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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. Zeppa

    Item-Sinks : we need one

    I think you(OP) need to change your avatar, its verry disturbing... weapons could jam without maintenance and long enough they could break...(this has been said(weapon degradation) and its coming to standalone somepoint) Gunsmith could remove jams and take better care of weapons..
  2. Zeppa

    New at dayz and I have a problem...

    Do not ever waste your money something like this... I think you just copy pasted some shit from internet. This kind of PC was "good" like 5 years ago.. You can get good gaming pc(~600) and upgrade it after few years with a part or two, with the price of a good gaming laptop(1000+)...
  3. Zeppa

    Epic Helicopter Backflip [HD]

    Yes, you have to repair everything from the chopper... And note that when you repair ex. the windscreens, you "have to" visit pilots seat after every repair (there is other ways too, this just an exsample..) otherwise the "repair windscreen" text wont turn green and you may repair same windows again by mistake.. or just keep track what windows you repaired and move up 1 by 1 in the list. Same is with every vehicle on every part that has many of them listed.
  4. Zeppa

    Why the radio silence?!?

    And if they do the hivevipe at the same time it would be so great..
  5. Zeppa

    Questions about map

    Some server marks person you saw to the map(orange circle).. like "sniper" "man" "survivor" etc, when you see something like this it could be another player, havent seen zombies marked to the map like that.. maybe it server settings.
  6. I did this: To me it made lots of difference.. at least the mouse felt weird before I did that. Im not 100% sure if I did anything else, it was few weeks ago when I did it. Here is something.. and also "arma2 mouse setup" google gives many sites. http://www.steamgame...tion-guide.html
  7. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    You know what? wait for it... You already got dayz for free! What comes to a standalone, no one should get it free... speacially these whiners
  8. You need to download latest arma2 beta patch, those arent random numbers. here: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php check your time zone, if you play server that has same zone(ex: gmt+2) than you its same as in RL (day = day) and from that calculate the hours. Zeds can be fast and bugged that they see you from miles away. Find an axe, your first option... you can find it almost everywhere.
  9. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Didnt you read what Fraggle stated above? That price(10-25) what peopple have been tossing around is for the alpha of the standalone, and you will own the full game.. no need to pay more than that it will be patched to full working game. Only if you buy it after alpha/beta stage it will cost more. edit: ps. ofc you know, when you buy it at alpha stage you are part of the "testing" team to play it before full release. Our job is to seek the bugs and play the game before full release. Not just cry on the forums how bad it is and how much there is bugs. Just give devs feedback about the bugs and stuff that they can correct them.
  10. Zeppa

    Vehicle missing?

    Try the search function... known bugs..
  11. Zeppa

    The Finnish wishlist

    Also zeds should not be like homing missiles, when you shoot they run straigh at you even when you are behind house/bush or something. I would like this scenario: Someone shoots from cover, one shot. Near by zeds (horde or individuals) hear the shot and get "agro" Sprint certain distance(shot near them as LOUD) lets say like 50-100m and 10-60seconds after that looses interest if nothing new "stimulants" are given and starts wandering off. Slowly wander(shot at distance), move at the general direction to see where it came from and after certain time they will loose interest like 1-5 minutes. If multible shots (gunfight) from distance they should get medium interest, not full sprint tho.. If they see you they attack you but you could lay down and avoid their fov. In woods, gilly should make huge avantage here specially if you stay still, zeds should react more to the movement and sound.. If a new shot is fired again back to the first point(agro), everytime you shoot zed should get better understanding of the direction. Lets say like: 600m and above just general random direction (shot behind they just turn around random like 120-220dec from the original direction and they should not start going at straight line, but just wander there randomly like waiting for new source of agro) 450m, 120 dec 300m, 90 dec 200m 45 dec 100m 15 dec All numbers are straight from the hat and nothing specific, all sounds should be tweaked to fit the bill and so on.. This could make zombie encounter really random.. Would need those random hordes wandering through the map, zeds contrantly spawned... not like now that you can see if ppl is inside the city when there is zeds.. Also they should not spawn like in arcade, you should be able to clear the are and zeds should wander there from the outside if you shoot(see text above), not so much if you hack all 100 zeds with a axe you should be safer from the wandering zeds.. You get the point, just a tought. But town should have way more zeds that ppl dont just run there and clear the place without any problems..
  12. Zeppa

    Roving Groups of Zombies

    http://dayzmod.com/f..._+zombie +horde http://dayzmod.com/f..._+zombie +horde http://dayzmod.com/f..._+zombie +horde And there is more...
  13. I have had no problem with aiming in this after other fps games... Tough arma had stupid "expo" as a default, that your crosshair moves slower first and after certain speed it gets fast if you know what I mean.. removed that and got much better. So you could turn slowly and accurately but also you could turn very fast and more only with the same amount mouse movement.. There is setting in one of the config files to remove this..
  14. Zeppa

    good ideas from runescape

    Wont get trolled again (by the who)
  15. Zeppa

    Leavers who survive the first shot

    Have been suggested like 100 times by now. (search alt f4)
  16. Zeppa

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    wtf, first thread that everyone agrees??? Is this a dream or what :D I agree, wipe it... WIPE IT ALL!
  17. Zeppa

    Helicopter Hell

    Helis take minimum of 7 days to spawn back if destroyed(what I have read). Just wait, it will spawn back at skali... and after every restart is will be there if not crashed, its bugged.
  18. Zeppa

    Spawn on Friends

    Something like this should be pop-up when you enter the suggestion section of the forum.. or when you try to start new topic.
  19. Zeppa

    Bronies and CareBears

    How about fullbody costume/skin ingame, instead of hero skin you would get this. Running around as a pink fluffy carebear shooting rainbows from your gun, also that cloud car could be nice... you could fly around and heal and rescue ppl from the evildarkraincloudthingie
  20. Zeppa

    Remove Thermal Abilities From Weapons

    They should atleast nerf the thermal effect, limit its range and make object "fade" further they go. For authenticity, every figure wont be bright yellow on every distance.. many things should affect this like clothing,weather and so on.. and 95% of ppl uses this gun only for spotting... so you could change it to "thermal binos".
  21. You are same as dead already... you have laid your hand on the dew...
  22. Zeppa

    Unbeliveable low FPS

    You do that(overclock) and its not about the ping on server that can make poor FPS. You can join like 50ms server and still have fps around 10-20 fps, some server gets worse over the day. Sometimes your fps gets better if you reconnect to the server. I dont know why some servers are shit.. maybe its the server itself, not the connection.. altough it seems that same servers will work better for some ppl (joining server that has many ppl inside and you get poor fps).
  23. Zeppa


    Some servers can get bugged like that, needs an restart or change server. If you spawn inside loot area the loot wont spawn..
  24. Zeppa

    Vehicles and backpacks

    Must be troll? lol Its how many backpacks you can stuff in the vehicle...ha
  25. Zeppa

    Best/worst death?

    Worst death was to a lurkin seaweedmonster... was looking around black lake or what ever, went behind a tree on a rocky side and noticed that the lurker was prone under the tree, ofc he turned around and started spamming his dmr at me... I think the last 2 bullets that killed me lol. I was on the damn rocky side buggy jumpin/clitching and couldnt lower my crosshair for some buggy reason and died. I dont mind dying in fair battle but the game made it so easy for the guy.