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About rigal

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    On the Coast

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  1. rigal

    DE 231 - To the 3 ghillie suited bandits at NWAF

    Here is someone that understand how to have fun with this game and lets the others to have the same fun. I try to do my best but if you correct me I can learn and improve. When I have it writen, if you dont mind, I'll pm you with it in case you want to check it before posting. Not everybody use English as his main languaje.
  2. rigal

    DE 231 - To the 3 ghillie suited bandits at NWAF

    I was the guy with the M203. I love to play tactically, I acted as the squad sargeant. They tree were sniping the airfield. We were 4 guys, Idle as rifleman with an M4A1 SD, one machinegunner, one marksman and me as a grenadier. We had just enter the fire station when my friend, the sniper, spotted them, at the beginning of the runway. We left the marksman in the fire station to watch them while we leave the fire station from the back door, we get outside the airfield and run to take his flank. We could hear the shoots to our friend while we were going. When we were about 100 meters from them I ordered to form a shooters lane and go slowly to them. They saw us when it was too late, they tried to face us and then I shoot the first grenade, one of them died. Then our machinegunner started suppression fire to his hill and I continued shooting grenades while idle went to assault the hill. When she got there, there was only one corpse and two disconnected guys. It was fun. I fucking love using tactics and playing seriously. I come from a simulation arma group and I try to use the tactics we used to do. Surprisinly those tactics works pretty well against survivors and bandits, we don't use to have any casualty besides never alt f4. We try to avoid unprofitable fights, and if a fight isn't going enough well we just leave, tactical retreat jumping by couples with suppression fire and other cool tactics. I think that I'll write here a guide to successful and honorful bandit operations.