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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. Zeppa

    Spawn in groups.

    Why not... I dont get why people are so against this... if group dies why woudnt they able to spawn together if they are ALL dead. And for first spawn, how come every survivor "wakes up" alone? Washed up on shore alone, why not in a lifeboat with a group of mates? Ofc you shoudnt be able to spawn ON someone, that would be retarted.. but I dont see problem with spawning with friend or two? Why would it be a problem for someone? Rocket said he had tought something like this. You wont gain anything from it, you will only be a bigger target for people and it would be harder for group to go stealth through towns. Specially thinking standalone as the zeds will be more of threat you could be better of alone, but why not grant the change to spawn with a friend for someone who wants to. Its the same if you just ran to each other or find some random dude... hello.
  2. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    @CRUSADER_111 I have. I could continue bashing the game but this aint the thread for that.. and game isnt worth it :D
  3. Zeppa

    A short word regarding Dayz standalone

    One man cant change shit.
  4. Zeppa

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Warz is out sooner than dayz pla pla, who cares... go and play warz if you like, you will be at dayz when it comes out and you have realize how crap the warz is.. or you like it and stay there... what ever Ill wait for dayz standalone as the "rival" does look unplayable..or un enjoyable...
  5. Zeppa

    Zombie idea.

    Easyer to find through search? That people MAYBE woudnt post same things million times as you do.
  6. Use search, both have been up like xxxxxxxxxxxx times........
  7. sounds interesting... But started to think how it would be done if weapon has bayonet, as it would be nice to have fast access to that if you run out of ammo (no switching through weapons like for underbarrel attachments). You are shooting and moving and char starts swinning his melee weapon, some quick toggle would work with this concept. Same with knife, would be nice to have fast access to it even if holding a gun (like many games have for sidearm).
  8. I would like to see old newspaper articles and stuff about the infection(kind of story) that you could find randomly. Q to Rocket: How is the development of the virus going with your brother, can we see this in standalone. Like form of "linked" infected behaviour and exsample those articles that could be found (news, how to identify states of infection etc etc) ps. Long range weapons shoudnt be removed, tweaked and harder to use. ps2. Variety of differend bows (recurve bow, compound bow...) with different types of arrows(changeable heads) for differend purposes. I would love bows to come usefull at pvp and such, atm the bow is bad.
  9. Zeppa

    Suicide option durring Hourglass Screen

    Just ask someone to stick epipen up your a-hole and you will be up.
  10. Zeppa

    deleted fellas

    Didnt even bother to read all the posts, retarted idea. Dont try push your luck apache, you did somewhat good start with the zombie thread(idea that could be worked on)... now you are back to the signature level... so sad. please stop, you lost the one bean from my can that I was about to give you... now Im eating it my self.
  11. Zeppa

    How big is the DayZ MAP!!!

    If I remember right it was around 14 seconds for 100m when running. Not Bolt fast but But yes, these people are too lazy to look someting up for themselves.. its easyer to ask. Or they just want "human" contact, which aint wise on these forums as you can see :D
  12. Zeppa

    Zombie idea.

    This is so weird, apache25 has.. I think first time something remotely good on "suggestion". At some part I like this, even tho its not YOUR idea as you read it from a book.. But as Rocket have said his brother is dealing with the virus, at least for standalone.
  13. Almost all these weapon suggestions makes the game look like arma2+++ or any other gunfull fps shooter... just add lightsabers and rayguns too, would be hightech.
  14. Zeppa

    This game is great but...

    I wonder when the graveyard will be full?
  15. Zeppa

    to save your location, you must sleep.

    Try search? "altf4" "ghosting" "hopping" etc, no one wants to link million threads for you... you only need to check 1-3 pages of the section and find plenty of these threads.
  16. Zeppa


    Navigator can tell you route to somewhere and shit, gps is the system that it uses.. That is what OP is refering to. Ingame its only device that uses GPS to show your location, with a map.. doesnt have function to navigate, you have to do the navigating...(so its galled only GPS) So navi is not same as gps. Same if you say GSM is mobile phone..
  17. I think there are much better ways brought up before, like MILLION times. I dont want it to get stupid scramble of stuff to do to get logout... plah... edit: Lets say you have new char and dont have any of that stuff, you always have to "leave" you char to server for set amount of time because of that?? This system is flawd And you consider another persons camp safe? doh. Hope anything like this wont be implemented.. timers are the fair way to go for everyone.
  18. Zeppa

    Random Airstrikes

    HAHA no way in hell... People would apriciate a lot this when random shit starts to rain on them with no warning(few seconds after jet sounds is no warning)... so stupid.
  19. Zeppa

    to save your location, you must sleep.

    Can you tell me/us why would you want implement suck stupid system when there is much easyer and user friendly aproach? (same question to OP) There are way better sollutions to "cheating" than one you are suggesting... lol. Its not always about YOUR connection, there is quite a few links between you and the server. Think about it for while and see how bad system it would be.
  20. Zeppa

    Stepping on Yellow Jacket nest.

    Sounds stupid... I dont want bees just randomly attack me middle of no where, There should be visible nest or someting + sound so you could have option to go around...
  21. Zeppa

    Cherno Islands. ??

    On my way, suggesting you to do the same. And why not add the other half of the world there, not just few islands. https://maps.google.fi/maps?q=povrly+czech+republic&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x47099d7f9b17aa27:0x9287f2912204170b,Povrly,+T%C5%A1ekki&gl=fi&ei=Vy1vUP3JDu3U4QSrsYH4DQ&ved=0CCUQ8gEwAA
  22. Zeppa

    Cherno Islands. ??

    Sure you would, you know the map is based on real location?
  23. I need my gun with bayonet. http://7.62x54r.net/...ID/MosinM28.htm Taser or some other mean of not killing someone, rope or something to tie people.
  24. Zeppa

    to save your location, you must sleep.

    Why it has to be done so damn stupid and hard? Add just the damn timer for abort, if you move you reset it. If you altf4, leave the char to be shot. ...no some stupid tent sleeping pls, how about disconnection... you loose you shit and thats bullshit. no gear saving, it only fucks up the game for lots of people for reason or another.
  25. Zeppa

    Having to zero your weapon

    Its would be nice to need zero the gun both vertical and horisontal... Gun should spawn with random zeroing setting and game shoudnt show you the zeroing, this way you had to shoot and adjust the gun.. no more bullshit pageup/down spawm and fire in 2 seconds. Maybe hear the click for the adjustment screw so you can learn differend distances by counting those... just dont forget your last zeroing ^^