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Everything posted by Zeppa

  1. Zeppa

    Suggestion for Combat Logging

    1. regular abort = timer, stay still and dont take hit for 30 seconds, char removed from the server when done.. 2. no response from client(altf4 etc) = keep char on server for 1 minute, if dead after time leave the body for loot. 3. Admin/battleeye kick(ping etc) = remove char immediately. ?
  2. Zeppa

    Suggestion for Combat Logging

    Interesting, what is the point of timer then if you cant take damage? @lefroy I get the point you are making, who know what is better. I like to think its the long thread with lots of aspects of the. Also easyer to manage, rather than having 350 pages of posts and 2 posts per page about the same thing..
  3. Zeppa

    Suggestion for Combat Logging

    That is true, but there will be people like you to pump these also so it really doesnt matter where do I post. I just prefer to let you know that your contribution is more usefull else where. So its really doesnt matter.
  4. Zeppa

    Suggestion for Combat Logging

    There is no need to contribute these threads million times, long original threads with good discussion are being forgotten when these pop up every hour when people dont bother to search. http://dayzmod.com/f...ing#entry941875 pointless indeed... do you think people wanna make same discussion xxxx times everyday when some people wont bother to search and contribute their view on existing thread? ps. If you cant figure out what words use in search just look few pages back on this section, you will see.
  5. Zeppa

    Suggestion for Combat Logging

    Are you serious? You really didnt know if this was suggested before, or even tryed search? Should be obvious that someone(million) have suggested this before you if have been around more than few days... This must be in the top3 most suggested ideas of all time here... use search. Would be nice if people just wouldnt response to these threads so they would die faster...what did I just do. ps. there is also far more "forgiving" methods to deal with this than leave the char on the server, that should never happen.
  6. Check the front page of this section... wtf, first page is again full of topics from "today" or "yesterday" with done to death "ideas".. Isnt it possible to make some kind of pop up when you enter this section or something... people must really be blind. Just reroute the new topic button to this thread...
  7. Seems like again million new old threads so up this go!
  8. Zeppa

    Camouflage net(Crates?)/CARS

  9. Dont start going over your head again.
  10. Do you cut the hands with the knife or how do you think you will open the handcuffs with it? Also done to death ideas, but I would like se means not to kill but ability to make them safe with something, just a rope.
  11. Zeppa

    Morphine = Unrealistic

    To prevent suiciding there should be something more than just the items you carry, something to make the char alone valueable.
  12. Zeppa

    Please forgive me now for writing this?!...

    Yes its stupid to leave your char to the server to be killed. But it should be done if task killed(altf4), but for normal abort it should be timed so you could use that to logout, like 30 seconds or so still able to defend your self but its cancels the timer if you move.
  13. Indeed, again asking to someone point things for you is lazyness, try looking around the forum please.
  14. I must get those leggings!!!! But private leggings anytime, public leggings are torn apart by hackers so bad, lock protected private the leggings with good admins and rules ftw.
  15. Zeppa

    Morphine = Unrealistic

    I wanna see you limp 10 minutes with a broken leg after taking regular painkillers. Even with morphine, would be agony to walk with a broken leg... If you take enough morphine to block out the pain, you wont be in walking condition?
  16. Zeppa

    Playing as Zombie:Expanded

    I think we need to expand this thread to a graveyard.
  17. Zeppa

    Please forgive me now for writing this?!...

    It is possible even now, some private servers have this option. When you logout(altf4) server spawn standing copy of your character and you can be killed. And definetly will be POSSIBLE with standalone, whole different story if its implemented.
  18. Zeppa

    Please forgive me now for writing this?!...

    TLDR; Read through here and there so. You could have saved your time and used search... all of the things I picked up are already dealth with zilmilliontrilliontimes, how much better you could have used that time you took for nothing :) ps. there is this app called notepad on your computer for this kind of stuff, make a nice .txt file about it... delete it later.
  19. Zeppa

    suggestions for dayz

    Please, get even basic knowledge of the game and coming features before posting...
  20. Are you serious? Where are these 1-5 post accounts coming from past day or so there is like 10 of them suggesting same ideas. Apache is that you too? These all are done to death, you should have searched before... even in your title that statement, really... camon!
  21. Why would they be thread to new players and only distraction for "seniors"... lol. I think firing a loud gun, what ever it would be to attract lots of zombies... not the homing missiles we have now but some wander around there, if they introduce the horder/wandering zeds there is always a change one is somewhere behind you. Friend with you would make it easyer.
  22. Zeppa

    trash trail

    So you didnt bother to search? I did it for you, there are many others too.. so sry, nothing original here. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16663-leaving-trash-after-eatingdrinking/page__hl__trash
  23. Zeppa

    The Apache Mod

    Indeed, that would be hell...