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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. Zeppa

    Hackers and what they can do?

    They can, tho I think they cant destroy tents atm cuz they are buggy (maybe back at restart) Your tents will be back next server restart, vehicle maybe back at its original spawnpoint. http://dayzmod.com/f...viving-hackers/
  2. Zeppa

    New idea for food items???

    Point you lost my vote "homeopathy" and then rest of this is just regular magic from some hippies. How does milking cows, eating old butter and harvesting bees make this more realistic zombie apocallypse?? lol. Last things that I would do when shit goes down.. I think there is already game for this... wait... FarmVille!
  3. Zeppa

    Remove Thermal Abilities From Weapons

    Atm we have found(legit) like 4 as50, 3 l85, 1 107, at least 7 fn fall(2 of them nv) and so on... these really arent rare as they should be. And there is a search function that can be used. Mountaindev I have never found, maybe its because there is no need for cities anymore.
  4. Zeppa

    Is the DMR oneshot?

    Go for the DMR. Can be used with nvg:s and its fast (CloseQuarters). 1 shot head, at least 2 body. It is possible to knock out with 1 shot, not always.
  5. Zeppa

    Tips for a hiding place for Huey

    There is no point of hiding it, only because it will spawn back to the island at server restart and you have to fix it up again its bugged.
  6. You cannot save it.. server restart and its back at the island spawn point, all broken. Known bug.
  7. what kind of settings is it running with? name tags etc?
  8. My tents are working "fine", setup mostly "in" trees or between two etc... stuff in and save, doesnt matter how many times you do it. It will be ok.. removing/adding stuff and save few times and its all ok. Only thing is that if you setup tent, pack it and it sometimes reappear at restart, so its unintentionally duped. Now and then vehicles and tents doesnt apper when server retarts, maybe back on the next restart or one after.. server I play on is ps. Vehicle locations saves ok, but not the gear. And also if you pack a tent which is "in" the tree you cant pick it up cuz its blocked by the tree branches somehow.
  9. Zeppa

    "containers" instead of loot piles

    I really like the idea, like in fallout you could go through cabinets, fridges, boxes etc if they have loot in them. And the loot cycle could go through map randomly, that there is no new loot spawn on same second everywhere.
  10. Havent you heard that flux capacitors spawn at heli crash sites? I got one in my ATV.
  11. You may have done nothing, next restart and the tents can be back up with the items..
  12. Zeppa

    Ramdisk vs. SSD

    Does not help... its the game that does that "nothing" you can do about it like. If you are running from ssd now its all good, better than regular hdd. I use ssd only for my OS and some apps, dayz is running from regular hdd and does the same. Its the game that is "bad". And your setup sounds more like a server. ps. and when you game starts it load the necessary files to your RAM, so only loading times are reduced when using SSD. not the overall performance of the game is changed much at least in arma. Games that reguire frequent loadings run "faster" from SSD.
  13. Zeppa

    Zombies Don't Run Zig-Zag

    Its from arma2 soldiers, will be differend in standalone as rocket have said.
  14. Zeppa

    Thermal, Night Vision and Flashlights.

    We have found 2 l85 from heli within a few days of playing, even if they stay the nerf is needed. -Sure it doesnt see through bush or trees, but its even if.. lets say I am behind a tree or a bush other side of the valley 800m, you scan it from the other side.. it is still easy to spot when you glow like shit behind the tree or of a side/behind the bush. I think you are just so keen to your thermal that you dont want it taken away or nerfed, because you loose your superiority and wont "survive". I dont mind if it stays but make it more authentic. 1. Make weather/air temp affect it (rain, day/sun, night etc) 2. Have counter measure for peopple, like the gilly makes your signature smaller etc. That you really have to USE the thing and look, not only pop it up for 1 second and it gives almost the cordinates for you. There are differend types of these in RL, Only tried one tho in the army, it was quite loud with a fan. Maybe this could be implemented to the game also, few kinds of thermals.. 3. civilian grade that are more silent but effective range is not huge. Military grade that has more range but is much louder(cooling fan). Tarbs that that can be thrown over vehicle to make layer of air between, which makes them less visible and so on. - There are plenty of other items that help you surviving, it shouldnt be that easy as it is with the thermal atm... if your group has l85 you are almost invincible when you see and snipe ppl from 800m away easy. Surviving should be most about playstyle and thinking, not all about gear you got on.. its only small part that makes it "easyer". Wanna have full bodyarmor that zombies and bullets cannot penetrate, its makes surviving easyer yes?
  15. Zeppa

    Killing Newbs!

    If you died to a sniper, you did something wrong... simple.
  16. Zeppa

    Player made maps.

    If you would read rockets interviews this is on his list on standalone at some point. And he is going to open this mod up for ppl that they can do what they want with it, includes new maps like lingor which is user made map.
  17. Awesome post from OP! Im far from good marksman, and I would really get into it like that... there would be far more less to casual cod/bf "snipers" and there would be real skill.. and maybe it woudnt be skill that ppl would cry so much about.. or they would cry just more cuz they coudnt handle it. @Securion Rifle damage should be close to RL specs, nothing less or more. And the scope clint what is in bf3 is rediculous, a damn flashlight! I dont know for sure, but I think there is (I bet civil versions too?) somesort of filter to block the scope clint or at least as an attachment for "military" grade rifles? Not good suggestions from you, sry
  18. Zeppa

    hive down?

    Was there some problems yesterday too, Couldnt get on many servers and tents+vehicles did not appear after got in?
  19. When I started playing whis that never happened, now after latest patch is started... I think this is the thing what rocket said that was for "lulz". There are few differend thing that I have heard them saying :D
  20. Zeppa

    Thermal, Night Vision and Flashlights.

    Headlamp: Why not.. NVG: extreme rare with battery, so rare that you would pee your pants from joy of finding one. Thermal: Huge nerf(detect thermalsigns from 0m-> and start fading darker with distance) EX: bright "yellow" at 0m and gets darker further you go, max range to detect around 500m(extremely dark figure) and uses rare battery. So rare that you would shit and pee your pants from joy and excitement when you find one. Thermal is brainless gadget atm, you can see a damn rabbit from 1000m away like miniature sun. And makes enviroment useless, like blending with gilly... NVG:s are OK, you loose fov when you use them and they dont make object glow out from the surroundings. Rare so they are luxury..
  21. Zeppa

    Logout Timer

    yep, have been on the table many times. No need for conditions, just plain simple timer after clicking "disconnect/quit", if you move your char timer stops and has to be started again. And if you client stops responding to the server for time (alt+f4) char stays ingame for 30 second.
  22. Zeppa

    How to stop Ghosting.

    Rocket have said in the interview that this will(maybe)be implemented to standalone. with this the 30second logout timer would make game much better when reducing serverhopping, altf4, ghosting..
  23. Check from your PSU what are the current rating for +12V lines, those are the most important. I bet you have no problem running those cards with 550w psu. Im running 6950 with 500w psu easy (36A@12V). Consumption from mains is around 400W at full load(cpu,gpu), and it wont be under full load when gaming.
  24. Zeppa

    Looting supermarkets...

    Loot wont spawn when coming near with vehicle, only zeds will spawn when you get out. wont spawn if you spawn inside the loot area. Loots spawns when you come on foot, zeds spawn around 190m of you, loot little less.. around 160m. Sometimes servers get bugged and loot doesnt spawn in certain places, mostly markets that I have seen.
  25. HD 6950/6970 or gtx 560/570 ? There must be error in your ram speed statement, sound very low for ddr3? 666mhz = 1600mhz? If not I would seek for faster ram too, may require new motherboard.. after googling looks like your max ram speed is hair over 1000mhz.. with present mobo. Other than that you are fine.