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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. Zeppa

    Spawn next to friends???

    Hint: Try not to die. Group freshspawn is something I would like... When your squad dies at firefight they could spawn together at coast.
  2. I once found dew... then I died.
  3. a week of playing... right. I could write long list of things here, but lets just say that learn to play the mod and read up some stuff why things are like this. (hackers, kos etc) Points you presented are same as any newcomer would start crying about... nothing speacial. ps. 1 thing you are doing wrong is using online maps...
  4. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    You wanna continue playing this buggy, unoptimized mod rather than better made(hopefully) standalone.. well, you do that.
  5. Then standalone comes and all that work in mod is for "nothing" as you start playing it dayz on end. :D
  6. Zeppa

    Flying a helicopter in DayZ

    Flying with heli is EASY from the start even with mouse... I dont now how someone can fly with keyboard(in bf3 and arma) its awfull, you have no feel for the thing at all.. And the autohover is stupid function imo a bit useless(maybe not for beginners), and default keys for flying sucks bad... specially if have got used to bf3 keys, I changed those right away. It aint so much differend from bf3 heli flying, turning aint so fast and agile(Forward flight) in arma.
  7. You know how easy its to have 9 as50 and 50 mags when tents were/are weapon factories. (tho doesnt make it "ledit" but neighter scripted.) No comment on the L85, you can pick one up. I dont see why scripters had need to altf4.
  8. Zeppa

    Nerf doors.

    Ever had problem with a door... You should move back as the door opens..
  9. Sure it can be talked about but LOOOOOONG way to it really happening. First of all atm consoles doesnt have nearly enough "power" to run this type of game, even games like battlefield has to be scaled down hard (player count etc). I think not even upcoming playstation and xbox will have what it takes. you talking about wiiu, lol... sry. And even if console version comes it has to be poor ripoff of the maingame from pc platform, if you start thinking about consoles you will rape the PC gaming experience.. more or less.
  10. Zeppa

    Hitman for hire.

    And you call your self a Hitman lol...
  11. Does this happen on every server? - I have noticed that some servers has this issue and it was annoying (fps drops 40++ -> 20-- ) for 2-4 seconds) Arma 2 singleplayer when heavy action?
  12. Yes you can, dayz commander or google
  13. Zeppa

    Good hacker free server?

    Private hives, check that section.
  14. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I highly doubt that it would get any attention, when sticky thread with Please read BEFORE posting title wont. Maybe just add it in that thread and make it starting page of suggestions section :D
  15. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Also you can see there, that the measures to prevent cheating has already been implemented... only time will show how it will work, you cant quarantee nothing on something like this.
  16. Zeppa

    DayZ suggestion #5 - Chainsaw

    I think this has been suggested million times and you should collect your ideas to one topic(if they are new).. before that use search :)
  17. Zeppa

    Takistan medical supplies?

    I have found medical tent but I dont know where it was as I didnt have a map. Also you can find medical loot from barracks and regular military tents. I have found wood from regular houses as loot.
  18. Zeppa

    ALT+F4 and Abort FIX

    That could, but I wonder why it should be made so complicated when just simple personal logout timer would do :rolleyes: And what if shots are fired but missed, like the most cases are when people altf4. You try to take out someone, miss the shot and he bails.
  19. Tell me country that can.. I mean really run it, without taking loan to pay loan which only delays the inevitable?
  20. Zeppa

    Fastest way lose -humanity?

    So you are asking how to gain humanity ^^ Kill bandits and give blood transfusions.
  21. No point reasoning with you. Every point you are arguing is answered in interviews and topics here on the forum..
  22. Zeppa

    DayZ suggestion #4 - Gun aging and Gun Jams

    Why didnt you list these all to a same topic? And you didnt try search?
  23. @keyboardcatSS I think private hives are "supported" now because they can help developing the mod, as the official dayz team and staff doesnt have time and resources to do everything. Now as people are setting up private hives and improving them, those changed could be used at "official" servers too. It has nothing to do with arma sales, and it doesnt mean that game/mod is dying if people are moving to private side.. infact it could be growing but it doesnt show so clearly. And private hives can be managed more by people that actually have time to do it. And this helps the standalone development when they have less things to do with MOD. Like rocket have stated that he may be opening up the mod officially when standalone comes out, so that the community can develop it freely. This "aproval" of private hives may just be start of that. I think you just didnt want to understand rockets post, he clearly states everything in it..
  24. Where are you actually from? If we got matching time zones and stuff I would more than happy to play with u sometime. My english pronouncing is bad tho. It can be frustrating at the beginning but soon it gets "too easy", at least on low population servers.