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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. Zeppa

    Standalone: Actual Mtn Dew Curse

    Hell no... you dont thinks its curse is already enough, it just doesnt break your legs... it kills you. Seriously.
  2. Zeppa

    DayZ death messages

    Amen... go check the body.
  3. I think there was a thread already about this... huge one.
  4. Nope, rocket has said it him self... they are more like in 28 days later, infected. Not undead that can have half of their body missing and still be "alive".
  5. Zeppa

    Kill Cam - Kill Tags

    Lets bold 2 lines from your text, can you spot the knot? *whispering* pst, that is legit way ps. And if you are on nonametag server you cant know who he is even if you "see" him again.. lol You just failed.
  6. And why? Zeds are human as players, only infected... They may be more tolerant to pain and shit but bullet should deal same amount of damage to them as it does to other players.
  7. Zeppa

    Kill Cam - Kill Tags

    There is no such clowns in this thread. There is just people that think this kind of thing is useless and could only ruin the game. And we have come to a point where many suggestions are argued with hacks, that should be the consern when standalone comes out and because that not a valid argument. There is just no real good reason to have kill cams and names showing. For the mod as it is now killers name would be ok. ps. And you can abuse these kill cams easyly, speacially when in group... relay your killers position to your friend via teamspeak and such, unfair and stupid. And unnecessary to know your killers name, you are dead.
  8. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    You are ignorat. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93774-warz-general-discussion/page__st__1580
  9. Zeppa

    Kill Cam - Kill Tags

    No it shouldnt, trust no one... if you got killed its always your own fault, you were too trusting or you didnt check you surroundings and/or didnt keep your eye out and guard up.(except in case of hackers) I think names should be something that you can deside to tell someone... ex: you could ask someones name and they choose to respond or not. Nothing like this should be forced. Kill cams and shit are for cod and bf, NEVER in dayz.
  10. There is a game for this... L4D. There is no place in dayz for this shit, maybe somekind of wildlife as mentioned, bears.. wolfs to. We dont need resident evil nemesis or other MMORPG boss monsters... lol Why is everyone trying to make this game shit...
  11. Zeppa

    explosive tip bolts

    Too bad every survivor in dayz is immune to the virus...
  12. Zeppa

    explosive tip bolts

    And change of going unconsious because the pain. But OP sounds rambo.
  13. Zeppa

    Advanced ammunition management.

    Suggested and maybe coming in standalone.
  14. Zeppa

    Survivor dafe camp?

    If you have been forum reader for a while you would know that npc's are not for this game.
  15. Zeppa


    They are usefull, but same time limits your fov. There is nothing wrong with them... thermal is the problem.
  16. Zeppa

    Class System...

    Awful, there shoudnt be nothing TO CHOOSE FROM... no given shit on spawnscreen. You think all kiddies woud take that ybersnippzz guz it goz gillyyyy, yes they would and the game would be battlefield camp fest. Only things you can learn ingame, these could be somekind of skills but again they are open to EVERYONE no classes just skills to be trained. OP makes it sound like regular MMORPG, or FPS game (ops,soldier,sniper,demo??? what.. really). And you could have find million thread about this already.
  17. Zeppa

    ALT+F4 and Abort FIX

    Yes, I would say its solely for other people on the server, to be fair. Its true that client side handless the zeds, I dont know how it will be in standalone but incase the client controlling the zeds gets unresponsive the control could be swapped, as It is now? If you enter a town zeds will spawn, after this someone joins you and you logout, those zeds will stay there but now will be controlled by the last player. I havent countered situation where zeds woud despawn if there is someone in that ~200m radius of the player disconnecting. But IMO if someone choose to loose zeds with dcing he should get killed, thats an exploit where is the loot farming, duping and shit. Some of these things coudnt be handled by client side, it would be easyer to modify things for you advantage with some software. I think the game should be optimized that more thing could be handled on server side. Last one is a fair point, but If I could choose I would suck up the rare unwanted disconnection and maybe death rather than people disapearing from my crosshair all the time. You just need to find stable and good server with good administration... as it prefered to do even now. Ideal situation would be that servers would be hosted by BIS or some instance that doesnt have these kid admins kicking/banning people for stealing their bike or other stupid shit..
  18. Zeppa

    Is it wrong to build up a camp?

    Just wait for restart, your tents will be back with items that you last saved in them...
  19. Zeppa

    Too much complaining about 3rd person view

    Sure there is... OP video, even if the guy he shot had been using 3th person he woudnt seen him behind the fence... that is the whole point of this thread...think of it. ps. I play 3th person, it gives nice cinematic or what ever feel to the game. Lets just blur all that you cant really see with your eyes in 3th person... would be SO AWESOME!!!!
  20. Thread about this same idea on same page of forum, really? Cant you read? http://dayzmod.com/f...-and-abort-fix/ And for future, search function is in right top corner.
  21. Zeppa

    Additional ammo storage on guns

    TL;DR But I agree on title level at least, would nice to have double mags for assaultrifles. With Tape of somesort or with specific accessory http://quickmere.co.uk/dgb/AK_real.png
  22. Zeppa

    Question About Heros

    Its the only thing that reflect YOU to your char... you cant just go rampage killing everyone and act nice at next life, your actions have consequenses
  23. Zeppa

    Nasakinai's Immersion Ideas

    skills would be good to have, but every skill should be open to everyone... nothing that you can choose at spawn(class), but what you can start learning. You could learn every skill if you took the time... Ideas are ok, tough already suggested many times. Skills would make individual lifes much more valueable, and people more afraid of death.. now its just items, that you can get back in no time.
  24. Zeppa

    How about fishing?

    Indeed suggested. But I would like to add scale and you could weight your fishy, lets do competition! Sure it shouldnt be that everytime your hook touches water you get something...