
  6. Hi all Not sure if this is a bug or just something I'm not aware of. Last night as I was approaching Zub (I think) castle and I all of a sudden passed out. As per the image the debug monitor is showing 'any' in place of numbers. before this happened it looked normal and showed something like 10 zombies, a few head shots and no murders or bandit kills. There weren't any zombies around, I didn't hear any shots and I didn't lose any blood. My blood is 7650 so not low enough to pass out (as far as I know). I waited for a few minutes then logged out. I logged back in just now and its still the same. The timer doesn't seem to move at all so it doesn't seem like I'll ever wake up. And I missing something or am I bugged out? Either way how do I solve it? Thanks
  7. mono_man

    Passed out forever?

    I must've been in game for at least 2 hours, if not more and the timer didn't budge at all, it seemed absolutely stuck. Our plan was an epi-pen but they couldn't manage to see me on the ground, and 2 of them were running all over the place. Unfortunately my view (of the sky) didn't help narrow down my exact location :(
  8. mono_man

    Passed out forever?

    I had some friends try find me, they couldn't so perhaps I was bugged out and underground or something I'm not sure. Either way I starved to death and bled out :( Thanks for all the offers of help.
  9. mono_man

    Passed out forever?

    Thanks for the offer, we'll see if we can work something out. I have a tent in my backpack that I don't want so your welcome to that if you want it. Don't think I have any thing else useful. So have some beans!
  10. mono_man

    Passed out forever?

    I stayed logged in for about half an hour no change, however now my food icon is blinking :( Enough for tonight, hopefully someone has an idea.
  11. mono_man

    Passed out forever?

    Yea I thought it might be food related, I was a little low and perhaps thought I didn't notice it running out. But that shot was before logging out, upon login my food level orange so not food. Also the debug monitor is back to normal. I don't know my exact coordinates but I just double checked and I am just south (within sight) of Rog Castle. What server are you on Rudson?
  12. Try using the stairs, it seems to work for me ;)
  13. Was kill scripted about 40 minutes ago for the first time on ANZ 7 :'( I'm going to go out on a limb and presume that there is no way everyone will be reset to where they were/with their gear before all 50 people on the server were killed? I'm guessing no chance but it doesn't hurt to ask..