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MrVoase (DayZ)

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Posts posted by MrVoase (DayZ)

  1. But the title says 200kills in 2minutes and the video does not reflect that, it reflects 60 kills in 2m 24s sped up, idk how much sped up, maybe double? so in almost 5 mins you get 60 kills,

    Then you say "it would of been 200 kills in about 4.5 minutes" but you're trying to tell us 200 in 2 mins and then not even show it :P

    Misleading title.

    I'm going to rise to your challenge :), also thats just the topic's title, not the video's, stop nitpicking, it's just something i thought I'de share with the community as my first post.

  2. Hmm in a video that is 2min and 24seconds you get 60 kills, and the video is even sped up lol

    How is this 200 in 2minutes?

    A lot of the video is cut off because we did the same thing just before it in the fire station, but there's like 5 minutes of us aggro'ing all the zombies while we're on bicycles lol, if it was 100% and not sped up, it would of been more like 200 kills in about 4.5 minutes, still good though :)
