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Everything posted by Thaylor

  1. Yeah i agree, i say half the food and animal spawns but maybe triple the amount of time it takes to starve and make cans and meat only fill half the bar (you can go 4-6 weeks with out any food) Also maybe start the game on half hunger. Atm there is so much food when i find it i just eat it cos i got to much :P And if animal spawns were more rare and maybe took 7 days to re-spawn on a server, People would trade food for ammo etc and make hunting party's I vote yes to a harder Dayz
  2. Yeah strange me and my mate playing next to each other just got script restriction #80 and kicked then rejoined and bam #90 kicked Been playing fine for 3 weeks and arnt hacking
  3. Thaylor

    Side Chat

    Maby add a CB radio or somthing and you only get chat when you find one :P
  4. Thaylor

    Being bad just easy mode?

    Maby make a wostwanted list with names and when you log in a server it gives you the servers top10 most wanted bandits ......ppl can hunt them :P