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Bushman (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Bushman (DayZ)

  1. Bushman (DayZ)

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    Rawrerz,whats the company that hosts the server,theres something you can do about it,pm me.
  2. Bushman (DayZ)

    Degree Gameing 2 Servers Up!

    Do you have the Rosetta Stone one?
  3. Bushman (DayZ)

    DE 901 - Admin hacker?

    Anyone can teleport and hack,the diff with them being admins is they are the ones supposed to do something about it on their server,but if they hack who stops them?,so, being admin does have unfair advantage cause they can hack freely, crooked cops etc....
  4. Bushman (DayZ)

    Starving to death needs to be COMPLETELY overhauled.

    Not to mention being able to whine on forums after starving to death.
  5. Bushman (DayZ)

    Starving to death needs to be COMPLETELY overhauled.

    You had a few choices during your run.You chose to starve,deal with it.
  6. Bushman (DayZ)

    Starving to death needs to be COMPLETELY overhauled.

    Jim jam,im glad you starved,blow the next goat you see and gtfo.
  7. Bushman (DayZ)

    How do I shot web?

    Goons at somethin awful are from eveonline.
  8. Bushman (DayZ)

    How do I shot web?

    Shot web meme been played out on eve homie. PRONS noob.
  9. Bushman (DayZ)

    Guess The Location ! (Chernarus)

    Im at the best location..... <--------------See
  10. Bushman (DayZ)

    Add this guy to your ban list

    That was close,you banned him just before his script woulda banned you guys....
  11. Suggest the obvious and speak in riddles,although this may or may not be in server reporting.
  12. Bushman (DayZ)

    Day Z Videos

    Some shooting on au213 except the begining.
  13. Bushman (DayZ)

    24/7 Daylight Servers... UGH?

    Doesnt mean a damn thing when everyone has nvg's.
  14. Bushman (DayZ)

    24/7 Daylight Servers... UGH?

    Sounds more like you just want to shoot blind mice.alot of people like to play in the day light so they can see.you want it to be dark so you get an advantage.everyone always wants their own advantage,quit bitching about other peoples choices not being in your best interest.
  15. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/How_to_install_DayZ
  16. Bushman (DayZ)

    leroy is a big cheater (Vidéo)

    What english?
  17. Bushman (DayZ)


    Im a grown man homie,is it common to have 13 yr olds in your wifes bed?
  18. Bushman (DayZ)

    Kicked off the game. By Battleye: Global Ban?

    Stumble the car was friday hotdog sneezed cloud yes code freaky turnip cigarette books for hire truely akward pools ,clothes wire animal goat can of bens empty. ;)
  19. Bushman (DayZ)

    Need NVG heres a Trick!

    Dont even turn on your monitor,or thats cheating.
  20. Bushman (DayZ)


    I think you missed a category,post another,3 of the same thread isnt enough.
  21. The whiners should signup for eveonline and go mine rocks....carebears.
  22. Bushman (DayZ)


    I didnt say you broke any rules,i sugested what could be.you dont even know whats wrong so stfu.you wanna get mad and start calling names,you can eat a dic.im glad you have problems sucker.
  23. So many people with sand in their va-gine-ahs.