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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. I think it's far easier just to make all characters stay in for about 30 seconds after logging out in ALL situations. No matter what your doing. If it's only flagging you after being damaged, a player can still log out the instant someone shoots at them (and misses) or they simply see someone. So it doesn't fix the whole problem.
  2. Slow them down completely (and massively reduce body hit damage) and give them a max time they chase you for tbh. At the moment zombies never actually catch you dispite the speed they move at as long as your running, but they also never give up which is quite broken.
  3. Nasher

    WTF a jet ?

    People cheating in games are the cancer of the internet. All it does is destroy games/mods :/
  4. Nasher

    Campfires & Hot Beans.

    Yes! and the farts could alert zombies :P
  5. This is a very bad idea. Making people wait until they can respawn will just scare people away from the game, which is bad for everyone. There just needs to be some kind of benefit to NOT shooting people. For a start, if you even damage another player you should instantly become a free kill for a while, so they can kill you in self defence with no penalty. Something more drastic would be to let people respawn at their tent if they die. But if your a "bandit" you loose the tent as well, so you get sent way down south again. But that's messing with the core mechanics.
  6. Nasher

    Campfires & Hot Beans.

    I agree. At the moment blood is just to hard to recover. You shouldn't have to eat about 20 cans of beans to get back to full "health" :P Don't forget to open the can first though, Or this happens: http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/epic-fail-photos-bean-cooking-fail.gif :D
  7. Nasher

    More zombies please.

    The problem at the moment seems to be they keep spawning endlessly. By the time you killed the first lot more have spawned and already aggroed. The only thing you can do to make them stop is run into a building and log out, or run way into the woods and hope to kill the ones following you (but most likely there will be to many) :/ I sat in a barn for maybe 10 mins killing them as they came in, by the time I ran out of ammo there was a mountain of corpses. But then I fell off a 2ft drop, broke my legs and died :(
  8. They should revert the whole wood thing. 75% of the map is covered by trees, you should just have to find matches and it can be assumed you found the wood for it... In real-life I live near a slightly wooded area, it would take maybe 3 mins to find enough loose wood to make a fire. The fact you have to KEEP finding wood would just be annoying in a game :/
  9. Nasher

    Everyone is a Bandit

    Problem is, since they removed humanity it's just easier to shoot everyone you meet now (unless you actually know them ofc). Which kind of removes the uncertainty from the game. If everyone is just assuming everyone else is hostile then the game is just 1 big deathmatch :/
  10. Nasher

    The bleeding wont stop

    Had problems too. I also broke my legs and died by just trying to craw through a doorway, which was very annoying :/
  11. Nasher

    Idea for new bandit system

    There does need to be a down side to being a bandit, otherwise the game will just descend in to a deathmatch on a very big map. There isn't really any reason NOT to kill everyone you see already (other than if your playing with friends), there are no zombies or content that requires 2+ players.
  12. Nasher

    More zombies please.

    I think the number of them is fine, but they need to fix the movement so you can actually hit them before they are 12cm from your face and flailing in the air :/ In fact in the main cities there should be MANY more to make pvping there far more dangerous.
  13. Nasher

    Mid-Combat Disconnection Hammer [URGENT]

    I don't think they should do anything while it's still in alpha because random disconnects due to server problems are still quite high. But nearer launch/beta they could just make it so disconnecting anywhere leaves your character in the game for 15+ secs.
  14. Nasher

    Blood Regeneration While Logged Out

    I just think it should start to regenerate after eating and give you a lot more back than it does atm. Right now you have to eat MANY cans of beans just to get enough to stop the screen blur :P
  15. Nasher

    Trading post creation

    Would be interesting, something like "Barter Town". But maybe someone should save it for a Mad Max mod using the Takistan map :P But it would need to be some kind of non-pvp area or it would never work.
  16. If you had 1000s of people in an area 225k squared, which is mostly covered by forest or fields your not exactly a "survivor" any more :P
  17. Nasher

    Silent/Stealth Weapons & Gear

    There is a silenced MP5 as well, makes almost no nose at all. But making silent weapons common would make the game to easy I think. Also baseball bats, shuvles, crowbars, frying pans, machetes really aren't that silent when you hit something with them. Especially when it's hard enough to kill someone :P
  18. Nasher


    DayZ is based on Arma 2 which a sim, so it's as realistic as it can be. They may not be able alter the parts that control day/night and lighting. But tbh they should just speed up the day/night cycle if they can. Or just give all characters flashlights :D A lot of people who always lived in/near towns probably don't know actually how dark it can get. I live in the countryside with no streetlights and most people don't leave outside lights on, you can't even see your hand in front of your face on a dark night with no moon :P
  19. Nasher

    Too many downsides playing night?

    They could maybe make zombies less active during the night. So if you kill 1 they don't ALL come running. Or have zombies attracted to light, so you can throw a flare and escape.
  20. Nasher

    make zombies slower

    They are far to twitchy at the moment, it's next to impossible to hit a running zombie until their right in your face. Slowing them down would make their moment a lot smoother. I think make them slow like classic zombies, but body shots do FAR less damage than headshots (which would balance out their slowness). They would also need to give up following you eventually as well though, or they would end up walking across the entire map to chase some guy that drove by hours ago :P
  21. Nasher

    Holster pistol

    I agree, holster weapons is kinda needed for encounters with other players :/
  22. Nasher

    Will familiarity kill this mod?

    For the sake of gameplay they should just randomize ALL the weapon/item spawns. Also there should be a chance that zombies spawn instead of a weapon. Knowing where everything is defeats the whole point in an open-world survival game. It needs to be un-predictable.