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Lone Raider

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About Lone Raider

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Heading North
  1. Lone Raider

    Cheater at DE 1500 "ZOMBIESHIT"

    No problem, my friend is currently trying to record him with fraps ;)
  2. Joined a server with a friend, which had only 2 other players in. Then he got instantly killed after spawn, the player used a M107. One of the other players got reported as killed, and I found a dead body near at the NW Airstrip, when someone opened fire with a M107 on me. I combatlogged because i knew i had no chance. The only remaining alive player was "ZOMBIESHIT". My friend got instakilled 3 times by him, right after he spawned at the coast. The player was teleporting to him and dropping satchel charges or shooting him. So this is a request to ban ZOMBIESHIT from official servers because of hacking/ cheating.
  3. Lone Raider

    Why i stopped beeing nice to people...

    I think he just wanted my M16, because a MP5 isn´t the best Gun for PvP if you ask me ;) Not "Everyone" who killed me, killed me for my Gear. But i think if you see a player, kneeling and checking some loot (not paying attention to you), having a pretty good rifle on his back, you would probably thinking of shooting him for this baby. Wouldn´t you? RE Edit. I am talking about "jealous Cowards", because they killed me from behind. "Jealous Asshole" is related to one player, described above.
  4. Lone Raider

    Why i stopped beeing nice to people...

    That means, you shoot every person on sight? I have no problem with that, just tell me what you motivation is? ;)
  5. So i´ve been playing DayZ for a few Weeks now and all i can say is: 90% of the Survivors are not very nice. I don´t want to bitch about getting killed, just the reasons behind it. (Just btw: My Humanity is on 10.000.) Some of my Experiences: 1. I ran out of Electro, heading North to the Airfield. As i entered a barn, hoping i would find some food, i ran into a survivor with a Camo. He looked at me with his Aviator Sunglasses, in the second he unloaded his mag in my body. Note: I had a Ghillie Suit and a M16ACOG equipped. 2. I teamed up with a survivor at the harbor of balota, when i heard that some other survivors at the airstrip are starving. The nice guy i am, i explained the situation to my new buddy an we headed towards the hangar. We found 2 Man, one in a Ghillie with a M4CCO an the other one with a AK or something. I dropped some Cooked Meat for them an we started discussing what to do next. After we decided to rush into the military camp next to us, we started running over the field. Suddenly, the 2 new Guys stopped. I turned around, just to see how my buddy got a killed from behind. I almost wanted to shout "Sniper", when i realized the Ghillie- Man was aiming at me and started to shoot. I dropped to the floor and tried to hit him at least with my revolver, but i missed and died. Can´t figure out why they did this. 3. Once i entered a Industrial Building, looking for some Stuff, when suddenly bullets hit the wall behind me. Immediatly i ran up the stairs and waited a few seconds. Then i decided to smoke this guy. I walked slowly down the stairs, always aiming through my AK- Kobra Sight. As i looked through a door, i saw his silhouette and unloaded my whole mag into him. If he wouldn´t have started to shooting at me, he could still be alive. I would even help him with some food or drinks. Maybe he panicked, it does not matter anymore. 4. After finding a M16, i ran trough Cherno, collecting Food, Drinks and other Equipment. Because i got chased by a Zed, i ran into a Pub. I got shocked when i saw a Survivor kneeling in a corner of the room. Over Voice i told him "I am friendly! Don´t shoot, i´ll just take this Zed out!". I killed the Zed and then headed at the first floor, noticing the Player followed me. When i checked some Loot, my back got filled with bullets from his MP5. Jealous Asshole. These are just a few examples of how people betrayed me. Now i am asking you: What do you think if you see a person wearing the "Hero"- Skin? "Oh, he´s a hero, he probably won´t shoot back! Better kill him!" ? "Damn, that´s a special bandit skin! Better shoot him!" ?
  6. Lone Raider

    Looking for a team member (German)

    Hi, wollte nur mal kurz hierauf antworten. Hört sich alles ganz gut an, aber ich will und kann mich nicht in der Weise verpflichten, wie ich meine, wie ihr es gern möchtet. Ich spiele die Mod jetzt schon ca eine Woche, als absoluter Neuanfänger würde ich mich also nicht bezeichnen. Falls es dich interessiert: Ich habe (derzeit, wer weiß wie lange dieser Zustand anhält) eine MP5SD6, eine G17 und einen ALICE. Dazu noch etwas Munition, Medizinartikel und Lebensmittel. Alles in allem also ok. Mikrofon hab ich, genauso wie Spaß am Spiel. Teilen ist kein Problem, ich habe die meiste Zeit sowieso immer genug für 2 dabei. Ich bin die meiste Zeit ein sehr spontaner Spieler, und eure Zeiten würden gut passen. Aber ich kann mich nicht nur auf euch festlegen, sondern würde weiterhin auch mit anderen Leuten in Gruppen herumlaufen. Falls ihr also Interesse habt, mich als Teilzeit- Mitglied dabei zu haben, gib einfach Bescheid.
  7. Lone Raider

    Survivors out there, willing to team up?

    Sry Kopss, no Skype (yet). But approximatly in a week i´ll get my new pc ^^ Btw: i´m always interested :D
  8. Running around solo is pretty dangerous, thats what i learned in the few days i´ve been playing Day Z. Zeds and Bandits everywhere, you know what i mean ;) I´m not a Uber- Pro, but I got some Know- How from playing AND much Sites about Day Z, such as where good loot Spots are or other stuff and i´m wiling to share my "wisdom" :D Languages: German/ Bavarian/ English ;) Usual Times: 19:00 - 23:00 (Location: Germany) Interested? Comment or PM. P.S. If you are a bandit: i am just a little, poor survivor with nothing but a flashlight > :D For the Survivors: No i´m not, i am pretty well equipped ;) (i won´t tell anything about my current location or my stuff in this post)