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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. To all about this. "there is no loot", you are not ment to stay in the NWAF and go "hurrrdurr no loot in barraxxx, lets hop.. Rocket why u no fix lootzz??" and change server to where its not looted yet. And someone "fixed" someone with "running 15mins to find loot is lame", no its not... its lame to assume that you can find loot in one or two nearest towns... dayz is a bitch, and should be. I havent had any problems with full pop server with finding basic loot, food etc. Stop whining people and move inland. No one should be changing server so frequently that even minute timer would be an issue, there just aint reason for it. Not spawning loot is true. But military tents are more important than regular loot spawns... thats not. IMO someone who would say that is the "gear up and pvp" type of deal, maybe with touch of a server hopper :)
  2. Really? You should be able to keep your gun in good condition with cleaning kit... The kit functionality is unrealistic and odd atm, it should just reset to "shots fired" and move the x% from the value to damage value calculation, which has values relation to shown condition. When the damage value reaches x gun becomes damaged, ruined etc... so everytime you clean your gun it gets clean but also degrades very slightly, values should be tweaked ofc to be suit gameplay better. IRL guns will stay so good with proper maintenance that if you would like to simulate that, you would have to remove degradation from the game...
  3. Zeppa

    Gas Canister and portable gas lamp

    Does it still blind you arma style if you keep it in your hand, I tried it once and ditched them because this arma lighting issue...
  4. Zeppa

    Dissapointed new player

    You fail...also ALPHA, clearly you dont understand what it is. Most of the server are restarting like every 4 or less hours, so anyone should be able to find their loot, if dont then you are doing it wrong. tip: Go inland.
  5. Dont think so... so many server, all almost full 30-40 people in them so I dont think admins would restart them every 30-60 minutes...
  6. Zeppa

    Hack Stories

    "Game is infested with hackers", yet I have not seen any concrete proof of this... youtube should be swarming these videos like from the mod, but these is few demovideos of hackers fishing your personal data with their fake hacks. Seems to me its only guys who died because they failed or aplha stage kicked in... desync,glitches etc etc etc. 99% of these complains can be explained by simple desync or bad player.... Same with this, you cannot say this was a hacker... could have been another guy, lucky shot (happens), desync (he had been stationar longer than you saw and had time to aim) Alot of things, this is the problem... no proof just what you want to believe it was, easy to blame hackers for everything that you cant explain. They are like gods!
  7. Im wondering if anyone else is having trouble staying on server without them crashing/disconnecting you. Tried to play on the weekend and and longest time I could stay on the server was around 1 hour, disconnecting so often that it got annoying. I think the server crashes or disconnects everyone, as my brother got disconnected at the same time. Goes from yellow link to red and no response for me server soon after that. This happened every hardcore server I tried.
  8. Zeppa

    Gun Cleaning Kits

    Its a bug, if I remember right sacriel brough this up in one of his streams... word from the Dean or someone else from the devs.. cant remember excatly. But it is a bug that the cleaning kit resets the value to worn regardless of what the previous value was, so if its ruined etc etc it changed to worn. So cleaning kit = worn, atm. Also I feel that cleaning kit SHOULD NOT change the weapon status, if its already changed... no cleaning kit can make ruined, damaged etc to worn. It should just reset the "uses" inside the certain damage level... so if you clean your gun it will stay worn, pristine should became worn always... but slower if cleaned.
  9. Zeppa

    Track IR

    Tried facetracknoir, worked fine.
  10. Yes, it was sacriels 100k stream. Can be found from his youtube channel.
  11. Zeppa

    How much blood does the saline bag give?

    Should not give any IMO... make "realistic" medical system and suddenly you magically gain blood from saline..
  12. Zeppa

    First Thoughts and Feelings (Amazeballs)

    Server hopping on low pop servers for loot... you are just ruining your experience.
  13. Zeppa

    Was this guy cheating?

    No.. he wasnt, ghosting... few easy steps, its exploiting not hacking. 1. Disconnect server 1 2. Join server 2 3. Move another location 4. Disconnect server 2 5. Join back to server 1 If it really happened in few seconds could have been glitching or lagging.
  14. Zeppa

    peoples voices

    Nothing... Think they are talking about direct and side chat..
  15. Zeppa

    Identifying other players

    How about just something like, when close range menu for like "ask name" and then opposing player can agree to tell it or not... like blood baging etc etc.
  16. I think you just described you this game should be... (working as intented) New spawn should be disoriented, clueless where he is. You should die if you dont pay attention, I bet you guys werent carefull enough. Also this is not game for everyone, people from cod/bf action wont necessarily find it very entertaining I dont mind friends SPAWNING at the same location, doesnt hurt anybody... I dont think anyone would ask spawning ON to someone, that would be just stupid..
  17. Zeppa

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    MINIGUNS! AS50 TANKS APACHES ROCKET LAUNCHERS Just import everything from arma3! all that shit!.. not!
  18. Combat or not, its lame to logout to save your sorry ass..
  19. Zeppa

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    People complaining here about "only 3 fixes" annoy me to hell, there has been major holidays etc and you guys bitch here about some fixes... get over your selves..
  20. Zeppa

    Found A New Item!!!

    I dont really get the idea, I dont think many people will use them... maybe only to troll people... ts etc have been invented
  21. What use it will have atm when everyone is 3th personing around the corners and beyond the walls? Also more importants issues the fix than some mirrors. Its ok if they add this later but atm, dont think so. 1st person server or not.
  22. Zeppa

    Killed by a Bug, No more playing for me.

    Beans for DayZoey, because Kummeli
  23. Why would there be less birds near the factories.. who know how long they have been empty? just saying. I havent really paid attention to the wind but if I remember right I have seen some variation in it, at least with the grass... But weather is to come.. patience.
  24. Zeppa

    Hunger and Thirst timers

    OP just face it, you are doing it wrong. We have no need to eat/drink every 10 minutes. I bet you didnt even watch the video, just tought that you know and continue with your argument...
  25. Zeppa

    Killed by a Bug, No more playing for me.

    LoL, just read the tittle and grinned hard... some people. OP, have you seen the pop up when your game starts... what does it say?