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Everything posted by Zombiechild

  1. cant connect to the TS server :/ think im being dumb and entering stuff wrong lol
  2. Zombiechild

    So I have a tent and I can cook meat...

    He did say he wasnt upset about people eating his meat ;)
  3. Loaded in for about 2mins earlier then lost connection so went out, trying now and it just sits at "wait for host" will leave it running see if it clicks in
  4. Zombiechild

    Should I Or Shouldn't I

    lol ask me in two weeks you bring the beans i will bring the Soda
  5. Kill it with Fire time? Let us rise up and join forces to purge this tractor menice from the land!.. after we do a health and safty check...
  6. Just manged to get on the server today hopefully will learn some things before i get eaten :) if anyone wants to team up and explore with a fellow noob hit me up! Steam: PrimevalGoblin
  7. Zombiechild

    New guy

    not jjust me then with the awful luck started plating today 8 deaths in about 8 and a half mins from unseen snipers or teleporting asshats, if you find a good server or just want a buddy im game :)
  8. Zombiechild

    Should I Or Shouldn't I

    I brought it today after about a week of lurking on the forums here and watching some Vids so far.. 8 spawns 8 deaths from unseen snipers/teleportering asshats ... But.. for the 8 and a half mins ive played enjoyable so far so buy now and when the standalone hits the shelf show support and buy it!