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Everything posted by Niemiec

  1. Niemiec

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket. Will you fix vehicles and tents in this update?
  2. Rocket launcher is glitched, can't shoot anymore because of this patch...
  3. Something is wrong I guess?
  4. Niemiec

    Suspicious phenomenon

    I see something like that by the first itme in my enitre life in this game, it's getting worse day by day, it even has beaten killall cheat. Just try to imagine, if someone is capable of placing an object anywhere on the map, means nothing else than someone can put for example a wall in Chernogorsk, to prevent people from escaping, and kill them all like a prey. It's ridiculous.
  5. Niemiec

    Suspicious phenomenon

    At Wysota there is only a radio tower, not any huge funnel... It just appeared from nowhere.
  6. Niemiec

    Suspicious phenomenon

    Since when there is a funnel at Wysota?
  7. Hello everyone I want to present this bullshit. Our team has found already 6 heli, obviously needed to be repaired and that's what we have done. But each time, no matter, however how we save it or we don't, after server restart it's disappearing, also our URAL has transformed into a BUS.. Also our tents are just magically disappearing after a restart like there were never before any tents. What's going on?
  8. It's not fucking funny, it's bullshit disappearing heli and vehicle transforming into another? Is that a joke? Maybe tomorrow instead of my bike I will see a boat in the middle of forest? What am I doing incorrectly?