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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. Zeppa

    DayZ is out of control.....

    Ok, lets say maybe lacking gps, rangefinder and nvgs. But if you know where to look wont take much longer than that to be pvp ready.. I think you should get banned for stupid posts, troll.
  2. Zeppa

    DayZ is out of control.....

    I have a hint, every purchase you guys will make... DO YOU RESEARCH. This isnt an America, where there has to be disclaimers and instructions for everything you do.. here most peopple actually have commons sens and ability to think them selves. Personally when I started playing I did my research and learned the issues before hand and I still bought arma2 and downloaded the mod. And I have had blast with it.. Yes there is hackers but they are more annoying little kids than anything else because the game is broken anyway, even if hacker kills you it takes like 30 minutes to be fully geared again. I like even running back to hacker as freshspawn and start "fking" with him via direct its fun to see these retards go nuts on you and just laugh at them.
  3. Zeppa

    Headshots: Instant Kill or Not?

    I think this is issue with shot registering correctly etc. I have shot a guy at 200m with M24, seeing his brains fly out back of his head and he only goes unconsious. I have been shot several times at similar distance with as50(should be 1shot kill "always") by hackers and only knocked unconsious with 3k blood. Same with zeds, sometimes you take their head off and they just keeps coming.
  4. Zeppa

    [Standalone] rotten Costum Choppers

    Ofc you would... where is all the russian tuning cars, I want few of those... http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200608/russian-tuning-7_600x0w.jpg
  5. My suggestion? pls read again and other posts too than the OP..(my eyes tested?), and I linked it only to inform that there is another thread about this.
  6. Zeppa

    crowbar doesn't work

    Doesnt work cuz it bugged... At least I havent be able to drop it (see my previous post) If it would work it would be better than nothing but as it is now.. forget it.
  7. Zeppa

    50 Jerrycans?

    4 would be exact max number for 1 person when refueling vehicles. You can spam the refuel xxx and it will dump all 4 can in 5 second or so with only 1 animation. Then refil all jerrycans in 0.1second and repeat. Again for more people more cans. ps I wonder what would these vehicles look like when they are full... 50 jerry cans in atv :D http://hubgarage.s3.amazonaws.com/photos/863027/funny-car-pictures-24_1__detail.jpg
  8. Its annoying when people are hosting their own servers with some commodore 64, so servers with even 17 players sometimes are sluggish as hell. They should have some way to keep track what kind of servers there are. And havent found 35+ player server yet that hasnt had annoying lag.. (takes ages to eat can of beans, cant pick up stuff etc) I have hopes that with standalone comes better servers, faster login and stuff.
  9. I like this, please rocket... please!
  10. Zeppa

    Punishment on death suggestion

    I completely agree on this, I have started playing lingor and there is nothing "scary" anymore... you just spawn and run through buildings(zombies are way too easy) and collect stuff. At freshspawn doesnt matter if you die at all, just run again to the nearest city and start looting.. no time at all and you are "pvp geared" again. (too much loot/good loot). And duping and shit pvp is just death match, run to the tent or through few building and tadaa, again geared. again-> cant wait for standalone. (hopefully: no duping, not so much hackers, better loot system, harder zeds)
  11. Zeppa

    paintball gun

    Stay in the tree and wait them to wander off.
  12. Zeppa

    crowbar doesn't work

    I had same problem with it... its a bugger. If you find it first you cant do nothign with it, when you find side arm you can start using the crowbar too O.o Also you cant just drop it, you have to find other primary to swap it with. If you wanna change it to hatched you have to find two of them one to the tool belt and only after that you can pick up and replace the crowbar with the hatched on the ground. Then drop it and use one from your toolbelt. I came to conclusion that dont bother with the crowbar, better just run and find hatched or gun. Guns are extremely easy to find in lingor.
  13. Zeppa

    Perks of being a hero/bandit

    If there has to be something like this, it should be something that doesnt make anyone "better" than another. Just fast toughts.. hero: medical stuff better/faster bandit: those rubber bullets to knock out (not 1shot know out obviously) and access also gear of the victim, not only packback. Everyone should be able to tie up another person, after disarming him.
  14. Zeppa

    dayz location ideas

    We only need this thread "accidentally" quadtribledouble posted to get more attention. So awesome ideas..
  15. Zeppa

    paintball gun

    You just need to learn how this game works... zombies are no threat... I dont see how painball gun could kill a zombie but not harm players lol. Just find a gun or an axe, you need like 5 minutes after spawn and you can have both... 1 hour and at least somekind of assault rifle. How to loose zeds: Run through buildings(zeds walk inside), harbor platforms(they wont come on to them), go "inside" large pinetree or bush(zeds wont see you). its too easy...
  16. Zeppa

    Note paper

    Already suggested x times... try search.
  17. Zeppa

    Blood Level..

    is the only way to regain blood level when lonewolf by eating food? -Yes, and it will regain slowly with time. also the "stat" box that im seeing in everyones videos isnt on my screen, ive tried options.. help? -There is like "dayz debug" in gameplay options... as default it wont show the box. If you change it to debug it will show the debug monitor but your icons wont work. You dont need the monitor so let it be default.. But if necessarily have to see the monitor you have to turn it on everytime you start the game.
  18. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    What is in arma 3 nights that cannot be achieved with arma 2.5? I agree that arma2 engine has some major performance.. lets call them bugs or issues. Its weird when you are in the house, there is nothing but the walls and inside of the building to be drawn, still it has to calculate the scenery million miles to horizon which makes your fps drop so bad and calculate every object in the map even without need to.. Good exsample is lingor, doesnt matter where you at your fps will suck...(depending which way you are looking at..) You can loose firefight because of that and its annoying, just last night fps dropped to 15 middle of firefight and got shot.. even when there is only like 2-5 zeds controlled by your pc.
  19. No. I will predict that them dogs will be buggy as hell... they will agro every zed in the village, block you and run around headlessly as their path finding gets fukdup. What ever you can expect from crappy AI... Like some hostages in old counterstrike/rainbow six...
  20. Stupid idea... No one should get "punished" on anyway like this.. If hero doesnt help 1st wounded person in certain radius of him he gets strike?, second strike if you dont help a guy and you loose the hero skin?... really? not exact opposite what you are proposing you get the point.
  21. Zeppa

    50 Jerrycans?

    Those cans are everywhere... keep as meny as you like, I may have been just someone storage for jerry cans... duped or not who cares about jerry cans.
  22. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    It isnt graphics that makes the game... Arma 2 graphics are decent and the new engine is its own branch from the arma 2 engine and they can do what ever they want with it. Refered as arma 2.5 and there will more than "slight improvements" to it(ragdoll, lighting etc)... you should read up more about this, its sounds promising and take on helicopter gameplay footage looks nice. As you said, lets see what comes out. edit ps: If I remember correctly there has been NO promisses about standalone using arma3 engine, only speculations.. How can you spawncamp in dayz when you spawn all around the coast? This isnt really a problem, and you have nothing to loose when you spawn... next time it may be differend place and without campers... really.
  23. Zeppa

    Midget Zombies?

    Dont you think that someone would cry about shooting little people? shooting women? animals? Everyone has their own "rights" organisations... You can only shoot men, something wrong with this world.
  24. Zeppa

    Debug screen glitch, help?

    Again this thread/topic..
  25. I did the same as you(AO+arma2free). And I woudnt bother to buy it "again" because this mod, only to gain better textures. I would wait for the standalone alpha. You will do just fine with low textures... at least I have.