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About unyq

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. NO NO NO NO ;) as stated before: spawn should be more rare and toolbox more often!
  2. Hallo zusammen, wir suchen noch ein paar Mitspieler. Wir spielen im Moment eher auf Private Hives, auf der Hive haben wir so ziemlich alles was man haben kann, wir warten auf den Patch ;) Also wer Lust hat auf bissl Private Hive Aktion /pm me Vorraussetzungen: -Deutsch -mind. 20 -Ts -Ordentliches Mic -Etwas Erfahrung wenns geht
  3. unyq

    LF Ghillie

    DONT TRADE WITH HIM !!!! ingame: AUSTIN betrayed me etc fucker!
  4. can offer: rangefinder, nvgs, gps, as50, m9sd or l85asaws im in cherno / elektro need asap ;)
  5. unyq

    Cant Update to V 1.7 HElP :)

    just download dayzcommander http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  6. unyq

    [Offer] L85a2 aws

    thanks kysung for friendly trade! you have my beans *haha* :D
  7. unyq

    New DayZ in depth item guide!

    sorry but this is not an in depht guide - you just cover the basics which can be found on every wiki/database site. would be nice to hear something about the correct aiming or so...
  8. So some buddys and me were sniping in cherno and saw a guy who logged in multiple times, walks 2-3 meters - we shot at him, then he instantly disappears. Can i ban hin on my server for beiings such a douchbag?
  9. unyq

    [Offer] L85a2 aws

    Offer still valid! pls pm
  10. unyq

    [Offer] L85a2 aws

    Also can Offer a as50, GPS, nvgs, all Car parts if this is better :)
  11. With 4 mags stanag Or m9sd with 4 mags Want to have: ghillie Suite and Range finder Bonus Points if you have a Radio! Will be online 20.00 (8pm) German Time(GMT+2) Just pm me your Server and coordinates!
  12. Can offer: NVG, Gps, M4A3 CCO, M107, PWD and DMR and all types of car/heli parts
  13. unyq

    LF nvg

    can offer car parts, ghillie, m4a3 cco /w ammo, pwd /w ammo, gps
  14. unyq

    LF nvg

    can offer car parts, ghillie, m4a3 cco /w ammo, pwd /w ammo, gps