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Bushman (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Bushman (DayZ)

  1. http://dayzmod.com/f..../#entry446536 Rockets words http://dayzmod.com/f...an-you-confirm/ Day Z staff confirms
  2. If there are logs showing an exact player scripting stuff in,he is a valid kick/ban,unless the others players also scripted,they cannot be kicked/banned.
  3. Also admins CANNOT ban or kick for possession of hacked or duped items. That here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79549-dev-or-rocket-can-you-confirm/
  4. Thats not what rocket said,heres what he said, http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46844-hackers/#entry446536 And just for clarification about possession of a hacked item,admins CANNOT ban or kick for having them or duped items. that here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79549-dev-or-rocket-can-you-confirm/
  5. Bushman (DayZ)

    deciphering log coordinates

    After the name it would say teleport.and gogler...you have somethin white on your cheek.
  6. Bushman (DayZ)

    deciphering log coordinates

    I wonder why you would be interested in coordinates anyway......oh,right.Must be a feature that admins have and isnt being abused.
  7. Bushman (DayZ)

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    Because i felt like it,and you know what i mean when i say it.also,good thing your personal view doesnt matter, just the rules do.now STFU and go be Top Flight somewhere else.
  8. Bushman (DayZ)

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    The whole issue with it is,if it was illegal to be in possession,alot of innocent people would endup banned,not everyone knows everything about the game.not everyone knows what all weapons are supposed to be here ingame.i dont care if and how you know,doesnt mean everyone else does.banning everyone who touches one isnt the answer,its not illegal get over it.
  9. Admins arent allowed to kick or ban you for possessing a weapon that doesnt spawn ingame.they can only ban you if they have proof that you used scripts.
  10. Bushman (DayZ)

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    Rocket,can you come in here and straighten this issue out?admins dont think your staffs words are good enough,so maybe you can get the point across.
  11. Bushman (DayZ)

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    Also the day z staff pointed out the difference, so your claim to differentiate is false.
  12. Bushman (DayZ)

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    I dont care how many you think are from scripting,my point is that they were ingame to begin with and werent removed.some people think they all just disappeared and the rest think there never were any.besides that,the whole issue is about banning or kicking for possessing them which admins are not allowed to do because having them is not illegal,scripting them in is for the person who scripted it.
  13. Bushman (DayZ)

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    Bull,they were a normal gun in the game awhile back ,then they stopped spawning them.read the wiki desc for as50,2nd to the last paragraph at bottom of page.
  14. Bushman (DayZ)

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    Thats solid proof of nothing because you cant be banned or kicked for inventory.
  15. Bushman (DayZ)

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    It cant be fair his way just for the simple fact that any player that doesnt know everything about the game comes along and picks one up off of a dead player gets banned.And besides that its not their choice what to police on the game except what they are allowed.
  16. Bushman (DayZ)

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    I'm making it a concern of mine,so ill be here all week.
  17. Bushman (DayZ)

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    Because alot of admins are on a power trip.
  18. Bushman (DayZ)

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    And likewise if you kick or ban for possession your server can be blacklisted.
  19. Bushman (DayZ)

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    Being in possession is not illegal,you have no legit arguement.
  20. Bushman (DayZ)

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    You still didnt answer the question. So when they stopped spawning as50 tws ingame,not removed the weapon,but stopped spawning them,where do you think they ended up?maybe a player that had one died,and maybe another player picked one up,and so on and so on.theres sure to be alot ingame that werent hacked in cause they were here to begin with.the problem isnt the players that come across them,but the players that script them in.This is a Day Z website so sure the staff represent developement and policy.
  21. Bushman (DayZ)

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    Why would BE scan for supposed blacklisted gear and ban for it when you cant get banned for having it?Scripting is what you can get banned for.Also are you implying Day Z forum staff words are no good and shouldnt be followed?
  22. Bushman (DayZ)

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    A player picking up the weapon and using still doesnt generate a log saying they scripted it in ,so whats the question?if they didnt script it in,so what log are you talking about that backs what up?
  23. Bushman (DayZ)

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    Heres the final word.you cannot ban or kick for possessing hacked in items. http://dayzmod.com/f...an-you-confirm/
  24. Bushman (DayZ)

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    Thank you for your time on this.