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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. Zeppa

    possibility of seeing WHO killed you

    ^ We have been talking two different things here. There is standalone and then there is this mod. In this mod I would agree that these could be used as its broken but in standalone these should be removed all when other measures are done against the douchebags(hackers).. And you shoudnt be able to tell how far the shot came from when you study body...only who the dead guy was(name), how he died+where he was hit(gun shot, axe etc) and roughly when he died(body is cold, warm etc). There is another thread about this. http://dayzmod.com/f...in-stand-alone/
  2. Zeppa

    adjustable camo

    Watch out now, soon someone will start crying about snipers in 3...2.... 1.... (its funny how this happens in any game) I agree with camo net in various sizes (handgun -> vehicle(chopper).
  3. Zeppa

    Suggestion; Zombie Logic Pathing

    like guy above said, wait for standalone to get better braineaters.
  4. Zeppa

    spray paint/mark on walls

    Search, what a nice feature.
  5. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/91273-study-body-in-stand-alone/
  6. omg, OP must be so butthurt from gettin sniped... learn to play pls and stop sitting on the loot pile of the hospital. Its funny when people blame others for their stupidity.
  7. Zeppa


    Forum search, try it.
  8. Zeppa

    Maps (DayZ Standalone)

    Why not use search? I agree, I wanna use my one char to travel differend sections of the world.
  9. Zeppa

    possibility of seeing WHO killed you

    These are server options. IMO in standalone there shoudnt be any of these messages, you could find out the guys name from "study body" etc.. More authentic to not know who you shot at or who shot you..
  10. Zeppa

    Study Body in stand alone.

    How cool would it be.. 1st "the body is still warm to the touch, this person died recently" 2nd "it seems that he died from a bullet wound to the head, high caliber" ..aww shit. next person will find 2 bodies... with beans for you.
  11. OP should use search.
  12. Zeppa

    Always spawn as a bandit.

    I think your humanity doesnt reset at death so... do good and become a survivor again. I even think its better this way... you cant go rampage on one life and be "nice" again on other, things you do have consequences. So I would say its no a bug.
  13. Zeppa

    Hacker Prevention.

    They cant patch the mod to prevent cheating... its the core game that needs to be changed/patched and you cant do that.. then you risk screwing up the core game and other mods for it. Standalone will fix these issues. This has been up like 1xxxxx... times. And if you do it "in between" some of the peers(p1, server, p2) its creates more latency... at 50 player server when calculating and sending this datas will make quite much strain to the server and takes time.
  14. Zeppa

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Could try, again few hours fine and then some scriptkiddies on hotel roof tops at airfield with thermal as50 shooting people (de#68). Cant wait for standalone..
  15. I dont like this, these things should be coming from you... not from your char. I dont even wanna list things that I see wrong here, lets just say that most of the ppl wont go crazy from stuff that OP has stated... painkillers? looting corpse? getting cold?? really?
  16. Zeppa

    Counter sniper measures

    Not really, I run with M14 and I dont shoot freshspawns.
  17. Zeppa

    Why specific slots in Cars?

    I think the point is why the solds are separated, why not just "universal" slots, that are used as backpack slots, if you have vehicle with 200 lots you can store 20 weapons(10slots pcs) or 200 cans of beans..
  18. @Sutinen I think U mad cuz got snipzzzz moving on.. I have to say, I havent died a single time in game to a sniper... wonder why is that? Maybe because I dont run like headless chicken waiting to get shot. And people who is complaining about the 1person "shaking", you can remove that from options..
  19. Zeppa

    Remove the 5 minute login unconciousness

    Have someone stick epipen up your ass, that will do it. (remove the bug, for me atleast 3 times)
  20. OP, that makes you just a regular dayz player.
  21. If you pack the tent it will reappear at server restart, so you can use 1 tent put down "unlimited" number of tents.. Tho you should be able to take them down, just need to find the the sweet spot.
  22. I would like to see cherranus expand, that you can travel with you char to "new" map that is part of the HUGE world. With all snowy mountain areas and stuff... how about whole world, yes that is what I want.
  23. Zeppa

    Dogs should return home.

    I think these dogs will cause more problems than they are usefull anyway... I can just imagine when you are trying to sneak a town etc and the dog cant wait and agroes all zerds, and its AI sucks so it will block and hastle around and pfff But when they will add those bastards I think it would be nice to tell them go camp or set location.. Well I wont be having one anyway.
  24. Zeppa

    Counter sniper measures

    Again OP that got bullet to his face cuz he was sprinting across the field/cherno/elektro, not bothering? You cant get globally banned of hacked weapons, only from server admin if so.
  25. Zeppa

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Have played now like 2 dayz on lingor, its good map but there is like million hackers. I have tryed like 6 servers and 5 of them had hacker... 2 had dome teleport, 1 to the air... 2 had just noob hacker teleportin him self around and throwing random artillery... I would enjoy playing it without the retards... If someone knows nice server throw me an address with PM, I would like to join one with my friend.