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Everything posted by Zeppa
How is it that hard to hit targets on server that gives you the distance? Ei pahalla :P
+ combining mags... Its really annoying now when you shoot couble of shots and you other full mags in your inventory. After you disconnect and connect again to play weapon is reloaded with full mag and the other mag is in your inventory missing those bullets... now when this happens few times your inventory is full of half empty mags and no way to combine them. Next time you encounter more zeds or ppl you are so dead when you have to reload after every few shots... And specially if you have the annoying habbit like me to reload everytime you shoot few times to have full mag for next encounter...
To gain hacked weapon?... Well everyone with their style, personally I would have left when he woudnt die from the axe... prefer the axe instead of hacked as50..
Building a new PC...need advice on a new case.
Zeppa replied to Vertisce's topic in Technology/Programming
http://www.fractal-design.com/?view=product∏=71 How about this midtower? Nice amount of fan places and vias for the watercooling pipes and so on.. ways to get wires hidden. I dont like those windows led alien monster cases, so this was my choise. -
Try search, 4th topic that I see in 2 dayzzzzzz... EX: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79915-computer-specs-info/
Its not rocket science... Hardest part is really pick the parts that goest to gether, but its fairly simple too nowdays... What comes to build you really cant mes it up, connectors, ram sticks etc are made so that you cannot put them wrong way in... or sure you can if you force them in... using your brain is adviced, no one cant be that stupid.. Start from the case and motherboard(ATX,mATX which are the case sizes/standards), what connectors(usb,optical audio etc) do you need and I prefer to pick once with latest cpu sockets (am3+, yes Im amd guy), then look for a manufacturers site for memory and CPU list, there you can see what family of CPUs are supported and what RAMS are supported. EX: ASUS has RAM list where are listed differend memory modules by SPEED, you can find direct part number from the list and buy those and they will work. Note here 1600 vs 1800mhz ram speed, it doesnt make a difference... speed is duplex so 1600 is 800mhz in AND 800mhz out, so 1800mhz ram is only 100mhz faster in direction and you wont notice the difference... buy the cheaper one. Then just pickup GPU for the socket that you have on your MOBO, pci-e 16x 2.0/3.0... 3.0 GPU:s will work in earlier sockets, just with slower speed. Picking up GPU is IMO the hardest of the components, cuz there are so huge variety and pricing that can fool you, just google stats and review of the interesting units in your price range! Then choose a PSU 500-1000w will do FINE to come and have a little headroom Its fun to see ppl buying 1000-1500w PSUs when under 500 would do just fine and its the +12V line that matters nowdays most... Just make sure that PSU has the right connectors for the MOBO and GPU, check the product info! Tough these have become so that the mainstream brand PSUs will have the standard connectors and there is adapters to cover lets say lack of one PCI-e 6x power connector if you happen to buy PSU that is one short.. And the GPU manufacturer rated PSU requirements are most of the time for the WHOLE rig for some reason(System psu requirement etc), not for the sigle card and even then they are hugely over stated most of the time. Sure you must count in all the hdd:s, dvd-drives... maybe the useless led blign fans and stuff. I have more than 3 years old silverstone 500W PSU and still running fine... Rigs total power consumption is between 300-400W in max load from the mains.. I think this is 3th thread in 1-2 days about someones PC being capable of running the game...
Inventory UI concept design v2.1 (window based)
Zeppa replied to joeyslucky22's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
At first that system seemd so complicated and weird. After taking 30 seconds to go it through its logical and clear! I would like that, and the separate clothing, belts and stuff is awesome! It would be also great if you could modify your gun to have that strap so you can swing it to your shoulder, that way you coud carry like 2 on each, but then taking our weapon would be much slower and you would drop the orher one and so on :P So there could be like maximum "weight" that your char can carry. Same way you could so that you are friendly, just swing weapon to your shoulder... just 1 option, sure you could lower it too when you are unsure about the intentions of the other.. -
I just axe murdered two hackers in cherno!
Zeppa replied to Pherexion's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
AS50 TSW <- what would be already a hacked weapon, most likely...(thermal as50?) It was only around at the beginning of the game? But its good when someone hacks hackers with axe :P I wouldnt take enything from them.. -
Not at all, trashloot of some sort?
About those framerates. Most flatscreens on pc use run at 60hz so its 60fps, it doesnt matter how much higher you go from that it wont show... but it can result tearing or other symptoms on the screen when new frame is sent before the old one has shown completely. This is why when you have lots of headroom and you wont go below 60fps you should use Vsync that ties the game fps to your monitor refresh rate and makes it "smoother". If your fps runs under 60fps there is no point of using vsync. If you jump like 40 - 70 fps then its up to you if you want to to use vsync. Ofc there is monitors that can do high refresh rates, then higher fps is option. And what comes to that pc, dont bother... build your own, its not hard. You cant build it wrong, the components are designed so that theu are almost fool proof and the necessary accessory are provided with the components.. so build all the parts and you will complete the whole thing without problem. Meaning so that you really have to do work to connect them wrong... just ask for help chosing the parts and you are fine.
Need Medical Assistance? We can help.
Zeppa replied to Dr Wasteland MD's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Im seeking medical assistance, related to this insident http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/78926-hacker-on-de-650/ There you can find my location(045009) and situation. Any trusted medic will do(that is listed in the first post), I dont have much to give in return than my services (can fly a chopper if a pilot needed) Didnt have much on me cause needed room for heli part that time.. Also I can become a "helper", could donate medical equipment that I dont need when I found some escort medics to locations and be as lookout etc.. If someone could contact me via private message and lets go from there? I think I need at least these: Epipen (uncousious) morphine (broken legs) bandage (bleeding) Maybe blood, if it takes much time to locate my body atm im still good 11k blood left. I can speak english, but if there is Finnish medic available that will do ^^ -Zeppa -
Zombies should be removed from DayZ
Zeppa replied to Professional N00b's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Troll, troll, troll the boat.... or just stupid? -
Storage Capacity For Tents and Vechiles..
Zeppa replied to Freshling's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Check surroundings of the tent when "over filling" it. Always when happened to me object this thrown leftside of the tent (facing the tent "entrance") -
I would agree on some decree also... Sure you can find thermal and nvg in real zomb apogalypse, but how many and where... I know already where I would look for those. But they really should be limited some way or the other, batteries are good choise when you make them so rare and that they wont last long... they duplete over time on their own like in rl.. rare thermals and nvgs, rare battery that you really would use them only in extreme need. And thermal should be nerfed hard, now you can see a rabbit glowing 10km away.. The system that arma 3 introduced would be nice that you can find differend scopes from certain weapons and switch them for your needs.. I would like to see this with other accessory too, like silencers, bipods etc. As stated by Rocket, they are infected not those regular undead that head can live without the body.. I also prefer the infected kind. They should make it so that zeds can grap your clothes, knock you down to the ground, hit you when you are running and swarm you... woudnt be so much running at least their hands reach.. @omgwtfbbg That is the problem in arma2/dayz lighting engine, its so crap... Its SO annoying when using nvgs, when you look one direction the whole game goes dark and 180decrees it goes bright... even tho there is no sun/moon nothing. Same problem is without the nvgs but not so noticeable. In standalone I bet they could make it more manageable, and even if it would be dark you have flashligh and other stuff to light our way... that is the whole point, when to use it or rather travel in darkness? I would like the dark night, no gamma exploiting and lucky ones have nvgs and less lucky will have to deal with the cemsticks,flashlight, roadflares etc.
Dayz Standalone: Such as Sleeping bags!
Zeppa replied to SoulShaper2's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Ammo: agreed Matches: agreed Batteries: agreed ( would stop excessive thermal skannin in the woods) - Maybe so that the nvgs use less battery power that the thermal, thermal is power hungry in rl and overpowered in dayz.. - So hungry that you would use it only in extreme situations and when its absolutely nessessary... Knives: Agreed Sleeping bags: Sleeping bag or disconnect timer.. I would prefer disconnect timer tough. And no disconnecting in houses... - With sleeping bag disconnect timer would be less, like 15 seconds(animation) and without it like 30seconds? While these if you get shot or zed agro the timer is canceled. Would stop combat disconnecting and reward those who are willing to carry that sleepybag. Medics: agreed Cars/vehicles: Agreed, now it took like 3 or so hours to get all for a chopper... with 2 quys together. And its fun when you can have like 3 main roto assemblies(6losts each) in you backbag and only 2 guns(10 slots each) :lol: And jetfueled heli will run with gasoline? And the fuel tanks should runout, certain amount of jerry can fills from one tank and like once in a month they would be "wiped" and would be refilled. Would make fuel scavenging more hard and you would really look for it... Bigger map: Agreed on part.. I have "heard" that its going to be bigger, something about "cherranus+" and more enterable buildings. I would be still happy map size that is atm but maybe just add some hiding mechanics like tarb or brances to cover the vehicle. Tough I would like to see whole new map, cherranus has been zigzaged across few times now.. and make textures better, now tents and vehicles glow in the woods and are so easy to spot.. Admins: Total agreemend here... I would prefer developer provided server that community cant fuck them up with settings and admin abuse. -
SERVER: DE 650 TIME: ~21.45 GMT+2 What happened: Me(Zeppa) and my mate (Karlhu) fixed the heli earlier and were flying it around for good hour or two. At the stated time we landed it at location 045009 to fix it a little, after 30-60 second or so someone spawned in to our heli (gilly suited scriptkid) He took of and my friend jumped inside thinking that I was flying it, after that he flew couple of kilometers and crashed the thing. Few second later he spawned back at my location, I shot him in the head as he was facing away from me and nothing, he turned and shot me... actually wasnt even shot, I dont know what it was.. sounds clitched too. I think he broke my legs, made me uncouses and shock.. that point I disconnected. After rejoining another server, I was uncouses, broken bones and bleeding... hourglass didnt move at all in the while I waited... gladly im still alive. Here is couple of pictures, tough I didnt have time to take better, sure I should have pressed the recond for fraps but didnt think of that on that second. I just spammed the printscreen at that point so here is coulpe of pics, Last one is after I disconnected (alt+f4 didnt work for some reason?) and you can see me and my mate dead at the player list(lobby)after got hit from him, also you can see him standing at the picture. First one he has took off, second one flying away. Please, check the logs for the server and ban that retard. Best Regards, Zeppa
220£ sounds ripoff for new mobo replacement job for that kind of pc... for that price you could have found like 2x better used one I think with less waiting.. And you could get new mobo, cpu and ram with around 300£.. something from the AMD FX line (quad core)(~130€), with 4-8gigs(~50€) ddr3 and m5a99x evo from asus (~110€) (together these are around 230£). With that you could have used your old stuff for the moment, when getting more money to spend just upgrade GPU and maybe PSU if the old one is poor prand and too low wattage. NOTE: Prices are "from" finland Looking at your specs they are low, so low ram and cpu will make you strugle. This game seems to be much harder for CPU than GPU... Im running phenom II 955 @3.2ghz(quad), m5a99x evo(for FX), 4gigs 1600mhz ddr3, hd 6950 2gigs, 500W psu. Getting ok fps around avarage of 45.. I would say... at heavy load can dip to 30s and when running around in woods its steady 60 (vsync) My ram and cpu are more than 3 years old, next upgrade would be cpu and more ram. ps. Anyone can assemble pc and make a huge save on money...
How about when you die, your body changes place after specified time, lets say 5 minutes after so the killer has change of looting you. Tent changes place that you wont know where they are... for both something like random spawn spot in certain radius of the origin? So you still have a somewhat change to get your stuff back. Well it would suck for group tent to be moved, tough it would make you more cautious not to die when your group will suffer from it too.
I would like: 1. alt + f4/disconnecting timer, like 30 second or so...(makes you chose the spot better where to disconnect) + Spawn timer that you cant shoot for 30 seconds or so... again makes you chose better spot when disconnecting... OR That you wouldnt spawn inside residences/near them or in certain areas, maybe if you logout in there you would spawn somewhere random around them on like 100m radius. 2. "cooldown" before reconnecting, that 15 mins would do fine(wait at lobby etc). (no more server hopping) (reguires stable and good servers) 3. Developer provided servers. - No more admin abuse Or just better server management from the DEVteam. And better filtering for server search to avoid servers with stupid settings 5. Zeds should spawn sooner, now its only under 200m... maybe double that, 400m. Regards, Zeppa
@Nalyid This is why I wrote this "reguires stable and good servers" to reduce unwanted disconnects... If you unplug your network cable or something once in a month its no big deal. @Frozen ,2 - u mad bro? this stuff is easy in theory, but hard in implementation. and mos likely will be a pain in the ass for some legit players. if you dont want to see serverhopers, i suggest you to find server with private hive. the current system just begs people to server hop... Maybe I should have added that these would be more for the standalone. Im not mad, I may be frustrated. And I really dont see how this would affect much of legit players, sure the timer could be like 5 mins... still would reduce server hopping alot. But When ppl that I know play they dont have need to change server mostly ever, so some waiting when changing server woudnt hurt.. As thinking of standalone the private hive servers did not cross my mind. I dont know how much harder these are implement than the hourglass timeout when disconnecting in shock. Even if someone continues to do it, it would take him much longer.. now you can loot like 5 servers in 15 mins while hopping now(just a ques), after that(even 5mins cooldown) only 1 or so, maybe 2? So your "profist" would go down hard.. 3- dafaq? u do know that 99.99% of servers are hosted by community? Yes, I know... that is why I would want them to get dev hosted so community cant fuck up the servers with abusing and stuff. And maybe they(DEV) could manage them more stable or devteam team to make better standards and supervision for the hosters. 5(dunno where is 4 gone) - agree with this, but its should be like 1200+ so it would exceed range of 50.cals rifles Dont even remember what I wrote @4, but got deleted ^^ That 1200+ would do also fine. Best would be to have zed wondering around whole map all the time, same with loot.. that is only wiped periodically if people not around. But would make HUGE performance drop and game wouldnt be playable at least with this engine. To add zeds should be much harder too.
Indeed, would be nice to hear where this is going at... Rocket could take like 5 mins of his time to post info for us (or someone who knows something). This is like waiting if you got death sentence or what...
5 minute unconcious timer every log in. (Even fresh spawn)
Zeppa replied to NeroR's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
I have had similar issue, I got hit by a door... got that shock thingie. Logout because of graphical issue and 5 min timer... waited that out all ok, when i moved position no shock or anything and had to restart game again to try fixing the bug... there was more than 15 minutes between these relogs, again logged in and the timer... this happened like 2 times after that so 4 times total because of the damn door? O.o Once got me almost killed. -
Standalone: Magazine in gun doesn't use inventory space.
Zeppa replied to Yatagan's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Should you be able to tape double mags for faster reload at least for some weapons like smg/assault riffle? ^^ And combine half empty or so mags... I have annoying habbit to reload always after few shots and then my inventory is full of clips that have 2-4 bullets inside them... Cant even fight off zeds when you have to reload after every 2 shots :P Topic started has my beans, I have been thinking the same thing.. -
That fire in the sky is a bug with arma 2. And the heli has em landing option, when engine cuts out go nose down, throttle down(negative pitch to maintain rotor momentum). Like in RL. BUT I didnt get it to work, only worked in that stupid bootcamp training where you are near ground when executing this. But enyway I tried it higher or even same high without the specific training it failed, and in the landing training its always a success... in rl it should go someting like this in short: engine fail -> negative pitch -> nose down -> before touch down positive pitch to slow down the heli for smooth landing...
Found mine from NWAF barracks.