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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. Zeppa

    Oculus Rift = Pay2Win

    What if you build your tracking from free parts laying around and use freetrack... what is it then? You dont pay so cant be p2w? I just found a loop hole!
  2. Zeppa

    Death By Fall Damage.

    So how many bullets can you take?
  3. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Alpha Ep. 1 - First Playthrough

    That was boring... <_<
  4. You could have saved yourself alot of time by not posting this.. Because alpher..
  5. Zeppa

    What Ruins DayZ

    To me it sounds like that someone just cant handle it! buaha
  6. Zeppa

    Oculus Rift Support?

    I used freetrack and some custom 3-point cap for TOH, hope this will get support soon too... You can do fine with ps3 eye, freetrack and few leds if you dont wanna invest that much. Also I play with 24" full hd screen without issues.. Currently you can setup freetrack to emulate mouse to look around but it just dont work good when you need to do much else with it to. It gives and it takes... makes "hipfire" harder when your vision is not aligned always (without crosshair).
  7. Zeppa

    Update frequency?

    Bought the game twise??? This one of the most idiotic statements anyone can make.
  8. Zeppa

    Hackers in SA

    Also teleporting has never worked like that in arma, what I have seen... They could teleport only to the ground level, then there was noclip to flyaround but those certainly didnt make any swooswsuushuus noises.. Alot of these hackers are explained by player inexperience, failing to read bug reports/patch notes and just pure fail. :D
  9. Zeppa

    Killed by zombie horde in no-man's-land

    I have come across one or two in the middle of nowhere.. this combined to the bugged sounds so you start to ignore those zombie bunnies and suddenly there is the real deal moaning behind you..
  10. Zeppa

    Dayz Help Dean Hall!!!

    Have seen some weird sicocheds... those bullets can bounce like grazy. I woudnt call that hacks right away.
  11. No, my point is. Why would you buy a zombie survival game, if there is so much better games to achieve what you are looking for, in this case "fear of death/perma death" and pvp? ie arma. If you have no interest what so ever about survival or zeds when I dont understand why would you buy this game. If you like being a bandit and killing/robbing for loot then thats allright, go for it but thats not purely shooting everything that moves. Thats like buying NFS to drive along the traffic... I dont really care if there is few players running around with strictly pvp mentality, I can deal with that. But if they are ones that shoot fresh spawns and people that cant even defend them selves(axe vs m4) then its rediculous and stupid. Devs are have not made this game for strictly pvp, and you can tell by the measures they have taken in the mod. And ALOT will change when they get loot,zeds and such better... less military loot, less ammo, more zeds that are atracted to gun fire from larger distances etc fun stuff!
  12. I would love to play at proper night issues I see now Gamma "hack" -> Lock the gamma slider at least limit the adjustment... There not so different monitors that you need to adjust it that much..what comes to ati/nvidia controls, make the game crash if you alt tab :D + planned connection timers would make the "cheating" that annoying so people could stop using it? Can always hope.. Right? Not many usable lightsources.. -> flashlight, narrow beam.. Useless indoors -> Headlamp, same as flashlight and no freetrack/oculus support to get it usable with weapon in hand. -> portable gaslamp bugged and blinds yourself when in hand...totally unrealistic, reminds me of arma2 lighting.. I would love that gaslamp... Also no light reflections, lights what you point your flashlight at.. Main problem with using lights indoors.. ps. Gamma hack doest work? I tried it somedays back worked fine... B/W daytime...
  13. I think you should play arma, there is nice mods for you to play as you wish and not ruin this game. Sure play styles differ and thats ok, but you starting points are way off from this game..
  14. Mod is developed by community, have been so for a while now. Only way SA to affect its development is if present devs move to play SA and dont care to dev the mod anymore and no one else will pick it up.
  15. This "problem" only arises before you understand the mechanics... I used to think so too, now I think its ok.. Even to the point that there is too much food. If you have 2 canteens you cant die of thirst, thats if you arent completely clueless.. And if you bother to loot anything else than the military you cant die of hunger..
  16. Zeppa

    Could we at least have some loot

    Loot? Its everywhere, to the point you cant die of hunger or anything else than a bullet..
  17. Same, also its weird that there is no videos or any "real proof" about these hacks... specially if they really are that much of a problem. With quick look I found one video from youtube that claims dayz hacks with a demo video... thas about it... other ones are just from bad players, clitches/bugs or just fake named MOD footage.
  18. Zeppa

    WarZ all over again

    Dont you think its way better to get shitload of hacks released now, devs can deal with those in one blow and even test the counter measures. Also its an alpher, it still has holes in it like Dean has said. Give it time and quit bitching people, run to balota and gear up again.
  19. Zeppa

    Saline > Blood Bagging. Here's why:

    I think its really absurd that you even gain blood from saline alone like that. It should just hydrate you. I have found saline bags alot from the hotel house that has the dining side and 2 rooms, stairs to second floor but door cant be opened. The second room has almost always something medical in it.
  20. Zeppa

    Hallo admin, is nice gear you having

    Need more smileys! Those items arent rare at all, nothing is etm...
  21. WHAT!? NO!? Why you holiday, why no patch game! money back!
  22. Zeppa

    Bad stomach problems

    Im not so sure about that, because he got sick already. My understanding is that charcoal tabs are to prevent issues before they come up, ie you eat rotten fruit etc.. you take those tabs before you get sick. After you get sick you have to use other means to cure it, no charcoal tabs can suck the infection from your system, only the substances from your stomach. So my vote goes for the antibiotics.
  23. Zeppa

    NCP survivors

    Yep. I suggest you to move on to another game. You want storyline, npc's... would you like to have some perks and skill to go with that and some experience grinding for levels... OH and quests!? Would be so awesome!!
  24. Zeppa


    If they are in your inventory you can bind them to quickbar for swapping, or just by hand through inventory. If you are asking is there way to fill them at once or without switching them in the hand, there is no way.
  25. Zeppa

    Saying Hey

    Hey, you should be working and not writing on videogame forums! :beans: