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Posts posted by mick_andrews@y7mail.com

  1. I've been there several times, and I've never met another person there. I have found the remains of people's camps though. In one server, every single entrance was blocked off by sandbags and barbed wire except for the front door. There were 30 or so tents inside... and every one was empty. Creepy as crap.

    I did get my leg broken there by a zombie once and crawled all the way to the NWAF. :D

    would that have been AU27? if so that was the remains of my clans old base we have since move all our gear to a newer location

  2. 97ADU is now recruiting like minded Aussies and Kiwis looking to do a lil more in the game, we only have around 15 members at the moment and are slowly growing, at the moment we are currently setting up a trading outpost but need more help.

    We are mow the Aussie/Kiwi contingent of The Coalition so we are only taking friendlies

    Please refer to this thread for Coalition details http://dayzmod.com/f...culture-of-dayz

    If this sounds like something you would like to see happen feel free to PM me so we can start the recruitment process

    Hoping to hear from you soon ACiD (97ADU's server Admin)

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