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Everything posted by lcatstutterfly

  1. lcatstutterfly

    US 651 - Hacking/Cheating of some kind

    We've had a fun few nights on US 651, with incidents ranging from the questionable to the truly bizarre! Even with the current atmosphere in regards to cheats and hacks, I don't feel we're being too hasty to call out some of the happenings. Just starting off with the frankly hilarious numbers of high value weaponry floating around, I refuse to believe much of it is legit, especially since I keep finding camps where they seem to have a true abundance of utilities like night vision goggles... After finding the previously mentioned Minimiumiu on an isolated lighthouse island - I think it's Dragon that's out in the sea? - alongside 2 vehicles, one of which was not of the kind that spawns in the DayZ map, we suspected shenanigans. We were ready to just call it weird coincidence when we caught MMM and another player sneaking up on us to steal our bike, shot them both finding them to only have medium-tier gear, AKMs and such. Their death was shortly followed by 3 of us being dispatched individually, in the same place, with close-range gunshots from some kind of AK (from the sounds of it) and nobody in sight. We each had time to look in the immediate area before we were killed, and spotted nobody. By pure luck Endora respawned near Elektro and made it back to our spot in time to retrieve the bike, which he rode off in... and about 30 seconds later, everyone on the server froze on the spot! We couldn't move, although zombies and such were still functioning as normal around us. I believe Endora aborted before any damage occured to him and we later retrieved the bike, although it unfortunately disappeared without explanation later - much like our Ural, tractor and GAZ - though our camp was seemingly untouched. Besides these events I've described, I've also experienced having everybody on the map, at peak time, teleported to an area along the south-west coast where a firefight broke out... I do believe it was only 2 or so people firing, and the rest of us scratching our heads as we died. I ran and did actually make it away, but then promptly got script killed - judging from the deaths running up the side of the screen, as did everybody else who survived. Yesterday took the cake though - Araxes and I were riding another bike somewhere north of Cherno, on our way to Elektro, when we suddenly glitched half way through the map. Several terrifying moments later, after we'd been in the interior of several buildings, I found myself dismounted in the middle of Cherno, surrounded by vehicles. I counted a minimum of 15 buses, as well as a line of exploded helicopters scattered across the countryside, an ATV in the middle of a house, and bicycles aplenty. Assuming the probable loss of our bike I took control of one of the buses that wasn't on fire yet, and drove it away. About a minute later I died with no explanation. I refuse to believe I was sniped given that the windows were fully intact, and upon revisiting the site later, found the bus a mere shell of its former self, having been blown to kingdom come. (I guess this is what I get for trying to take advantage of the situation!) We've also found numerous dodgy looking campsites - one of my favourites at the dam north of Elektro, situated under the water thanks to a terrain glitch allowing one to walk to the bottom of the lake - and enough vehicles that we've started to doubt whether there's any legitimate spawns whatsoever. Including a helicopter which I excitedly insisted I could drive, and promptly flipped (never going to live that one down), killing 3 of us. Denizens of US 651 have my apologies for map marker spam from one or more of our members, and that one guy who placed one reading 'why are LCAT dying so much?' - probably the dude shooting us from beneath the floor on Elektro hill - well, all I can say is that friendly fire and vehicle buggery have caused infinite more damage to us than you have! :lol: Also, shoutout to 'Ass Grabber Supreme', a man we sniped no less than 5 times, caught him running up the hill with an axe towards us, and also when I died to another chap sneaking up on us I respawned near the fellow and gave him my commendations - and he repaid me by shooting me on the spot, with around 30 zombies chasing the two of us! Things are no better on the other servers we've looked at recently. I got a good laugh out of being dropped from the sky and reading BattlEye's propaganda as we fell - updated and improved my backside!