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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. Zeppa

    I'm done.

    Hah, best laught for the day and so soon, its only 8am. We are all sorry that you coudnt play in your private buble, not! Why dont you just setup your own private server and collect enfield mags as you like lol. This is hilarious... someone tryed to get sympathy but thing back fired bad, that tends to happen these forums haha.
  2. Zeppa

    Map conditions

    And not on whole map... only the section that zeds can actually see the lighthouse(as you mentioned maybe few spots with somekind of horn or something to atract them), the radio idea I like. And everything has to be valuated after new zeds are introduced in standalone... atm there is no point having less zeds, they are only annoyance already..
  3. Zeppa

    ALT+F4 and Abort FIX

    Like the idea.. kind of. Only would be inconvient to get disconnected for other reasons than altf4/abort.. but I think its small change. Dayz commandder has nothing to do with this. You are tracked by your GUID on server side, not your playername. When you want to normally dc, timer will start and you have to stay still. Incase of altf4 your game will close but server will keep your avatar there for that set amount of second. Then there should be iplemented equal "cooldown" before you can rejoin ANY server so sequence is complete on the previous server you left. And I think it could be done with little efford.
  4. How ignorant are you, speacially the last line? ot: You must think that america has great justice system..
  5. Zeppa

    I'm done.

    Hahaha, you cant be serious...lmfao, maybe its better you leave. With those nerves you cant success with this game.
  6. Zeppa

    No map in the standalone?

    ^ this have some beans + partial maps found that can be combinet with it. I wonder how dificult it would be to implement.. that it would draw things to the map that you actually can see? Not automatically draw certain radius, but you had to look and investigate things to get complete map.
  7. Zeppa

    Loot in the DayZ Standalone

    I agree on this, there was at least one thread about the same idea but I think it died? I like this, something like in fallout?
  8. Zeppa

    ALT+F4 and Abort FIX

    How would it work if there are several people in the firefight, who is fighting with who? How does it register that combat has started?
  9. Zeppa

    ALT+F4 and Abort FIX

    And these are facts that are going to happen, word from devs? I think this boldet part is stupid, otherwise it is same as I discriped..If you are normally loggin out it shouldnt force you to stand or what ever, only to stay still.
  10. Zeppa

    ALT+F4 and Abort FIX

    Well if someone doesnt want to engage then he should keep low profile and let it flow past him... This is one of the problems, many people altf4 because they dont want to engage firefight or they are losing one, but its part of the game and its not fair someone attacking you what ever reasons he may have. If they havent noticed you, you can prone in a bush and wait that xx second while timer runs and you are able to logout normally, but also at anytime able to defend your self but it will reset the timer.. What comes to the hackers I think we can talk about standalone here where the cheating should be way less..Its differend on the mod when it can save your gear but.. well what ever. If this would be implemented it would render all hotkeys and apps useless cuz its calculated server side.
  11. Zeppa

    Microphone (Proximity)

    Im not really sure about the distance thing atm... tho it goes very quiet when someone is talking behind you, compared to when he is in front of you... Im using surround speakers and noticed this yesterday.. always had to turn and look the guy to hear him well. Other sounds work fine from rear speakers...
  12. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Images? (Fake)

    Wrong feelings as the standalone is not using same engine as arma 3...
  13. Zeppa

    Dayz and 'perks'

    I dont even think this would be the case... as you really dont need anyone you can do all stuff by your self. If you had even somekind of skills spread around and trained. Now you are in matrix that you have every thing loaded to your brain. I met a nice guy yesterday and he helped me, then we got shot at and he died. But I dont really have interest to meet up with him again as I dont really need the guy, I can find new dude to run with for an hour and then go apart. If the guy had been skill full medic or repairing vehicles I could seek him up when I need something fixed or If I need medical help or someone even more skilled to repair chopper. people dont group up unless they have some goal to achieve or something that they can help each other with.
  14. Zeppa

    Microphone (Proximity)

    So 60% of max mic volume = 60km ingame... I know thats an exsample but that is just rediculous? But I agree, that there should be link between speech volume and distance you can hear it. If you have highquality mic you should be able to whisper guy next to you without people 50m away hearing you. and your normal speech volume should be enough to "yell" someone few hunder meter away. I dont like that I really had to yell to my mic, neighbours and other people in the house would love that... But there should be "channels" like there is now, direct should be mic volume controller like proposed like from 0-50m, then "yell" from 0-200m that is traight mic sound. It working quite well already ingame, some tweaks should be done tho (volume related in direct com) ps. It should also be so that enyone can use this feature, not only those who have studio quality mic... regular mics that people use and audiocards has lots of static and shit.
  15. Zeppa

    ALT+F4 and Abort FIX

    Yes, this topic has been up for months from many differend person. That if the person logs back in the same server or another doesnt matter... only add same amount of delay for rejoining any server than is the delay for logging out.. so you cant login another server before the sequence in previous has been completed.. I wouldnt need all fancy animations or other screaming stuff, imo that is a bit weird... If you want to disconnect normally the timer would start, if you move you will need to start it again.. already stated one exsample for dealing with altf4..
  16. Zeppa

    crowbar doesn't work

    I woudnt consider my self a noob. But as this is new player section your comment is retarted. I dont know if Im only one with the crowbar problem that I have stated but anyway.
  17. http://www.helpivanmartin.org/ ^ Signed I feel sick about someone who has no time to write his name down there, but still has time to type 2 comments here on "lunch break" REALLY? I would be willing to donate the 10$ if it would help getting these guys back to their families... someone is saving for standalone... omfg.. I hope that we get enough pressure through media and guys released!
  18. Zeppa

    ALT+F4 and Abort FIX

    Sure it does... when ever your client stops responding it leaves your char to the server for set amount of second, if you were shooting a guy that altf4 (not respoding) his char will be there for xx second to be shot at and killed. Same with the abort... if you click it game client stops responding and the char is there to be killed.
  19. Zeppa

    ALT+F4 and Abort FIX

    with search alt f4 you can find lots of this stuff, but easy way could be. alt+f4: Client responding for server = false wait xx second. if char blood >= 1 = alive (1 or more blood) remove character from server/game, next time spawn blood that you had after xx second wait. if char blood <= 0 = dead (0 or less blood) keep character ingame for loot as someone killed you, next time spawn dead. Same works for normal abort/disconnect too.
  20. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Sure you cant see when you stare at the light near it, but its way over done in arma... but the overal calculation of lighting. Try it like this if you have nvgs, go to the forest at dusk, there is no light source(moon/sun etc) Turn on nv, and turn 380 slowly.. its stupid how it get darker at one point and like 180 dec from it brighter, same happens without nvg too. Also depend how high you are looking at, when you look at the ground its get brighter(it does it even indoors..). I could make video about this... Its annoying when you try to look for something and it does this, person looking the opposite direction (you) has advantage because of this.
  21. Zeppa

    Dayz and 'perks'

    Yes, not like that ofc Sure you could bandage but not with best succes. I dont think everyone knows how to bandage artery bleed properly etc? These things are basic first aid info, Im not doc or anything but just thinking. If you found a sniper rifle, sure you could learn to shoot it but you need right techniques to get better and all out of it. Like if you would learn how to play piano or quitar, with right quidance you get off "all from it" and stuff get easyer... ofc you could also learn as hard way but then there is possibility after you read a book or someone shows you better and easyer way to do it. again its a game and absolute realism cannot be achieved ever.. And I havent said that you coudnt use gun...everyone can, only certain aspect could be learn.. you could learn accuracy with practicing. Woudnt it be easyer to read a book how to take gun a part, than start fidling around with like in that women in "the walking dead" trailer when the hoard comes by..sure you could but if could take time.. as I said, not fully tought consept so all toughts are welcome. And as I wrote you woud have to use the skill frequently to get better at them (% part), sure there could be added the success rate improvement with the %(also indivial skill % could be added). But you cannot learn at least safe way how to give bloodtranfusion, to find the vane etc... without any quidance. Ofcourse books aint best way to learn but its way to gain basic info. ps. If someon without knowledge starts butchering animal I think its butchering in the basic meaning of the words, bits and peaces... someon with knowledge could cut a few decent stakes from it...
  22. Zeppa

    Dayz and 'perks'

    Otherways I agree, but the boldet part is stupid... Why someone cant be skilled marksman and good with firstaid or repair cars I think these just be things that can be learned in game, so your char can learn all of these if you take the time. When you spawn you can barely bandage your self with varying success. Maybe you could choose previous profession of your char so you could get +1 skill level of something you like to start with(basic knowledge)? So you could bandage succesfully, or repair tire from a car etc. Ex: medical (started with 0 skill) Medical skill 0 0% to next skill level Skills: (exsamples) Bandaging (bad) At this point you could develop your basic bandaging through trial and error. There could be few differend types of wounds to bandage, like artery bleed, scratch etc, fleshwound.. with basic skills success rate with differend bleeding types would vary in success, like partially stop the bleeding, possibility to start bleeding again and so on... Found a first aid book(level1), read it get medical skill +1 (made so that you have to start from the basics like first aid, "high level" books would be useless at this point) Medical skill +1 0% to next skill level Skills: (exsamples) Bandaging Splinting Use your skills and gain experience like 1% per task, after 25 tasks you have like 25% You could maybe get better % gain if done to other person(like +5%). Medical skill +1 25% to next skill level Use more skills and you reach 99% you get ability to level up with a book. You find a new book(level2) to learn new stuff. This that you cant just bandage your self like 1000times to gain max medical level and new skills. You could still use skill that you have but no exp gain or very little exp gain that goes in "bank" after you read the level2 book you get the % from the "bank". Medical skill +2 0% to next skill level Skills: (exsamples) Bandaging Splinting Bloodtranfusion After level 2 you could get like 0.5% from old skill you had and 1% from new skill you learned from the the new book. From every level the % should decrease to get it harder. Same system to other skills to, mechanics, huntsman, gunsmith etc... Just an idea, no absolute values but should something that aint easy and too overpowered... like if huntsman(marksman) had ability to hold his breath to the worlds end... but something like ability to get learn get more usable meat from animal, shots off better between heart beats, somewhat better breath holding, etc stuff...Gunsmith, weapon maintenance, jam removal, repairs etc.. Specifics should be tought out ofc.. but just a rough ideas. IMO there should be other way to be hero too than just healing people(quide, medic etc), also could be few types of bandits (robbers, murderers etc) This kind of system would make more use for the tents than gun storage, if you find high leve books you could store them for further use and so on...
  23. Zeppa

    No map in the standalone?

    Would be nice if you could find only parts of the map and combine them to one whole map when you find all, I know its not realistic but adds one goal ingame.
  24. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Lighting is fantastic? :D Have you played at dusk, its awfull.. you screen goes dimmer and brighter depending which way you looking at even if there is no direct light source. Same with night if you are looking, lets say AF light from like 300m away.. your screen get so dark that you can see only light dots... that is not fantastic, not even authentic... its stupid. Ya lets hope that they get the 2.5 engine working properly... one used now ist working for this type of game.