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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. Zeppa

    Status Report - Week of 13 Oct 14

    Duct tape... maybe if you wrap the whole head..
  2. Tought to try my luck with this thread as I missed the last bit from the littlebit misleading "Dean Hall engourages server hopping" etc thread that got locked. So if this is left to be, dont derail or flame, but discuss. Centralized loot system... Most likely means something where loot tables are located at HIVE level, hive distributes loot to certain servers to be spawned at. So we get several levels or management in this system. IE NVGs, total number of spawning permissions from the HIVE is 2. HIVE grants rights to spawn 1 NGV at server 1 and 5, total number of servers in the group is 5. Now server 1 and 5 have 0.1% change of spawning NVGs while servers 2-4 has 0% change of spawning NVG. Also when these 2 NVGs are spawned there is no more spawning, so you need to find person possessing them or where they are stored. So hive points what and how much loot is granted to servers, servers determine the change of spawning that loot. I understand the immersion breaking point people brought up, when one server doesnt have all the items. This means you cant just stick to one server and play on that, but to explore several servers to get said items. This has its ups and downs, which varies through persons. I would consider this positive thing as you get to explore multible "worlds" and people cant hoard tons of high value stuff and everyone cant have the most über gear. True it breaks "immersion" when you have "same" world with differend people and objects(bases etc). But it brings more to explore and to do. I would welcome that, as it also counters server hopping when you are guaranteed to find item on the same spot as all server are generally the same large server. Same time it wouldnt matter too much what server you play on, apart from your base location. Think of it as the 5 times larger map but with same layout all over, not ideal but you get the point. Like in MMOs when you have to use "portals" etc to travel between sections of the map, in this scenario you would change server. Only one server is your "home" section as your persistent objects are there if you have set up a base. This makes me think that I would even welcome having multible server with different maps under same HIVE, the traveling part aint "realistic" but it would bring more to the game. Also differend maps could have differend distribution of items so would need to explore for items untill people have scattered some of them across the servers. Downsides I would say being that. Larger server groups would get tedious to find items if there is only 1 or 2 in the whole "world". This loot system would multiply server trafic by the amount of servers, when people have to seek all over. By trafic I dont mean bandwith, but the lets say amount of differend players in a month. If servers have 100 player slots and every server has like 80 active players roaming across all the servers its hugely larger change to get your base etc discovered. Sure this could be countered with proper stashes etc. Edit: After thinking this through again, it woudnt affect the server in anyway... if the cap is 100 and 80 active any given time, its 80. Doesnt matter who the players are, apart from their personal agenda. In "short", with this kind of loot system there will be no server hopping in the meaning of the word as its now. It would be some what necesity to play on various servers, but that is only when you need or want to to find something rare and specific like those nvg's etc. So all in all I see the logic in this and think its good system to implement and when its tweaked right. Its still is a game, one can only make it authentic to a certain point. Immersion is so personal thing, everyone cannot be pleased. I would like this hardcore game, but also I understand that it would sacriface too much from the gameplay aspect. Fun is not the same for everyone. I also understand that this may not be how Dean has imagined/designed the system so I may change my mind when its announced, untill then. I think it would be good. Did I miss something? Im sure I did, point it out!
  3. Zeppa

    Will someone please explain to me...

    Did you try rebooting your pc? Did you unplug your pc from the mains and waited minute or so before applying power again? Did you unplug the keyboard and attached it again after waiting minute or so? Are you certain that your keyboard drivers are up to date? Are you sure you are pressing the right button? This is higly important. Are these questions help full?
  4. Fair enough, good points. If crafting gun with duct taped flaslight is no go I start to wonder, how no go is something even more important and tasking.. Maybe later, sure they have more important stuff to work on now time wise... sure duct taped flashlight is great addition to gameplay and should be done, Im quite sure they could do it by just simple flashlight with ductape on its model when crafted. I really dont mind about if anything is sawn off, but everything that bring more to the gameplay should be considered.
  5. Why not? I dont think it takes much effort from the devs side, then anyone can fkup their gun if they like to... its not away from anybody, dont cut yours if you dont like it. You should be able to cut your m4 in half if you liked to, use it without necessary attachments etc etc.
  6. Zeppa

    hidden Fake death animation?

    People seem to forget that game will change on other aspects too than just add new stuff to it... zombies are finished, gun sounds draws attention, ammo becomes more rare etc etc yada yada. You might not want to draw all that attention by your double triple tapping or you just dont have ammo to do so.... Its fair to assume that things are going to get balanced when the game comes out. Its not good to base your opinnions on the current state of the game and what uses it may have now, dont be too short sighted.
  7. Zeppa

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    Indeed, when alphas generally are not public so you dont know how many years they work with it.. Now when you can join one they want it all immediately like it was complete game. And maybe the couble of month is the case today as all releases are just map/texture packs... Bf/cod anyone?
  8. Zeppa

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    That was quite long "flight", avarage joe will tip it over when the skits leave the ground. That guy had vague idea how its controlled.
  9. Zeppa

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    Ok, so what you want me to say? That armed or not helis will ruin the gameplay? Make this another arcadey shooter with battlefield series or arma series? That point of view doesnt have base what so ever. Everyone arguing from that point of view (against) has assumption that when implemented it is done without balancing that makes the heli some unmatched deathmachine. TRUE if its done so then its a problem, but why would you make it a problem before its even in? I cant blame you guys against armed helis, when its been joke in many games like battlefield and arma, but you should not confuse those to this game. Then there is party that just dont want because it feel unneccesary in a way or another? They bring helis and make them hard to maintain, repair, fly and all that. Again same argument can be made about allmost every item they bring in after the very basics, one type of food, clothing items... everything after that is just extra and variety to keep people entertained. Thats basically what this heli thing is all about variety in transportation and armament. Every feature in same category (vehicles) have their pros and cons, helis will be just another line in that list. If someone feels they are unnecessary then its fine, but that doesnt mean that they should exclude them from the game entirely when other people might find use for them. Then there is people that want these implemented, me included. They might have their own assumptions of one godly deathmachine, and get disapointed or not. I belong to this group in a way that I try to think this more "realistically" through balancing aspects and features that may affect the outcome. I dont say my point of view is right but I feelt its the most neutral. That is when I think they should bring the helis, but in a way that its balanced through combination gameplay aspects. It's ONLY about the way it is implemented. It is not necessary to expect anything yet, we are in alpha and then in beta where the most balancing happens. When in beta its time to start bitching about issue that ARE in game, not before. There is SO MANY things that could affect the out come how helis are player, armed or not that this conversation isnt really timely right now. If its done "wrong" from my perspective its not implemented at all or its implemented the way it becomes that godly deathmachine that the people against it are afraid. Im fairly confident on devs idea on this game that I dont see that arcadey aspect happening. Points I think on this topic.. Spare parts Complexicity of the maintenance Wear and tear Fuel types for various helis like huey and robinson. Armament ammunition Skill needed to fly etc etc Even with those there is HUGE amounts parameters to tweak and make them to work in this game. They could bring whole ARMA vehicle category and still keep the game in the right track what ever you want to call it "zombie survival sim". Heh, Ever thing of that adding X doesnt automatically transform game from Y to Z? On that note, has this game transformed to some fashion catwalk sim where we can try various outfits when they add new pants?
  10. Zeppa

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    lol, did you really think this true? BF4,3,bfbc2,bfbc,2,1 what ever have nothing to do with this. It doesnt make it bf4 if they add variation to the game, thats just rediculous comment what ever your trying to say with it. Same with adding high calibre rifles... doesnt make game cod. All for it, add paraglider. Nothing wrong with that eighter... same with helis, nothing wrong. Its all matter of method how they are implemented. Even if I personally wont even get access to flying one they should be ingame, If anyone is willing to make it work thats fine. Its not away from anyone. What comes to the points about spotting shit and such, its has nothing to do with helis. Maybe they should fix textures and shit that it wont paralyze other features or restrict them... People really need to think this from other perspectives than their own, be objective.
  11. Zeppa

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    Dont get me wrong, Im all for it... harder the better. But 95% of the current arma/dayz "bad ass" helipilots would go down in flames if even the TOH mechanics would be implemented. Even removal of autohover and trim would make them cry when they cant keep the heli stable. Vortex ringstate is easily left out from game, speacially non flightsim like dayz... In dayz the level of skill needed to fly heli effectively, would be exponentially increased with TOH mechanics and would need for capable person, not just some random guy. With keyb+mous combo its nearly impossible to counter torgues/throttle/trims with any kind of precision when its all or nothing from the controlls, specially rudder. If not really impossible, unpleasant and it looks awfull. As said vortex ringstate is minor thing to introduce to this game...
  12. Zeppa

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    What?? Have you played TOH? Stick it to hardest difficulty with no autotrims, auto hovers and shit. You cant fly it without pedals, joystick and throttle lever. When you combine that with 1st person its pain without headtracking. 3th person perspective is just otherwise rediculous with those equipment to start with. 3th person goes ok in arcadey arma2/battlefield etc mechanics, mouse and keyboard.
  13. Zeppa

    Armed Helicopters Are NOT Overpowered

    So in your DayZthe apocalypse is contained in chernarus? What if the other world is in same shit? Yada yada... Why would you risk leaving to unknown area with your heli to possibly find nothing when you can use it to gain most out of your present living area etc... Its is not about need. Its about content and things to do. If it doesnt bring anything because it will be too complicated,hard what ever? Why coudnt they add it just like they add newly colored hat for variation! If the heli stands on he NWAF it doesnt mean shit. With that question, why do you need cars if you have bike, why do you need multible clothing types with same features yada yada. There is nothing wrong adding helis when there is time for it, no one can argue they are bad if those are balanced. So only thing we can do is to speculate shit and flame each others opinnions. Now people base their expections on some battlefield/arma2 etc flight mechanics and shit, which is rediculous. If done right helis add same to the gameplay as cars or any other transportation, each having their pros and cons. No one can argue that, so why not??
  14. Zeppa

    It is possible future of DayZ?

    Exactly and all these need to be taken account for the epic 360 noscope headshots.
  15. Zeppa

    It is possible future of DayZ?

    Just to be an smartass, even sp games have lag, you have it even now when you moving your mouse or type on your keyboard. But its so minor that you cant notice it. There is lag even when you move your eyes, when the signal must travel through to your muscles.. :P There will be always lag when you process it through hardware and software applications. But to the OP, those can be fixed.. in time.
  17. Removing zeds woudnt be that hard later, Im certain suchs server will become to exist at least when modding is allowed. Why not make both to satisfy more people at the end. Sounds like this minecraft type of thingie game that was up while ago... You realize thats never going to work as you describe it.. never, look how well all that survivory apocalypse scene is acted out now... you cant force people to play that way.
  18. Spread the spawn... better for everyone. 98% of the people doesnt care about some made up backstory (I dont think there is certain official one) doesnt matter if you spawn inland or coast. 98%o f the people doesnt think about the respawn anything else than the point to start running for the gear from. Spread out spawn could/would bring.. More trafic to the unused parts of the map There for clears the coastal deathmatch towns to some extent, no deathmatchers killing freshspawns just for lulz etc. More unpredictable persistent base locations. Everyone knows where to look bases now(north/west) in the mod which goes for SA too if nothing is changesd. Also devs need to fix the forests to make this work, its plain textures and no undegrowth... how are people supposed to try to hide something there, impossibru. Vehicles will not help any issues with coastal spawns, there will be few and 98% of the people wont have access to them for big part of their gamelife. They play alone or with friend, vehicles wont be anything worth mentionin with this case.
  19. Zeppa

    The TANK Thread

    Ofc, and all that is fine if want to do that.. There is always change someone have emptied that container/car, you cant go back for it yad yada... Its alot of if's and that how it should be. Has nothing to do with playstyles...
  20. Zeppa

    The TANK Thread

    Not really, I think people fail to see all variables... Equipment weight, ammo rarity etc.., i could give rats ass if I came across some rpg with rocket or two.. Would rather take a knife and avoid that tank.
  21. Zeppa

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    You cant compare mods helis to what we are going to get. In the mod the helis were joke to fly and maintain. If they port helis from take on helis and their flight dificulty as max without autotrims and shit no casual codkids can fly them properly. After that make maintaining them so that you woudnt want to risk getting shot at.. Helis wont be anything game breaking, maybe only usefull for groups to an extent as transport..
  22. Zeppa

    DayZ SA's current state in a nutshell.

    You had the game engine ready and tested? If you make engine from the ground up or even heavily modify one your are bound to come across problems that are more or less hard to fix. To me they have come up with alot of those things you talk about, imo those arent the problem with this development atm but the lack of major changes. I dont feel they need to throw update out everyweek if they have made handfull of items ready, sure they could do that but cant see its importance. People would complain about those patches as much, when there is nothing really big updates and important bug fixes. If you fix something this early has good change of breaking something else. All that you say you did in months is no problem if they would have solid engine and performance to build it on.. As the this game stands now, it lacks forward momentum a bit and there can be several and major reasons for it which we can only speculate on without official word. But I dont think they are playing golf at the office.. as for now this game wont change much even if they update it with new items, it needs features which arent easy as making 3d objects or something else you can just throw in to a working enviroment. Only thing we can do is wait, bitching here wont make it any faster so why waste our breath.
  23. Zeppa

    Dean Hall please sort it out...

    Not really, why do you think that hacks are possible in the first place? BIS/Dean has a good deal to do with hackers and countering them through their game code.
  24. Zeppa

    DayZ SA's current state in a nutshell.

    What!? First of all the mod wasnt "theirs" it was purely Dean's and later when Dean started working with BIS and they tought to make it as SA with better "foundation" as the arma2 is restricting features and development the way he/they wanted to go. Also arma2 is so hackable(scriptable) that its bad base for large mmo. Most of the mods content came from community and if you want to play it fair BIS woudnt have "right" to this content that others have greated, very little would have come from Dean if you look the mods now so even from that point of view SA could have very little from the mod.. Now people are refering the SA as cash grab when they dont understand how much work is gone and will go in to it... Before they cried that they have pay for the mod (buying arma)... dat logic. All the disclaimers not to buy game yet and still people cry about it here, thats incredible! Its not arma 3 engine, its build "from cratch" with TOH engine as a base, which is variation of arma 2 engine. You have clearly no idea what has gone in to this, even tho it looks much the same it is much more. How long do you thing it takes to make a game from scratch, even if you have something as a base. Its not like some COD release where you just model few new maps and throw in few perks and textures, that should take week or two yet those are relased yearly.. how about whole new game? There is very few things ported from arma/mod and even most of those are place holders like some animations and textures... Clearly you dont have a clue what you are talking about.. Does these "cash grab" people consider every everyday devices as cash grab? Like mobile phones, there is always and prototype or multiple ones (mods) and then they make it as product to sell everyone. Only diffrence is that with this game you are offered to buy that early prototype and you get the full product when its done... how can one complain about this or claim it as a cash grab? Specially when its adviced NOT TO.
  25. No I totally know what is your point, but imo its shouldnt be as it is in this type of game. It would be ok with more arcadey shooter etc and even fun. That is why I consider it as cheating/exploit in this game with all "realistic" features "to come". That should be considerent, what type of game we are going to have. I would be ok if hardcore server could choose between first person and fixed 3th person. All true, but extented eyeball providing more information than you "should" have. Ofcourse you cant, thats why its just predicting, its just comes to how easy it is to maintain that situational awareness, with 3th person its so much easyer. Without exposing yourself everytime you need LOS like with your human eyeballs. True, true. But how do you get the position to get the best information is the issue now.if both see each other at the same time, then I consider this to be fair game who can use the 3th person best and such. But in this game that is hardly the case, someone gets always their ass handed to them because of this feature we have and that they woudnt not if both parties woud have to use their eyes. I think it all comes down to what type of game it fits, imo its not for this game as it is now. I can see it objectively even I think its exploit. That makes me thing why they would even consider this feature to military sim (as it is).